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Milad-un-Nabi (saw) - Sheffield

Milad-un-Nabi Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam (Peace and Blessings be upon him) conference

Guest Speaker: Shaykh Ramadhan Qadri

There will be the opportunity to do ziyarah of the Hair Mubarak of the Holy Prophet (saw).

Venue: Sheffield Islamic Centre Madina Masjid Trust
24 Wolseley Rd, Sheffield, S8 0ZU

Time: After Dhur Salah (2.00pm), Sunday 30th March

***Ziyarah of the Hair Mubarak for women will be at 11pm-1pm and the brothers mehfil will start after Dhur***


All our domains should be working correctly now:


I am currently running into a problem where only 1,3 and 4 are working for me. According to the hosts, this should be a localised problem where my isp has not updated the domain details. It seems to be working correctly for them and they said some isp's may take a few hours to update their settings.(no idea if they are telling the truth... the other transfers seem to have been successful far quicker...)

Call to offer faith class choice

[quote=[url=]BBC News[/url]]

Call to offer faith class choice

Head teachers should allow imams, rabbis and priests to offer religious instruction to pupils in all state schools, teachers' leaders have said.

The National Union of Teachers (NUT) said the move would be a way to reunite divided communities.

The NUT said parents had a right to have specific schooling in their own faith, if that was what they wanted.

But the Church of England disagreed, saying: "Religious instruction belongs with the religious institutions."

Iran 'behind Green Zone attack'

BBC News[/url]]

Iran 'behind Green Zone attack'

The most senior US general in Iraq has said he has evidence that Iran was behind Sunday's bombardment of Baghdad's heavily fortified Green Zone.

Gen David Petraeus told the BBC he thought Tehran had trained, equipped and funded insurgents who fired the barrage of mortars and rockets.

He said Iran was adding what he described as "lethal accelerants" to a very combustible mix.

There has as yet been no response from Iran to the accusations. ...

'Hypnotist' thief hunted in Italy

[quote=[url=]BBC News[/url]]

'Hypnotist' thief hunted in Italy

Police in Italy have issued footage of a man who is suspected of hypnotising supermarket checkout staff to hand over money from their cash registers.

In every case, the last thing staff reportedly remember is the thief leaning over and saying: "Look into my eyes", before finding the till empty.

In the latest incident captured on CCTV, he targeted a bank at Ancona in northern Italy, then calmly walked out.

Anime (Cartoons for the nexth generation!)

Salam 'Alaykum,

Who watches Anime (Japanese cartoons) like I do? You know, Dragon Ball Z, Pokémon, Naruto, Bleach etc.

These are my favorite ones:


One Piece:

Filipinos warned on crucifixions

[quote=[url=]BBC News[/url]]

Filipinos warned on crucifixions

Health officials in the Philippines have issued a warning to people taking part in Easter crucifixion rituals.

They have urged them to get tetanus vaccinations before they flagellate themselves and are nailed to crosses, and to practise good hygiene.

On Good Friday dozens of very devout Catholics in the Philippines re-enact the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.

Silly Story- DO NOT BELIEVE!!!!!!

I was bored the other day so I made up a story. I know it's not believable if you keep you're eyes and ears open but, hey, I was bored. So what do you expect?

Cabinet Conflict, PM Resignation

Leaked documents and a civil servant reveal the conflict within the Cabinet and the possible resignation of Gordon Brown.
Gordon Brown was seen striding out of Downing Street, looking teary-eyed and gutted. According to a civil servant, who asked not to be named, the Prime Minister had resigned. He refused to make any further comment.

‘Tension in the Cabinet’
