Submitted by **Nisha** on 13 December, 2006 - 19:00 #811
[b]dunno i haven't seen her either!![/b][color=red][/color]
the only the only nisha not Nasha
Submitted by Noor on 17 December, 2006 - 01:48 #812
[b][color=indigo]Timbo is that you?[/color][/b]
Submitted by Timbo on 17 December, 2006 - 01:49 #813
Submitted by Timbo on 17 December, 2006 - 01:52 #814
"peacegirl" wrote:
where has zara gone??? not 'seen' her here lately.
I hope not, I like Zara. It is always funny to see Juddas pranks innocently dismantled with her questions and complete lack of interest in his jokes. I think she was starting to give him ulcers.
Submitted by Noor on 17 December, 2006 - 01:52 #815
[b][color=indigo]I'll take that as a yes then! Anyhow, how are the twins??!!! How does it feel like being a daddy???![/color][/b]
Submitted by Timbo on 17 December, 2006 - 01:59 #816
"Noori...*" wrote:
[b][color=indigo]I'll take that as a yes then! Anyhow, how are the twins??!!! How does it feel like being a daddy???![/color][/b]
They are super! They have the most ridiculous giggles, I have NO idea where it comes from but they do it a lot, mostly they just stare at things. I'm really interesting to them because I am so tall and my hair is very blonde, they really like staring out the window too, and love to be with each other. These two are going to be inseparable. Still being very kind to their mother! Believe it or not Annette is already back to normal! She has gotten back into her jogging routine and her baby blues is subsiding, we are planning a trip to Disney World after Christmas, we think it will be cute.
By we I mean Annette - I'm selfish, couldn't care less about how cute it will be. I want to go crazy - ya know, ride Space Mountain, get my picture drawn by robots at Epcot, get harassed by pirates at the Pirates of the Caribbean, listen to that stupid small world song and give Mickey Mouse a hug.
Life is good! I like where we are right now - I'm quite fatherly believe it or not, I still have no idea what I'm doing but the nannies have been quite helpful in that regard, as has her mother AND Annette seems to be a natural born mom! She has a sixth sense about everything - she can interpret cries quite well... apparently it has something to do with timing, I dont get it... just do what I'm told for the most part.
Law school still sucks - so there is continuity.
Hows life?!
Submitted by Noor on 17 December, 2006 - 02:05 #817
[b][color=indigo]Awwwh, glad to hear your enjoying being a daddy!
My aunt 2 had a baby boy like 2 weeks back and shes already up on her feet! I love little babies! Soo cute and shweet!
So are they identical???? Can you easily tell em apart??? Who do they look like??
Spill dave, spill!!!
O hows my life? Same as ever! Nothing new![/color][/b]
Submitted by Timbo on 17 December, 2006 - 02:13 #818
"Noori...*" wrote:
[b][color=indigo]Awwwh, glad to hear your enjoying being a daddy!
My aunt 2 had a baby boy like 2 weeks back and shes already up on her feet! I love little babies! Soo cute and shweet!
So are they identical???? Can you easily tell em apart??? Who do they look like??
Spill dave, spill!!!
O hows my life? Same as ever! Nothing new![/color][/b]
No way!!! 1000 congratulations to your Aunt!! what is his name (the boy that is, not your Aunt)??
They are not identical, they are just fraternal - but I still cant tell them apart so I used a magic marker and put a "One" on the bottom of Isabellas foot and a "2" on the bottom of Olivias. I just got yelled at for this... I don't see what the problem is! It's better than forgetting and calling Olivia Isabella for the rest of her life!
I think they look like babies... but they do seem to have her little button nose... hair color and eye color is impossible to tell since (and i didn't know this) all babies have blue eyes for a year or so... that doesn't prevent annette from making wild claims that Isabella has her hair etc...
Submitted by Noor on 17 December, 2006 - 02:19 #819
"Timbo" wrote:
No way!!! 1000 congratulations to your Aunt!! what is his name (the boy that is, not your Aunt)??
[color=indigo][b]He's called Yahya[/b][/color]
They are not identical, they are just fraternal - but I still cant tell them apart so I used a magic marker and put a "One" on the bottom of Isabellas foot and a "2" on the bottom of Olivias....
[color=indigo][b]Awwhhh that sounds so cute! So do you dress them up them same?? Me and my sis used to dress the same when we were little, babies look waay more cuter when there dressed the same!
Anyhow, i bet you've been really busy! How are you coping with the stinky nappies and sleepless nights![/b][/color]
Submitted by Timbo on 17 December, 2006 - 02:26 #820
"Noori...*" wrote:
[color=indigo][b]He's called Yahya[/b][/color]
What a great name! That's my fathers name, in arabic of course, but a good name!
n the bottom of Isabellas foot and a "2" on the bottom of Olivias....
[color=indigo][b]Awwhhh that sounds so cute! So do you dress them up them same?? Me and my sis used to dress the same when we were little, babies look waay more cuter when there dressed the same![/quote]
Annette is swimming in cute baby clothes, she just had them in elf costumes yesterday and just after Thanksgiving she dressed them up as pumpkins. I really hope this practice discontinues by high school or they will never get prom dates!
On second thought...
Anyhow, i bet you've been really busy!
Insanely! This is really the first moments pause (and I do mean moment because I have to dash in about 2 minutes) I have had in about 4 weeks.
How are you coping with the stinky nappies and sleepless nights!
this is going to sound terrible but I'm not, I've not had to change a single one, nor have I lost any sleep - for the most part they sleep during the night and most of the day, so very little awaking at night, and I am at school most of the day but with all the helpers we have for annette she rarely has to change diapers and I haven't at all. We are quite fortunate in that regard
Submitted by Timbo on 17 December, 2006 - 02:30 #821
Unfortunately I have to take off! Nice talking to you again Noori! My best to your Aunt and new cousin and take care!
Submitted by Noor on 17 December, 2006 - 02:32 #822
Submitted by You on 17 December, 2006 - 14:04 #823
Long time!
How is your farm in east sheffield these days? the cold weather must be making you work extra hard these days.
Gets some hot food into ya.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Submitted by Beast on 17 December, 2006 - 21:41 #824
Hi Dave
I'd ask how it's going but you've already told us.
Hope you can stick around for a while.
Submitted by peacegirl on 17 December, 2006 - 22:43 #825
why don't I know timbo?? I've been around for a bit now. ok maybe I ain't an oldie but............I thought I knew everyone here!!
anyways salaam timbo! (dave?) what do you prefer?
live and let live!!!!!!!
Submitted by You on 17 December, 2006 - 23:03 #826
He loves riding tractors in east sheffield.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Submitted by You on 17 December, 2006 - 23:04 #827
Where has that other topic gone?
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Submitted by Noor on 17 December, 2006 - 23:14 #828
[b][color=indigo]What topic?[/color][/b]
Submitted by peacegirl on 19 December, 2006 - 21:51 #829
"Admin" wrote:
He loves riding tractors in east sheffield.
so he's like a.................farmer? :?
live and let live!!!!!!!
Submitted by You on 19 December, 2006 - 22:11 #830
The first question should be 'East Sheffield?'
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Submitted by Angel on 19 December, 2006 - 22:13 #831
He's winding you up lol. Timbo is Dave who is a law student and more importantly and recently father of twin girls....he is from America and doesnt stay in UK.
Timbo :evil: remeber him too well
Welcome back Dave!
Submitted by Crusader on 21 December, 2006 - 03:37 #832
The day has finally come when a group of Christians will give their life in the name of the true God, the trinity that is the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. Look for the Crusade to begin in 2007 and Christians giving their life by ways similiar to the jihadist. You will see many leading PIG iman's and clerics perish by the explosions from these Christians love for their one and true God!
Submitted by mmm on 21 December, 2006 - 08:26 #833
Okay! :roll:
Crusader, may God guide you. May God give you all the hapiness in the world. May God give you wisdom with peace. May you see angels every night you sleep!
He who sacrifices his conscience to ambition, burns a picture to obtain the ashes!
Submitted by Mystic on 21 December, 2006 - 13:45 #834
"Crusader" wrote:
The day has finally come when a group of Christians will give their life in the name of the true God, the trinity that is the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. Look for the Crusade to begin in 2007 and Christians giving their life by ways similiar to the jihadist. You will see many leading PIG iman's and clerics perish by the explosions from these Christians love for their one and true God!
Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes.
Submitted by Timbo on 21 December, 2006 - 18:44 #835
"Mystic" wrote:
"Crusader" wrote:
The day has finally come when a group of Christians will give their life in the name of the true God, the trinity that is the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. Look for the Crusade to begin in 2007 and Christians giving their life by ways similiar to the jihadist. You will see many leading PIG iman's and clerics perish by the explosions from these Christians love for their one and true God!
Nope, thats just a crazy person... (admin if you could be so kind as to confirm)
I'm not sure this person is a Christian... all the direct references to Christian theology is unusual, we do not talk like that. The poster seems to have a working knowledge of Islam and what would get under a Muslims' skin.
For example, most Christians do not really think about the Trinity. It is a doctrine that defines Orthodoxy and does not really appear unless somebody is discussing Christology and brings something up that is potentially unorthodox. Otherwise it is assumed (and sadly, in some cases, unknown) that we are talking about The triune God.
effectively using Trinity the way this person is using it would be kind of like a Muslim saying "IM GOING ON JIHAD FOR [color=red][b]TAWHID[/b][/color] ALLAH YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!"
It's just not the correct Christian syntax... and then reiterating the Trinity doctrine after saying Trinity is even more peculiar... its like writing "I AM A CHRISTIAN" in big flashing lights across your front lawn - people might actually do this, but it is still a bit odd...
Also, "Crusade" means something different to Christians than it does to Muslims. For some reason I don't fully comprehend many Muslims think "Crusade" is the Christian equivalent of Jihad - it's not. The way this person is using it directly correllates the two... which is really odd.
The last line about love for the one true God is also a little strange... usually Christians talk about the love of Jesus or the love of the Father - individual members of the Trinity, this is largely because the identities of the Trinity are spoken of in this regard somewhat seperately. Though people do say "love of God," but "one true God" is creedal... it comes from the Nicene Creed... again this is not a "name" of God, it is a specific title used in defining Orthodoxy, Christians rarely have any reason to drag it out.
This person does not talk like a Christian... I do not mean in content necessarily - because certainly there are whacko Christians that say bizarre stuff about killing people (Pat Robertson for example) but rather it's the way this guy is [i]saying[/i] these things that does not sound correct...
There are a number of other interesting little quarks, the overall attempt is to tick off Muslims - clearly. And he does seem to have a working knowledge of Islam, he knows for example that you know what Jihad means, he knows that associating pork with the Ulama is probably going to annoy you, he also seems to know a little bit about Islam clergy. In combination with the bizarre and copious references to "Christiany things" the message is clearly "I am a Christian, be offended"
I think if the guy just came on with the name "Crusader" (which incidentally is a common Muslim insult) and started ranting about killing Muslims without all the absurd references to Christianity I wouldn't be scratching my head.
I also think if I had time to rinse my hair of the soap this morning I wouldn't be scratching my head.
But like my random reference to my early morning shower practices, something about this guys post strikes a strange chord.
If Crusader is a Christian then I'm afraid, things in Europe are worse than my impressions lead me to believe.
With Dave's comment in mind I'd like to be clear I for one would not do a thing like that.
[size=10]The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts.[/size]
[size=9]Bertrand Russell (1872 - 1970)[/size]
Submitted by Seraphim on 21 December, 2006 - 22:27 #837
"Mr Honey's Day Out" wrote:
With Dave's comment in mind I'd like to be clear I for one would not do a thing like that.
But ofcourse
Back in BLACK
Submitted by Noor on 23 December, 2006 - 02:24 #838
[b][color=indigo]Got soo much college work!!! [/color][/b]
Submitted by Seraphim on 23 December, 2006 - 16:59 #839
This has been my first week off since.... well months... and ive done absolutely nothing all week :oops: except laze about the house and going out with friends.
Havent really been on in a while... revival looks a bit dead. What happened?
Met, Ed in Sainsburys... believe it or not all his shopping comprised of baby things... huggies, milk... etc etc. He looked really tired. Bless! Saw pictures of the little one.... Rehan (delighted about their choice of name)... i said he must take after his mother as he looks nothing like Ed. lol.
Back in BLACK
Submitted by Noor on 24 December, 2006 - 01:35 #840
[b][color=indigo]Why has the revival gone so quiet?!
Where is everyone..?
I suppose everyone is actually getting on with some work unlike me!
[b]dunno i haven't seen her either!![/b][color=red][/color]
the only the only nisha not Nasha
[b][color=indigo]Timbo is that you?[/color][/b]
I hope not, I like Zara. It is always funny to see Juddas pranks innocently dismantled with her questions and complete lack of interest in his jokes. I think she was starting to give him ulcers.
[b][color=indigo]I'll take that as a yes then! Anyhow, how are the twins??!!! How does it feel like being a daddy???![/color][/b]
They are super! They have the most ridiculous giggles, I have NO idea where it comes from but they do it a lot, mostly they just stare at things. I'm really interesting to them because I am so tall and my hair is very blonde, they really like staring out the window too, and love to be with each other. These two are going to be inseparable. Still being very kind to their mother! Believe it or not Annette is already back to normal! She has gotten back into her jogging routine and her baby blues is subsiding, we are planning a trip to Disney World after Christmas, we think it will be cute.
By we I mean Annette - I'm selfish, couldn't care less about how cute it will be. I want to go crazy - ya know, ride Space Mountain, get my picture drawn by robots at Epcot, get harassed by pirates at the Pirates of the Caribbean, listen to that stupid small world song and give Mickey Mouse a hug.
Life is good! I like where we are right now - I'm quite fatherly believe it or not, I still have no idea what I'm doing but the nannies have been quite helpful in that regard, as has her mother AND Annette seems to be a natural born mom! She has a sixth sense about everything - she can interpret cries quite well... apparently it has something to do with timing, I dont get it... just do what I'm told for the most part.
Law school still sucks - so there is continuity.
Hows life?!
[b][color=indigo]Awwwh, glad to hear your enjoying being a daddy!
My aunt 2 had a baby boy like 2 weeks back and shes already up on her feet! I love little babies! Soo cute and shweet!
So are they identical???? Can you easily tell em apart??? Who do they look like??
Spill dave, spill!!!
O hows my life? Same as ever! Nothing new![/color][/b]
No way!!! 1000 congratulations to your Aunt!! what is his name (the boy that is, not your Aunt)??
They are not identical, they are just fraternal - but I still cant tell them apart so I used a magic marker and put a "One" on the bottom of Isabellas foot and a "2" on the bottom of Olivias. I just got yelled at for this... I don't see what the problem is! It's better than forgetting and calling Olivia Isabella for the rest of her life!
I think they look like babies... but they do seem to have her little button nose... hair color and eye color is impossible to tell since (and i didn't know this) all babies have blue eyes for a year or so... that doesn't prevent annette from making wild claims that Isabella has her hair etc...
[color=indigo][b]He's called Yahya[/b][/color]
[color=indigo][b]Awwhhh that sounds so cute! So do you dress them up them same?? Me and my sis used to dress the same when we were little, babies look waay more cuter when there dressed the same!
Anyhow, i bet you've been really busy! How are you coping with the stinky nappies and sleepless nights![/b][/color]
What a great name! That's my fathers name, in arabic of course, but a good name!
[color=indigo][b]Awwhhh that sounds so cute! So do you dress them up them same?? Me and my sis used to dress the same when we were little, babies look waay more cuter when there dressed the same![/quote]
Annette is swimming in cute baby clothes, she just had them in elf costumes yesterday and just after Thanksgiving she dressed them up as pumpkins. I really hope this practice discontinues by high school or they will never get prom dates!
On second thought...
Insanely! This is really the first moments pause (and I do mean moment because I have to dash in about 2 minutes) I have had in about 4 weeks.
this is going to sound terrible but I'm not, I've not had to change a single one, nor have I lost any sleep - for the most part they sleep during the night and most of the day, so very little awaking at night, and I am at school most of the day but with all the helpers we have for annette she rarely has to change diapers and I haven't at all. We are quite fortunate in that regard
Unfortunately I have to take off! Nice talking to you again Noori! My best to your Aunt and new cousin and take care!
Long time!
How is your farm in east sheffield these days? the cold weather must be making you work extra hard these days.
Gets some hot food into ya.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Hi Dave
I'd ask how it's going but you've already told us.
Hope you can stick around for a while.
why don't I know timbo?? I've been around for a bit now. ok maybe I ain't an oldie but............I thought I knew everyone here!!
anyways salaam timbo! (dave?) what do you prefer?
live and let live!!!!!!!
He loves riding tractors in east sheffield.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Where has that other topic gone?
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
[b][color=indigo]What topic?[/color][/b]
so he's like a.................farmer? :?
live and let live!!!!!!!
The first question should be 'East Sheffield?'
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
He's winding you up lol. Timbo is Dave who is a law student and more importantly and recently father of twin girls....he is from America and doesnt stay in UK.
Timbo :evil: remeber him too well
Welcome back Dave!
The day has finally come when a group of Christians will give their life in the name of the true God, the trinity that is the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. Look for the Crusade to begin in 2007 and Christians giving their life by ways similiar to the jihadist. You will see many leading PIG iman's and clerics perish by the explosions from these Christians love for their one and true God!
Okay! :roll:
Crusader, may God guide you. May God give you all the hapiness in the world. May God give you wisdom with peace. May you see angels every night you sleep!
He who sacrifices his conscience to ambition, burns a picture to obtain the ashes!
Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes.
Nope, thats just a crazy person... (admin if you could be so kind as to confirm)
I'm not sure this person is a Christian... all the direct references to Christian theology is unusual, we do not talk like that. The poster seems to have a working knowledge of Islam and what would get under a Muslims' skin.
For example, most Christians do not really think about the Trinity. It is a doctrine that defines Orthodoxy and does not really appear unless somebody is discussing Christology and brings something up that is potentially unorthodox. Otherwise it is assumed (and sadly, in some cases, unknown) that we are talking about The triune God.
effectively using Trinity the way this person is using it would be kind of like a Muslim saying "IM GOING ON JIHAD FOR [color=red][b]TAWHID[/b][/color] ALLAH YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!"
It's just not the correct Christian syntax... and then reiterating the Trinity doctrine after saying Trinity is even more peculiar... its like writing "I AM A CHRISTIAN" in big flashing lights across your front lawn - people might actually do this, but it is still a bit odd...
Also, "Crusade" means something different to Christians than it does to Muslims. For some reason I don't fully comprehend many Muslims think "Crusade" is the Christian equivalent of Jihad - it's not. The way this person is using it directly correllates the two... which is really odd.
The last line about love for the one true God is also a little strange... usually Christians talk about the love of Jesus or the love of the Father - individual members of the Trinity, this is largely because the identities of the Trinity are spoken of in this regard somewhat seperately. Though people do say "love of God," but "one true God" is creedal... it comes from the Nicene Creed... again this is not a "name" of God, it is a specific title used in defining Orthodoxy, Christians rarely have any reason to drag it out.
This person does not talk like a Christian... I do not mean in content necessarily - because certainly there are whacko Christians that say bizarre stuff about killing people (Pat Robertson for example) but rather it's the way this guy is [i]saying[/i] these things that does not sound correct...
There are a number of other interesting little quarks, the overall attempt is to tick off Muslims - clearly. And he does seem to have a working knowledge of Islam, he knows for example that you know what Jihad means, he knows that associating pork with the Ulama is probably going to annoy you, he also seems to know a little bit about Islam clergy. In combination with the bizarre and copious references to "Christiany things" the message is clearly "I am a Christian, be offended"
I think if the guy just came on with the name "Crusader" (which incidentally is a common Muslim insult) and started ranting about killing Muslims without all the absurd references to Christianity I wouldn't be scratching my head.
I also think if I had time to rinse my hair of the soap this morning I wouldn't be scratching my head.
But like my random reference to my early morning shower practices, something about this guys post strikes a strange chord.
If Crusader is a Christian then I'm afraid, things in Europe are worse than my impressions lead me to believe.
With Dave's comment in mind I'd like to be clear I for one would not do a thing like that.
[size=10]The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts.[/size]
[size=9]Bertrand Russell (1872 - 1970)[/size]
But ofcourse
Back in BLACK
[b][color=indigo]Got soo much college work!!!
This has been my first week off since.... well months... and ive done absolutely nothing all week :oops: except laze about the house and going out with friends.
Havent really been on in a while... revival looks a bit dead. What happened?
Met, Ed in Sainsburys... believe it or not all his shopping comprised of baby things... huggies, milk... etc etc. He looked really tired. Bless! Saw pictures of the little one.... Rehan (delighted about their choice of name)... i said he must take after his mother as he looks nothing like Ed. lol.
Back in BLACK
[b][color=indigo]Why has the revival gone so quiet?!
Where is everyone..?
I suppose everyone is actually getting on with some work unlike me!
I hate studying!!!![/color][/b]