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where has omrow gone?? and zara?? and yasmaki??
who's gonna disappear next?

live and let live!!!!!!!

[color=indigo][b]Awwwhhh, are you missing Omrows weirdness? Zaras probally away doing coursework and Yash is a mummy so she's gona be busy![/b][/color]

Yeah I miss his not agreeing with anyone!!!

live and let live!!!!!!!

[color=indigo][b]What do most people here prefer, laptops are computers? Atm i'm forced to use this laptop and it's so annoying! Sis doesn't like the sound of a tapping keyboard! [/b][/color]

I prefer computers, laptops are ideal if you have to move around alot, are busy or have to work on the go.

If your sis doesn't like the noise can't you just buy a keyboard that makes less noise than buying a laptop. I bought a illuminated keyboard so I can surf the net or do my work in complete darkness, it's got blue lights and it hardly makes any noise.

Here's the [url=]link[/url] if you wanna see it.

Check [url= out, you might like it.

[color=indigo][b]OoooO I never knew you could get illumines keyboards, during the night i have to skint my eyes real bad to see the keyboard or i'll have to use my phone as a light and sometimes she just kicks me downstairs to use the other comp! Anyway i'll just tell my uncle to get me one from his shop! Thnkz for the link bro.[/b][/color]

I was just asking about you the other day!!

Still no sign of omrow and zara!!

live and let live!!!!!!!

"MuslimBro" wrote:
I prefer computers, laptops are ideal if you have to move around alot, are busy or have to work on the go.

If your sis doesn't like the noise can't you just buy a keyboard that makes less noise than buying a laptop. I bought a illuminated keyboard so I can surf the net or do my work in complete darkness, it's got blue lights and it hardly makes any noise.

Here's the [url=]link[/url] if you wanna see it.

Check [url= out, you might like it.

LOL nice to know im not the only one who has one... although i dont really need it to look at the letters since i can type without looking at the keyboard.

I generally assumed that was a trick that everyone picks up after a while... Does everyone look at the keyboard when typing???

Back in BLACK

"Sirus" wrote:
"MuslimSister" wrote:
I’m starting my two month school placement in a few days time…I’ve just found out that the school that I’ve been placed in is the same racist area where I used to study as a child….the school where year six boys thought it was funny to “worship me”.

I feel so depressed.

things might have changed since then?

Yeh they have.

I'm so embarrassed at my misconceptions and prejudices. :oops:

The school I'm going to be working at for the next few months, which I dreaded so turning out to be my best placement, I wish they offer me a job. Biggrin

[color=indigo][b]Glad your enjoying it sis, i just can't wait to leave my placement, can't stand lil children anymore!!![/b][/color]

I'm not a "young children" kinda person either...but I do love my 9-11 year olds....

Their innocence is refreshing. And I love the questions they know them "teaching adverts"- the one about "working with enquiring minds"...thats what I enounter on a daily basis.

"Seraphim" wrote:
Does everyone look at the keyboard when typing???

I do it 99.9% of the time, except when I use [Enter], [Backspace] or [Spacebar]

"Seraphim" wrote:
Does everyone look at the keyboard when typing???

[color=indigo][b]Naah, i only do that like 40/50% of the time.[/b][/color]

"Noori...*" wrote:
"Seraphim" wrote:
Does everyone look at the keyboard when typing???

[color=indigo][b]Naah, i only do that like 40/50% of the time.[/b][/color]

Must just be me then Dirol

Never look at the keyboard always the screen... heck i could do it with my eyes closed... infact im doing it now. Biggrin

Back in BLACK

interesting ?

can someone explain why my thread was blocked ?

It was not by me, but It could be one of these:

1. How do you know it will be wrong?
2. All that does is publicise the program

In show business all publicity is good publicity.

The advertisers do not care as long as people watch the thing.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

"Admin" wrote:
It waqs not by me, but It could be one of these:

1. How do yopu know it will be wrong?
2. All that does is publicise the program

In show business all publicity is good publicity.

The advertisers do not care as long as people watch the thing.

so it was another admin, one who blocks threads for no reason :? wierd
maybe that admin is a bit of a 'nice but dim' sort Lol

admin funny enough i agree with you , i was jus forwarding the email from aston uni society to see your thoughts

i dont know its wrong jus forwarding an email

so i want to publicise such programmes because as muslims , it concerns us , because its gonna betray islam in a certain way nationally to british people, being muslim and having some sort of involvement in the media capacity i thought you and writers of revival mag would have some interest in the programme

i wanted to debate if it was right to show such programme, or wheter it is right to urge other muslims to protest agaisnt it before it is even shown , maybe we should wait to see it before we protest, are muslims too quick to protest, is it worth protesting over tv programmes since 90% of em are biased and they have freedom of right ect ect ............

more significantly the thread could have been used for us to share our responses and views after we watched the programme :!:

see that could have been a good thread

but thanks to 'nice but dim mysterious thread blocking admin' the debate is killed

and then you all complain why its getting dead and boring here :roll:

"NAS786" wrote:

more significantly the thread could have been used for us to share our responses and views after we watched the programme :!:

there was already a thread created on the same topic.. wasnt there? wats the point of having two differnt threads on the same topic

To be beautiful is to expect nothing in return.

"Snoopz" wrote:
"NAS786" wrote:

more significantly the thread could have been used for us to share our responses and views after we watched the programme :!:

there was already a thread created on the same topic.. wasnt there? wats the point of having two differnt threads on the same topic

oh there was where :?:

yup muslimsister created a thread too 'undercover mosques' u were both on about same documntry right?

To be beautiful is to expect nothing in return.

why does the boy have to write an essy just cos his topic was locked :roll:

and topic lockers-do me a favour and leave messages when u lock topics

[color=indigo][b]Admin, can we have a book review section??[/b][/color]

"NAS786" wrote:
"Snoopz" wrote:
yup muslimsister created a thread too 'undercover mosques' u were both on about same documntry right?

ohh ok you could be right it could be the same programme

accept i was told its about terrorism about the influence of Saudi Arabia on the spread of terrorist activities. Among other things the programme discusses issues such as homosexuality, and whether or not Muslims should join the British Army or the police.

they never mentioned any thing about the mosques , may theres two diffrent programmes on that day , or maybe its jus the same programme :?


why does the great nas786 have to write an essy just cos his topic was locked

and topic lockers-do me a favour and leave messages when u lock topics

little girl i enjoy writing essays , no ones making you read it , i agree leave messages it will save people writing essays and save little irritating girls complaining bout the essay :roll: thanks but you dont have to call me great Lol

oh thank you for welcoming me peacegirl! i wont be around as often too busy.....

"MuslimSisLilSis" wrote:
why does the boy have to write an essy just cos his topic was locked :roll:

and topic lockers-do me a favour and leave messages when u lock topics

They're supposed to do that anyway....

Back in BLACK

We sooooo need a new topic!
why isn't anyone discussing the 'mosque on the pararie' topic??

live and let live!!!!!!!

nas boy

learn how to leave messages without quoting ur own words

it aint rocket science :roll:

i always thought nas786 was a gal!!! :oops:

live and let live!!!!!!!

"peacegirl" wrote:
i always thought nas786 was a gal!!! :oops:

tis an easy mistake to make :twisted:


Topic locked