Ebay questions
Assalamu alaikum,
Has anyone made a fortune on Ebay from unwanted items?
Do you pay listing fees if your item does not sell?
How do you package your items?
Assalamu alaikum,
Has anyone made a fortune on Ebay from unwanted items?
Do you pay listing fees if your item does not sell?
How do you package your items?
Quote:[size=18]Kosovo MPs proclaim independence[/size]Kosovo's parliament has unanimously endorsed a declaration of independence from Serbia, in an historic session.
The declaration, read by Prime Minister Hashim Thaci, said Kosovo would be a democratic country that respected the rights of all ethnic communities.
The US and a number of EU countries are expected to recognise Kosovo on Monday.
Serbia's PM denounced the US for helping create a "false state". Serbia's ally, Russia, called for an urgent UN Security Council meeting.
Correspondents say the potential for trouble between Kosovo's Serbs and ethnic Albanians is enormous.
[size=15]Inshallah, We Will Be Holding a Live Mehfil e Naat on Paltalk to Celebrate Qaid day
Guest of Honour:
Sag e Aal e Rasool, Muhammad Milad Raza Qadri
Main Speech:
Sheikh Allama Muhammad Zille Umar Qadri (Ireland)
Monday 18th February 2008
6:00pm (U.K Time)
Group Name:
Mehfil e Naat with Muhammad Milad Raza Qadri
Group Located Under Asia and then Pakistan
Organised by www.milad.co.uk[/size]
Two Hundred and One Names of The Holy Prophet Muhammad Salla Allahu 'alayhi wa Sallam
Abdullah (the Slave of Allah) Salla Allahu ta'ala 'alayhi wa Sallam
Abu at-Tahir (Father of Pure) Salla Allahu ta'ala 'alayhi wa Sallam
Abu at-Taiyeb (the Good Father) Salla Allahu ta'ala 'alayhi wa Sallam
Abu Ibrahim (Father of Ibrahim) Salla Allahu ta'ala 'alayhi wa Sallam
Abul Qasim (Father of Qasim) Salla Allahu ta'ala 'alayhi wa Sallam
'Afw (the Overlooker of Sins) Salla Allahu ta'ala 'alayhi wa Sallam
Aheed (name of the Prophet in the Torah) Salla Allahu ta'ala 'alayhi wa Sallam
[size=15]Minhaj ul Quran Bradford proudly presents the annual event of Celebrating the auspicious occasion of the blessed Qaide Day (the 57th Birthday of Hazoor Sayyidi Shaykh ul Islam, Prof Dr Muhammad Tahir ul Qadri Sahib).
This will be an evening of Mehfil e Sima (qawwalis) & Nasheeds.
Saturday 23rd February 2008
The Venue Function Hall, 197 City Road Bradford, BD8 8JT
Ticket Price:
£10 (includes Buffet Dinner)
Ticket/Information Contact:
Brother Rizwan: 07970061786
Brother Qadeer: 07979073478
Sister: 07528289963
MQI Bradford: 01274 720760
As you lot all know I am constantly trying to improve this site.
I think a good way to improve it is to ask all users to smile while browsing.
If you disagree, these lot may let you borrow a smile or two:
(right column under "downloads")
Pick something that is not too extreme and I may allow it.
Why does Allah allow this to happen?
[quote][size=18]Five students win terror appeal[/size]
The convictions of five young Muslim men jailed over extremist literature have been quashed by the Appeal Court.
Freeing the men, the Lord Chief Justice said their convictions for downloading extremist propaganda were unsafe as there was no proof of terrorist intent.
A jury convicted the students in 2007 after hearing they had become obsessed with jihadi websites and literature.
The men, of Bradford and Ilford, east London, said they were overjoyed and their trial should never have happened.
[b]'Difficult questions'[/b]
I got 44, in another I got 42. Yesterday at a pre-job thing test I got 24.4 cos the keyboard was stiff
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