Forum Topics

Tayyibun Institute UK - Teachings of the Qur'an and Sunnah

I should have posted this ages ago.

[quote][b]Tayyibun Institute[/b] for the teachings of Qur’an and Sunnah has been established with the aim of teaching the classical (Fus'ha) Arabic dialect and to perfect ones recitation of Qur’an to that closest in line with the Prophet (saw).

Our key aim in mind is to prepare students to understand the Qur'an and Hadith literature, as well as other classical Islamic texts through providing quality courses taught by qualified/ experienced teachers from across the Middle East and renowned institutions such as Dar’ul Hadith (Makkah, KSA), Madinah Islami

Can anyone help in how i should present islam in a good way?

I am currently on my GCSE's, and as a speech for a presntation, like an exam. i chose to do about Islam being a relligion of peace, basicly trying to show the people, who are not muslims, that Islam is nothing to do with terrorism and extremists. Biggrin
P.S could you reply back as soon as possible.

Shaykh Muhammad Al Yaqoubi - Birmingham

In the Shade of the New Hijri Year: Establishing a Medina Society: The Prophetic Model

Sunday 27th January 2008 – Birmingham

5pm ( Maghrib Prayer at 4:48pm )

Central Jamia Mosque Ghamkolvia,
107 – 113
Golden Hillock Road , Small Heath,
B10 0DP

NOTE: The Grand Khatem for the late wife (may Allah have mercy on her) of Shaykh Muhammad will take place after the talk Insh`Allah.

Three Little Pigs 'too offensive'


Three Little Pigs 'too offensive'

[b]A story based on the Three Little Pigs fairy tale has been turned by a government agency's awards panel as the subject matter could offend Muslims. [/b]
The digital book, re-telling the classic story, was rejected by judges who warned that "the use of pigs raises cultural issues".

Becta, the government's educational technology agency, is a leading partner in the annual Bett Award for schools.

The judges also attacked Three Little Cowboy Builders for offending builders.

The Reconciliation of Humanity

For starters:

A given belief or cultural paradigm could become universally accepted.

The notion of a dominant or supreme group could be universally rejected.

Violent conflict could become universally rejected.

Enough influential people could at least be willing participants to a project for global reconciliation.

Is that a good thing? What does God have to say?

An aside: What is fairness? What is equality? What is peace? How do these aspirations relate to one another? Does a commitment to peace entail relinquishing all defence? What do we want?

Could this become a popular discussion or are our loyalties too strong, our worlds too narrow and isolated, our cultures too shallow?

Muslims and the Media organised by MPACUK - Sun 3rd Feb 2008

[b]Muslims and the Media[/b]
Sunday 3rd February 2008

London Muslim Centre - Seminar Room
46 Whitechapel Rd. London, E1 1JX, UK
Admission Free (advance registration preferred)
To Register email:
More Details visit:

How to get there:
By public transport: tube -- Whitechapel or Aldgate East, bus: 25, 254, 15, 115, D3, DLR: Shadwell.
By car: parking is available nearby.

Expert speakers from Journalism and New Media will share their experience and advice.
Experienced activists will provide simple practical solutions.
Free campaign resource packs for all participants.

Light of the Prophet (A video lecture about the biography of

Take a look:


Analytical study of the biography and life of the last and final Messenger of God, Muhammad (pbuh), based upon the award-winning biography Sirat Diya' al-Nabi (Light of the Prophet), written by the Ummah's Luminary, Justice Shaykh Muhammad Karam Shah al-Azhari (d. 1998).

Poll:Islam-West rift widens- Do you agree?

[b]Islam-West rift widens, poll says[/b]

Most people in Muslim countries and the West believe divisions between them are worsening, a Gallup poll for the World Economic Forum (WEF) suggests.

The poll also suggested that most Europeans thought more interaction with Islam would be a threat - though most Americans disagreed.
