Forum Topics

Tony Blair pushed Gordon Brown to hold Iraq war inquiry in private

  • Former PM feared facing 'show trial'
  • Leak reveals plan to provoke invasion

Tony Blair urged Gordon Brown to hold the independent inquiry into the Iraq war in secret because he feared that he would be subjected to a "show trial" if it were opened to the public, the Observer can reveal.

The revelation that the former prime minister - who led Britain to war in March 2003 - had intervened will fuel the anger of MPs, peers, military leaders and former civil servants, who were appalled by Brown's decision last week to order the investigation to be conducted behind closed doors.

Shaykh Muhammad Bin Yahya Al-Husainy Al-Ninowy UK Tour 2009

Alhamdulillah, we in the UK are once again blessed by Allah 'azza wajal with a visit from Shaykh Muhammad bin Yahya Al-Husainy An-Ninowy. The Shaykh will be touring the UK insha Allah from 24th June 2009 – 1st July 2009, visiting many places, disseminating pearls of wisdom, passed down through generations of authorised scholars.


Wednesday 24th June – PETERBOROUGH

Thursday 25th June – LUTON

Friday 26th June (Jummah Khutba) – LEYTON (LONDON)

Friday 26th June (Evening Talk) – WALTHAMSTOW (LONDON)

Saturday 27th June – BRADFORD

Sunday 28th June (Day Time) – AHLUS SUNNAH CONF – BIRMINGHAM


Monday 29th June – DEWSBURY

Gateway to Divine Mercy 2009 - Inspiring our Minds

Jamia Al-Karam presents:

Gateway to Divine Mercy 2009 - Inspiring our Minds

Sunday 28 June 2009 | Manchester, UK



Shaykh Muhammad Amin al-Hasanat Shah al-Qurashi
Shaykh Muhammad al-Yaqoubi
Shaykh Muhammad ibn Yahya al-Ninowy
Shaykh Muhammad Imdad Hussain Pirzada
Shaykh Abdullah Nooruddeen Durkee al-Shadhuli
Shaykh Babikir Ahmed Babikir
Al-Hajj Ahmad Thomson
Shaykh Muhammad Hanif Haqqani Kareemi
Imam Muhammad Arshad al-Misbahi
Imam Muhammad al-Yazdani Raza al-Misbahi
Imam Muhammad Zahoor Chishti

India's Romeo and Juliet tragedy

It was a story buried in the middle of the Indian newspapers.

Two star-crossed lovers committed suicide after the local village council, or panchayat, ordered them to annul their marriage or face death.

Amreen was Muslim and her husband, Lokesh, a Hindu. Their match was simply unacceptable to their communities. The couple poisoned themselves.

Now police have charged the entire panchayat with abetting suicide...

Read more @ BBC News

World hunger 'hits one billion'

One billion people throughout the world suffer from hunger, a figure which has increased by 100 million because of the global financial crisis, says the UN.

The UN's Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) said the figure was a record high.

Persistently high food prices have also contributed to the hunger crisis.

The director general of the FAO said the level of hunger, one-sixth of the world's population, posed a "serious risk" to world peace and security.

The UN said almost all of the world's undernourished live in developing countries, with the most, some 642 million people, living in the Asia-Pacific region.

In sub-Saharan Africa, the next worst-hit region, the figure stands at 265 million.
