Forum Topics

habitually/compulsively occupied with or involved in sumthin

- a definition of 'addiction'

pretty scary when you look at it that way :shock:

Have been thinking about addictions, i know most of us are addicted to something or another

what are you addicted to? something you cant get enough off, or find yourself doing regurly like an addiction?

Are all addictions bad? is it ok to be addicted to something?

Ive always tried to keep myself away from being addicted to things....i dont see addictions as a healthy thing

but upon pondering about it, i do find myself addicted to the following things:

Who's Entitled to Interpret the Qur'an?

Here are two opposing arguments. There is a (very interesting) [url=]blog[/url] on the Qur'an on guardian unlimited and it has caused a debate.

[quote][size=18]Abdullah al-Hasan to Ziauddin Sardar:[/size]

I have been following your efforts in discovering the meanings of verses and words of the Qur'an. A wonderful and much-needed venture which promises immense reward and blessings from God if undertaken within the set principles that Islam has prescribed.

Dawra Sahih Muslim on QTV

[b][color=green]Asslaamu Alaykum[/color][/b]

The lectures which were delivered at Dawra Sahih Muslim (Kitab-ul-Imaan and Kitab-ul-Salaat), by Shaykh-ul-Islam Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri in October 2007 at the Gamkol Sharif Masjid in Birmingham, are now being shown on QTV. Allhamdulillah!

The Lectures are being aired from the 28th of January 2008 at:
9am, 5pm (repeat) and 1am (repeat).

If you can understand Urdu, i urge you to watch the lectures. MaashaAllah the quality of the lectures speaks for itself.


[color=green][b]Assalaamu Alaykum[/b][/color]

What does it mean to be a dawah carrier?

Are you a dawah carrier? Do you give dawah to Muslims, non-Muslims or both? Or do you shy away and wait for someone else to do the preaching?

What characteristics do you think a dawah carrier should have?

Lastly, how do you give dawah?


[color=green][b]Wa'Alaykum Assalaam[/b][/color]

@Muslimbro: Please don't kill the topic by digging up a similar thread, shukran jazeelan.

A day with the Messenger (saw) - Saturday 16th February 2008


[b]A day with the Messenger (PBUH)[/b]

Baitul Hikmah humbly presents our February course on the title of A day with the Messenger (ص) which is going to be run by Shaykh Muhammad Sibbin of Damascus, Syria and Mufti Muhammad Umair Zulfiqar of London.

Inshallah the course will be on 16th of February 2008 at Madani Girls School, Myrdle St London E1 1HL, from 12pm to 5pm and it will be for brothers and sisters. There is a charge of £3 to be paid AT THE DOOR.

card cloning - your experience please

I had an expected call from my bank's fraud team last week. They had picked up a dodgy pattern in the usage of my card, and so I was called to verify the transactions. It was someone using a clone of my card, so they cancelled that card straight away.

What baffled me was the fact that I had my card with me and had not lost it. Also I don't event use it very much as I tend to use other means of payment. It was a relief though that I had not lost any money.

Is (More) stop and search a good idea?

[quote][size=18]Is stop and search a good idea?[/size]

Prime Minister Gordon Brown plans to give police the power to stop and search people without giving a reason, the BBC understands.

The suggestion was mooted by Tory leader David Cameron to reduce violent crime, but what do people in Brixton, south London, think?

"Skunk weed, Skunk weed!"

That's what the teenage boys leaning casually against the front of a fast food restaurant say.

Some make this drug offer in a conspiratorial whisper to passers-by.

The more confident members of the group are more open, projecting their vo
