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Blackburn - Gaza Charity Event - Sat 17 Jan

Charity Dinner to Support Gaza Appeal

Date : Sat 17 Jan

Time : 6pm to 9pm

Venue : Amina Hall, , Newton Street, Blackburn, BB1 1NE

All Proceeds to Charity

A Family Charity Dinner in an Islamic environment

Presented by Suhail Ahmad - as seen on Sky Noor TV

Naats and Nasheeds performances by the famous Jamiat-e-Hassan

A special presentation will highlight the current developments in Gaza


Seating - Ladies only, Mens only and mixed family seating area.

FREE 16 seater luxury limo ride for the largest donation


Family of 4 - £20
Adults £7

Binyamin Netanyahu demands 'crippling' of Hamas

Binyamin Netanyahu demands 'crippling' of Hamas

Binyamin Netanyahu, Israel's rightwing opposition leader and favourite to win next month's elections, said today Israel needed a "clear victory" against Hamas and that the movement should "ultimately be removed" from Gaza.

He called for a victory against the Islamist movement "that will cripple its capability" to attack. "At a minimum, the firing of rockets must stop and the smuggling corridors that have enabled Hamas to smuggle thousands of rockets into Gaza must be sealed," he told a news conference. "We are fighting a just war, perhaps the most just war there is."

Muslims cannot claim a monopoly on anger over the suffering in Gaza

Muslims cannot claim a monopoly on anger over the suffering in Gaza

Much has been been written about the Gaza conflict and several pieces concern the impact that events are having on British Muslims – whether it's alienating them from the political process or driving them to radicalisation.

More than a few commenters, such as Johnton, have claimed that the UK's Muslim communities have largely remained silent on the other catastrophes and atrocities to have affected their brethren in recent times. Two years ago, at a press conference, I asked Fareena Alam of the Muslim magazine Q News why Muslims were so quick to condemn western governments for their involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan, yet appeared to show little heartbreak or anger over suffering in Darfur.

Rent-a-friend in Japan

Rent-a-friend in Japan

In Japan, now back in recession, the economic situation has taken a sharp turn for the worse in recent months. But the Japanese still like to use their money to have fun, as Duncan Bartlett has been finding out.

Lola - or Rora - to give her a slightly more Japanese pronounciation - is a beauty and she knows it.

Customers pay by the hour for her company. Usually they just want to stroke her, but as a special treat for favoured clients, she will lie back in a chair, close her eyes and pose for photographs.

Lola is a Persian cat who works at the Ja La La Cafe in Tokyo's bustling Akihabara district. It is one of a growing number of Cat Cafes in the city which provide visitors with short but intimate encounters with professional pets.

Baby girl born to 'dead' mother

Baby girl born to 'dead' mother

An ice-skating star's baby has been born two days after she collapsed and died from a brain haemorrhage, a hospital has confirmed.

Doctors at Oxford's John Radcliffe hospital kept Jayne Soliman's heart beating until they had delivered her baby daughter Aya Jayne on Friday.

Baby Aya was born prematurely by caesarean section.

She is now being cared for by doctors at the Royal Berkshire Hospital in Reading.

Read more @ BBC News

More Asian women having abortions

More Asian women having abortions

There has been a big jump in the number of Asian women having abortions in the UK, according to figures from the Department of Health.

They show there were 15,197 terminations in 2007, compared with 10,084 in 2003 for all age groups.

Experts say more Asian women are now in open relationships and are having sex whereas culturally in the past it was something they did after marriage.

Health professionals want contraceptive services to be better promoted.

One Asian teenager, who wanted to remain anonymous, told the BBC about her experience of having an abortion two years ago.

Bowen diary: The days before war

Another very god read IMO

Bowen diary: The days before war

BBC Middle East Editor Jeremy Bowen is writing a diary of the conflict between Hamas and Israel.


What about the future? "We'd accept a state in the West Bank and Gaza, without recognising Israel."


The last appointment, a quick one as I had to get back to the Erez crossing before it closed, was with John Ging. He runs the Gaza operations of Unrwa, the UN agency that looks after Palestinian refugees.

John is a dedicated and intense Irishman. He was bleak about the prospects for Gaza, and seething with frustration about Israel's behaviour during the five-month ceasefire. It didn't let Unrwa fill up its warehouses.
