Forum Topics


ok... how many y'all read?

What was the last book you read? Was it good or bad? got any recommendations?

This is for both the religions type and the non-religious type.

(For full disclosure, I was just browsing the proboards forums and noticed the similar titled topic, and thought it would be a good addition.)

School is 'the last moral force'

[quote=[url=]BBC News[/url]]

School is 'the last moral force'

Poor parenting and the erosion of family life are leaving schools as the only moral framework in many children's lives, says a head teachers' leader.

Schools were increasingly expected to "fill the vacuum", John Dunford told the Association of School and College Leaders annual conference, in Brighton.

They now sometimes had to teach social skills such as eating a meal together.

Rabbi al-Awal Mubarak!

[center][b]Assalaamu Alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh![/b]

[b][color=indigo]As salaatu was salaamu 'alayk Ya Sayyidina Ya RasoolAllah, Wa Ala Aalika Wa Ashabika Ya HabeebAllah! [/b][/color]

[color=green]*~ Allaahumma Salli 'ala Sayyedina wa Mowlana Muhammadin-nin-Nabiyyil Ummi wa 'ala Aalihi wa Sahbihi wa Barik wa Salim ~*[/color]

[size=24][color=green][b]Rabbi al-Awal Mubarak![/b][/color][/size]

Seerat-ur-Rasool 3-day residential course

Continuing the tradition of our pious predecessors, Farghana Institute is offering the opportunity for seekers of light to dedicate a weekend of study to the Seerah of the Final Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).

This residential course, of 3 days duration, aims to enlighten about the light and character of the Holy Prophet (pbuh). Students will leave with a better understanding of the life events of the Seerah and will have attained a deeper attachment to the Holy Prophet (pbuh).

[b][color=blue]Course Details [/color][/b]

[b]Venue:[/b] Al Farghana Institute, Manchester

Licence to lie for Italian women

An interesting news report: [quote=[url=]BBC News[/url]]

Licence to lie for Italian women

Italy's highest appeal court has ruled that married Italian women who commit adultery are entitled to lie about it to protect their honour.

The court gave its landmark ruling after hearing the case of a 48-year-old woman, convicted of giving false testimony to police by denying she had lent her mobile phone to her lover.

The appeal court did not agree that she had broken the law.

Mawlid-un-Nabi (saw) - London

“[O Prophet Muhammad (s)] We have raised high for your
sake your rememberance.” (Qur’ân, 94:4]

Minhaj-ul-Quran International London Presents:

[color=green][b]MAWLID-UN-NABI[/b][/color](sallallâhu `alayhi wa Âlihî wa sallam)

Date: Saturday 8th March 2008
Time: 7pm – 11pm
Venue: Walthamstow Assembly Hall (Walthamstow Town
Forest Road
E17 4JD

Hosted by: Shaykh Naeem Tariq Qadri (imam of Leyton
Jamia Mosque)
English Speaker: Shaykh Ba-Bikr Ahmad (aka Shaykh Abu
Bakr as-Sudani) (Sudan/UK)
Urdu Speaker: Shaykh Muhammad Ramadan Qadri (Principle
