Reviving the Sunnah Awakening the Ummah - Bank Holiday Monday, 24th March 2008

Where is the location from LMC/ELM

' Nay, verily! With me is my Lord, He will guide me ' {2662}

Alisha wrote:
Where is the location from LMC/ELM

It is East London Mosque. The nearest tube station is Whitechapel. You turn right outside the station and walk for around 10-15 mins down the road. You can ask just about anyone for directions, cos its quite famous. Insha'Allah you won't miss it cos it's on the main road.

Don't just do something! Stand there.

Just a reminder insha'allaah, this event shall take place this coming Monday.

[b]Promo Video[/b]

Alhamdulillah the Tayyibun Institute 2nd Annual Conference 'Reviving the Sunnah, Awakening the Ummah' promotional preview video has just been released exclusively on IslamicTube.Net:

Venue details[/b]

For any a little unsure as to the Brady Centre venue for the Conference please the online map here:

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