What type are you looking for? wisiwig? or will you be hand coding?
There is Nvu for a wysiwig, also frontpage (which is supposedlt terrible.)
Therea reother, but I cannot remember their names.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Submitted by Noor on 17 January, 2007 - 22:09 #904
[color=indigo][b]And now in english please [/b][/color]
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Submitted by Noor on 17 January, 2007 - 22:15 #906
[b][color=indigo]I'll just wait till uncle gets back and then i'll ask him everything i need to no.[/color][/b]
Submitted by MuslimBro on 17 January, 2007 - 23:50 #907
"Imaani" wrote:
Salaam MuslimBro - Ignore it, you haven't missed anything. Where have you been? Hows uni going?
I'm just curious, what has he been saying in Bengali......I can translate.
And with uni, I've been getting top marks and boy am I so proud of myself. I got my result back for my psychology coursework today and I got 70%, which might probably be the highest mark anyone got in my class
Submitted by Imaani on 18 January, 2007 - 00:05 #908
"MuslimBro" wrote:
I'm just curious, what has he been saying in Bengali......I can translate.
I don't know bro, and tbh I don't care. I don't think anyone knows Bengali well enough to be able to tell you anyway, but a lot of his posts have been deleted, I can't really say much regarding his comments coz I didn't read much of them. Forget it.
"MuslimBro" wrote:
And with uni, I've been getting top marks and boy am I so proud of myself. I got my result back for my psychology coursework today and I got 70%, which might probably be the highest mark anyone got in my class
Wahheeeyyyyy!! That's brilliant. Good to know the girls aren't distracting you too much then, lol.
And you need to post here more often, bro.
Submitted by MuslimBro on 18 January, 2007 - 00:29 #909
"Imaani" wrote:
Good to know the girls aren't distracting you too much then, lol.
Who says they aren't distracting (I thought you might have forgotten but seems like you've got a good memory). I used to hate coursework before as I preferred exams but I don't know what's happening to me now. I've even started competing with other members in my class when it comes to coursework, especially my 'friend' who said "I'm lucky" lol.
"Imaani" wrote:
And you need to post here more often, bro.
I come here nearly everyday but I'm more of a reader than a writer. I should be posting more often in a few weeks time as I'm stressed out with a coursework we have to hand in soon.
That reminds me, [b]Angel[/b] as you've done Sociology can you please try and state at least 4 theories of crime (eg. labelling theory) which best explains gun crime. And even better, give links to good websites on theories. Thanks in advance.
Took me over 2 hours and a half mins to get home from work today.
I Was stood at bus stop for about 20 mins when a not in service stopped, said buses are takign ages (he was THREE hours behind no his run!), but he would take me about 2/3rd the way to manchester, but after that I would have to get off as he would have reached his bus depot.
That was easy, thought different routes may be around from after the bus depot. whiole waiting got some food. Then i got bored and started walking it.
Managed to miss one bus (everything else was not in service) while between bus stops, but reached picadilly at 9pm. Got a bus to oldham and got home after 9:30.
I thought this was worth mentioning.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
I’m going through the “Creation stories” as part of the RE syllabus in School at the moment.
Last week I taught the Christians creation story…which went really well.
Yesterday I taught the Hindu’s creation story. My lesson was a disaster; I couldn’t control the children at all. The Hindu creation story is a very difficult story to get your head round…I was talking about God’s coming out of Golden eggs, reincarnation, the birth of a God out of the navel of another God , serpents, etc etc....Everything I said cracked the children up…thank God I wasn’t being observed by my tutor on this lesson. :?
Submitted by Exquisite on 20 January, 2007 - 00:11 #914
[color=magenta]lol, poor you sis, it is quite difficult to demonstrate especially if u disagree with certain elements of it, but dont worry inshaAllah the message thru, dont worry too much[/color]
[b][color=DeepPink]O you who believe, If you help (in the cause of) Allah, He will help you, and make your foothold firm[/color][color=DeepSkyBlue] {Surah Muhammad7}[/color][/b]
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
I came across this rant on the Maniac Muslim website.
I found it really deep, TOTALLY relatable, honest, really scary, spot on and extremely depressing.....:?
I'm not really going through depression or anything but I do see a depressing fate lined up for me. I see this because I've seen every single Islamic activist in this community go through it.
Joe Abdullah spends his university career in the MSA doing Islamic work. While having this charge he is blessed with having ideas upon ideas that will change the way this ummah works and change the way Muslims are viewed in the west. Although these ideas would definitely change the ummah's course, reality starts knocking on Joe Abdullah's door.
*knock knock*
"Who's there?" says Abdullah
"Reality who?" says Abdullah
"Reality says your ummah-changing ideas aren't profitable and you can't get a career out of what you do."
So Joe Abdullah puts these wonderful ideas into the back of his brain and use these 'ideas' later. Right now he must finish his life! Right now he has to finish his school career and get a nice and beautiful GPA score to impress any potential interviewers he would get as he graduates. Joe figures engineering is a nice career as its secure and everyone loves secured jobs.
Interviewers are happy with Joe and tell him to start a full-time job pronto. Joe decides to do a simultaneous 'Ummah-fixing' and 'Job-working' plan gets really tired working 9-5 everyday and wants to treasure the free-time he has. Whenever he thinks about fixing the ummah with his incredible ideas reality knocks again and tells him to start looking for a spouse because they're all going... fast.
Joe Abdullah attends an Islamic convention and falls in love with a nice and pretty sister volunteer named Jane Mustafa who plans her own events and has ideas that would change the Ummah as well. They figure together they could change the ummah for the sake of Allah (SWT) and thus it would be a match made in heaven.
However Jane Mustafa's parents insist on her to pump out the babies pronto and thus starts a new family life. All the incredible ideas that Jane and Joe were working on are left in the back burner. Now is the time to work on the family life and make sure the kids grow up nice and strong and Muslim!
Joe and Jane's colleagues become the new 'uncles' and 'aunties' and complain about Israel, the lack of Muslims in the media, the lack of Muslims doing anything artistic etc and so repeats the wonderful cycle.
Perhaps I am oversimplifying things but it seems that every former MSA president or potential "Muslim community saviour" is too busy. Why?
Because we just get caught in this thing called 'life'. Has our lives become so robotic that we feel almost like we're doing something WRONG by wanting to do something outside the norms?
I honestly feel like Neo from The Matrix. That the world just seems too fake and I want to do other things... I want to go into the 'real world' ... not this fake 'real world' of 9-5ness. I thought I needed more school but that isn't what I need.
I realize I need more time. Because I know deep-down that as soon as I graduate and whenever I meet Mrs. Maniac Muslimah then it would really be the end of my time to help this community. Sure we all WANT to help this Muslim community and vow to continue to do it until our deathbeds. But that isn't reality. History says family life and the 9-5 life would put an end to all that.
Submitted by Imaani on 22 January, 2007 - 12:55 #917
Yeah that's a good post. Life can be quite frustrating - there's just so much to do and not enough time.
I came on here to have a rant myself.
I dropped my car off this morning for a service and MOT.
It's failed.
And not only has it failed, but the quote they've given for it to pass is only 200 less than what I paid for the car just over a year ago.
I didn't dare ask about the service, but he told me it's overdue anyway.
Just going to hold fire until my brother gets back to me. If he ever does.
I can never deal with this kinda stuff myself...I never understand what the garage people are on....I'm under strict instruction not to buy/agree to fix something up about my car without asking dad.
He usually gets my MOT sorted for me. He also sorted out all the insurance/mot/paper work when I brought my car...
I'm ready to move on to my next car...and I'm still not anymore clued up on cars then I was when I brought my first car. I can drive - and thats it :?
Submitted by MuslimBro on 23 January, 2007 - 02:06 #919
Does anyone know the difference between a Catholic and a Protestant?.... coz I was having a discussion in class and the only difference I came up with was that Catholics regard the Pope as their leader.
Submitted by Seraphim on 23 January, 2007 - 09:53 #920
"MuslimBro" wrote:
Does anyone know the difference between a Catholic and a Protestant?.... coz I was having a discussion in class and the only difference I came up with was that Catholics regard the Pope as their leader.
Google and Wikipedia are your friend ... use them
Back in BLACK
Submitted by MuslimBro on 23 January, 2007 - 19:45 #921
"Seraphim" wrote:
Google and Wikipedia are your friend ... use them
Good idea, don't know how I didn't think of that. Some things are so obvious that you miss it.
Submitted by Imaani on 23 January, 2007 - 20:48 #922
"MuslimSister" wrote:
I can never deal with this kinda stuff myself...I never understand what the garage people are on....I'm under strict instruction not to buy/agree to fix something up about my car without asking dad.
He usually gets my MOT sorted for me. He also sorted out all the insurance/mot/paper work when I brought my car...
I'm ready to move on to my next car...and I'm still not anymore clued up on cars then I was when I brought my first car. I can drive - and thats it :?
You're very lucky.
My Dad's very, very different. He likes us to be independent. And that's it. He is very, very, very successful - he retired at 45 coz he just didn't ever need to work again - he did it all by himself, so wants us to as well. He is very harsh with us kids, he's always been like that. I think he wants us to make our own mistakes and learn from them, he probably thinks it's the best way to learn. When I told him I wanted to buy a car, he said, "go on then". If I ask him anything about my car he just says, "haven't you got a manual?" My brother knows what he's like so helps me out. Sometimes I wonder if he wants us to fall flat on our face just to see how we deal with it. I get why he is the way he is, but he's way too extreme.
Submitted by Angel on 23 January, 2007 - 21:27 #923
wow, that's total opposite of my dad, my dad thinks i am still a kid! My sis is married but is still dependent on dad to sort out MOT and insurance lol and dad is only too happy to.
I think it is good to have independence so you learn but at times life is just way too busy and tough that you need someone to do things for you. Dad's are a real blessing
Oh muslim bro- you stil need that info on crime theories? When you gota hand it in?
Submitted by MuslimBro on 23 January, 2007 - 21:47 #924
"Angel" wrote:
Oh muslim bro- you stil need that info on crime theories? When you gota hand it in?
Yeah I still need the info on it as I haven't even started my coursework yet. It's due in exactly 2 weeks from today but I wanna start it this Thursday, as all the coursework I've done was rushed and I wanna get a good grade for this one as it's 40% of my marks for the unit.
They basically want us to use at least 4 theories to explain a crime (gun crime, child abuse or tax evasion), I've chosen gun crime as I think it's the easiest. I haven't got a clue how to start but I'll think of something.
I can never deal with this kinda stuff myself...I never understand what the garage people are on....I'm under strict instruction not to buy/agree to fix something up about my car without asking dad.
He usually gets my MOT sorted for me. He also sorted out all the insurance/mot/paper work when I brought my car...
I'm ready to move on to my next car...and I'm still not anymore clued up on cars then I was when I brought my first car. I can drive - and thats it :?
You're very lucky.
My Dad's very, very different. He likes us to be independent. And that's it. He is very, very, very successful - he retired at 45 coz he just didn't ever need to work again - he did it all by himself, so wants us to as well. He is very harsh with us kids, he's always been like that. I think he wants us to make our own mistakes and learn from them, he probably thinks it's the best way to learn. When I told him I wanted to buy a car, he said, "go on then". If I ask him anything about my car he just says, "haven't you got a manual?" My brother knows what he's like so helps me out. Sometimes I wonder if he wants us to fall flat on our face just to see how we deal with it. I get why he is the way he is, but he's way too extreme.
My dad stresses independence too, thats the main reason why he's stressed education/careers for all the girls in our family - so that we could stand up on our own feet and look after ourselves...but he often moans about how his eldest (me) is not very "street wise".
But maybe if he left me too it...I may be forced to think for myself and not be so dependent on him.
But then again...if I wasnt calling dad up every time my bank was messing me about or couldnt figure out why my car is making funny noises...I'd prob be on the phone to my uncles or male cousins. :?
I suppose I rely/appreciate male dependence a lot.
Submitted by Angel on 23 January, 2007 - 23:49 #926
"MuslimBro" wrote:
They basically want us to use at least 4 theories to explain a crime (gun crime, child abuse or tax evasion), I've chosen gun crime as I think it's the easiest. I haven't got a clue how to start but I'll think of something.
I'll try finding some of my old stuff, I cant think of anything from the top of my head :oops:
I'll get back to you by tomorrow or thursday latest.
Submitted by Angel on 24 January, 2007 - 13:43 #927
Okay muslim bro I couldnt find my essays, dunno where I put em :oops:
However I did some research for you, it's basically a copy/paste job but obviously you need to put it in your own words coz you dont wana get caught for plagarism. The info that will be most useful will be the labelling theory as well as the strain theory which is linked to Durkheim's anomie theory. I don't know if they directly relate to gun crime but here goes anyway....
[b]Strain theory[/b]: Merton’s Five “Modes of Adaptation”
[b]Conformity [/b]
Merton recognizes conformity as the most common type of the five modes. During this mode, people strive to obtain success by the most pure conventional means available (Akers, 2000, p. 144).
[b]Innovation [/b]
During innovation, Merton identifies a miniscule, but substantial change in the perspective of the people whose mode is still in conformity and that of whom has shifted to innovation. The people continue to seek success; however by innovation they strive to obtain the success by taking advantage of illegal goals available to them in place of less promising conventional means in order to attain success (Akers, p. 144-5).
Merton suggests that by the time people reach the mode of rebellion, they have completely rejected the story that everybody in society can achieve success and have loomed into a rebellious state. They neither trust the valued cultural ends nor the legitimate societal means used to reach success. Instead, these people replace such ideas with irrational objectives to include the violent overthrow of the system altogether (Akers, 2000, p. 144).
[b]Retreatism [/b]
Identified by Merton as the escapist response of the five modes, retreatism occurs when people become practically dropouts of society. They give up all goals and efforts to achieve success because they view it as an impractical, impossible, almost imaginary, and irrational possibility. Merton attributes this mode as the one to which drug addicts, alcoholics, vagrants, and the severely mental ill function because their reactions to not being able to obtain success by legitimate means represses them from society (Akers, 2000, p. 144).
[b]Ritualism [/b]
During ritualism, the final mode, people realize that they have no real opportunity to advance in society and accept the little relevance that they have. It is in this mode that people concentrate on retaining what little they possibly gained or still have in place of concentrating on a higher yield of success. They return to adhering to conventional norms in hopes of maintaining the few possessions or possible gains that they have attained. For many members of the urban lower socioeconomic populous and disadvantaged minorities this period of short-lived and slightly increased gains takes nearly a lifetime to obtain and to recognize its worth in a modern industrial society (Akers, 2000, p. 144).
For labelling theory its best if you get books they have better info.
Hope that helps and if not tough
Submitted by Exquisite on 24 January, 2007 - 21:40 #928
[color=magenta]Assalamu alaykum
alhamdulillah my exams are over, it feels so great, i feel so lazy now, wanted to say JazakAllah khair for those of you who remembered me in ur duas, i really appreciate it[/color]
[b][color=DeepPink]O you who believe, If you help (in the cause of) Allah, He will help you, and make your foothold firm[/color][color=DeepSkyBlue] {Surah Muhammad7}[/color][/b]
Submitted by MuslimBro on 25 January, 2007 - 00:39 #929
Thanks for the info, I'll read it properly later on.
I'm surprised you didn't mention Subcultural theory, don't you think it would go with gun crime?
You stated Control theory, aka Social Control theory, I thought the theory address's why people [i]don't[/i] commit crime. you still think I should use that? Also the link for control theory is from Wikipedia, we were told by our lecturer that it's not an academic website and that we shouldn't use it. Were you able to use it for your coursework?
I was teaching my class an ICT lesson today on databases.
I explained to them what a database is and asked them what type of people/companies or organisations might use databases….one kid said “the government would use one”….I thought that was really clever of him, so to extend his thinking, I asked him what kind of records might the government database hold.
He was like “information about what time they’re gonna bomb Pakistan and what country they’re gonna bomb next”
In an Islamic studies class a while back I was working with a child going over the meanings of Surah Iklas…I exhausted myself trying to explain to him the last line of the surah.
“And there is no one like Him”.
Constantly he was like “Miss, why doesn’t no one like Him”? “I don’t believe that no one likes Him”….
Cos English wasn’t his first language, that was a language barrier issue.
Another thing I’ve learnt whilst working with kids is that, they don’t know how to keep stuff to themselves….some random kid who isn’t even my class came up to me during my break once and began spilling her mum’s personal life story starting with “Miss, do you know….” Despite my attempts to change the subject many times, she told me what her mum’s gynaecologist has said to her mum….what her dad was on…why they see a counsellor etc etc
I honestly didn’t want to know. She shouldnt have known so much information either.
lots of mistakes are easy for you to make , but dont worry bout it , its not your fault , you know cuz of you being of low I.Q. :twisted:
[color=indigo][b]Does anyone no of any good web design packages apart from dreamweaver? [/b][/color]
What type are you looking for? wisiwig? or will you be hand coding?
There is Nvu for a wysiwig, also frontpage (which is supposedlt terrible.)
Therea reother, but I cannot remember their names.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
[color=indigo][b]And now in english please
'what you see is what you get'
or a hand coded one where you type stuff like:
this is a paragraph. It is awesome.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
[b][color=indigo]I'll just wait till uncle gets back and then i'll ask him everything i need to no.[/color][/b]
I'm just curious, what has he been saying in Bengali......I can translate.
And with uni, I've been getting top marks and boy am I so proud of myself. I got my result back for my psychology coursework today and I got 70%, which might probably be the highest mark anyone got in my class
I don't know bro, and tbh I don't care. I don't think anyone knows Bengali well enough to be able to tell you anyway, but a lot of his posts have been deleted, I can't really say much regarding his comments coz I didn't read much of them. Forget it.
Wahheeeyyyyy!! That's brilliant. Good to know the girls aren't distracting you too much then, lol.
And you need to post here more often, bro.
Who says they aren't distracting
I come here nearly everyday but I'm more of a reader than a writer. I should be posting more often in a few weeks time as I'm stressed out with a coursework we have to hand in soon.
That reminds me, [b]Angel[/b] as you've done Sociology can you please try and state at least 4 theories of crime (eg. labelling theory) which best explains gun crime. And even better, give links to good websites on theories. Thanks in advance.
Took me over 2 hours and a half mins to get home from work today.
I Was stood at bus stop for about 20 mins when a not in service stopped, said buses are takign ages (he was THREE hours behind no his run!), but he would take me about 2/3rd the way to manchester, but after that I would have to get off as he would have reached his bus depot.
That was easy, thought different routes may be around from after the bus depot. whiole waiting got some food. Then i got bored and started walking it.
Managed to miss one bus (everything else was not in service) while between bus stops, but reached picadilly at 9pm. Got a bus to oldham and got home after 9:30.
I thought this was worth mentioning.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
so whats the point of this story?
namely that u need to stop being so lazy and actually start taking driving lessons?
being messed around by buses was my main incentive when i took lessons for my license
No.. I wasn't too bothered.
Just felt like posting it here.
After all it is a no topic.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
I’m going through the “Creation stories” as part of the RE syllabus in School at the moment.
Last week I taught the Christians creation story…which went really well.
Yesterday I taught the Hindu’s creation story. My lesson was a disaster; I couldn’t control the children at all. The Hindu creation story is a very difficult story to get your head round…I was talking about God’s coming out of Golden eggs, reincarnation, the birth of a God out of the navel of another God , serpents, etc etc....Everything I said cracked the children up…thank God I wasn’t being observed by my tutor on this lesson.
[color=magenta]lol, poor you sis, it is quite difficult to demonstrate especially if u disagree with certain elements of it, but dont worry inshaAllah the message thru, dont worry too much[/color]
[b][color=DeepPink]O you who believe, If you help (in the cause of) Allah, He will help you, and make your foothold firm[/color][color=DeepSkyBlue] {Surah Muhammad7}[/color][/b]
She is young. SHe will learn.
(adapted from 2dTV)
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
I came across this rant on the Maniac Muslim website.
I found it really deep, TOTALLY relatable, honest, really scary, spot on and extremely depressing.....:?
I'm not really going through depression or anything but I do see a depressing fate lined up for me. I see this because I've seen every single Islamic activist in this community go through it.
Joe Abdullah spends his university career in the MSA doing Islamic work. While having this charge he is blessed with having ideas upon ideas that will change the way this ummah works and change the way Muslims are viewed in the west. Although these ideas would definitely change the ummah's course, reality starts knocking on Joe Abdullah's door.
*knock knock*
"Who's there?" says Abdullah
"Reality who?" says Abdullah
"Reality says your ummah-changing ideas aren't profitable and you can't get a career out of what you do."
So Joe Abdullah puts these wonderful ideas into the back of his brain and use these 'ideas' later. Right now he must finish his life! Right now he has to finish his school career and get a nice and beautiful GPA score to impress any potential interviewers he would get as he graduates. Joe figures engineering is a nice career as its secure and everyone loves secured jobs.
Interviewers are happy with Joe and tell him to start a full-time job pronto. Joe decides to do a simultaneous 'Ummah-fixing' and 'Job-working' plan gets really tired working 9-5 everyday and wants to treasure the free-time he has. Whenever he thinks about fixing the ummah with his incredible ideas reality knocks again and tells him to start looking for a spouse because they're all going... fast.
Joe Abdullah attends an Islamic convention and falls in love with a nice and pretty sister volunteer named Jane Mustafa who plans her own events and has ideas that would change the Ummah as well. They figure together they could change the ummah for the sake of Allah (SWT) and thus it would be a match made in heaven.
However Jane Mustafa's parents insist on her to pump out the babies pronto and thus starts a new family life. All the incredible ideas that Jane and Joe were working on are left in the back burner. Now is the time to work on the family life and make sure the kids grow up nice and strong and Muslim!
Joe and Jane's colleagues become the new 'uncles' and 'aunties' and complain about Israel, the lack of Muslims in the media, the lack of Muslims doing anything artistic etc and so repeats the wonderful cycle.
Perhaps I am oversimplifying things but it seems that every former MSA president or potential "Muslim community saviour" is too busy. Why?
Because we just get caught in this thing called 'life'. Has our lives become so robotic that we feel almost like we're doing something WRONG by wanting to do something outside the norms?
I honestly feel like Neo from The Matrix. That the world just seems too fake and I want to do other things... I want to go into the 'real world' ... not this fake 'real world' of 9-5ness. I thought I needed more school but that isn't what I need.
I realize I need more time. Because I know deep-down that as soon as I graduate and whenever I meet Mrs. Maniac Muslimah then it would really be the end of my time to help this community. Sure we all WANT to help this Muslim community and vow to continue to do it until our deathbeds. But that isn't reality. History says family life and the 9-5 life would put an end to all that.
Yeah that's a good post. Life can be quite frustrating - there's just so much to do and not enough time.
I came on here to have a rant myself.
I dropped my car off this morning for a service and MOT.
It's failed.
And not only has it failed, but the quote they've given for it to pass is only 200 less than what I paid for the car just over a year ago.
I didn't dare ask about the service, but he told me it's overdue anyway.
Just going to hold fire until my brother gets back to me. If he ever does.
I can never deal with this kinda stuff myself...I never understand what the garage people are on....I'm under strict instruction not to buy/agree to fix something up about my car without asking dad.
He usually gets my MOT sorted for me. He also sorted out all the insurance/mot/paper work when I brought my car...
I'm ready to move on to my next car...and I'm still not anymore clued up on cars then I was when I brought my first car. I can drive - and thats it :?
Does anyone know the difference between a Catholic and a Protestant?.... coz I was having a discussion in class and the only difference I came up with was that Catholics regard the Pope as their leader.
Google and Wikipedia are your friend ... use them
Back in BLACK
Good idea, don't know how I didn't think of that. Some things are so obvious that you miss it.
You're very lucky.
My Dad's very, very different. He likes us to be independent. And that's it. He is very, very, very successful - he retired at 45 coz he just didn't ever need to work again - he did it all by himself, so wants us to as well. He is very harsh with us kids, he's always been like that. I think he wants us to make our own mistakes and learn from them, he probably thinks it's the best way to learn. When I told him I wanted to buy a car, he said, "go on then". If I ask him anything about my car he just says, "haven't you got a manual?" My brother knows what he's like so helps me out. Sometimes I wonder if he wants us to fall flat on our face just to see how we deal with it. I get why he is the way he is, but he's way too extreme.
wow, that's total opposite of my dad, my dad thinks i am still a kid! My sis is married but is still dependent on dad to sort out MOT and insurance lol and dad is only too happy to.
I think it is good to have independence so you learn but at times life is just way too busy and tough that you need someone to do things for you. Dad's are a real blessing
Oh muslim bro- you stil need that info on crime theories? When you gota hand it in?
Yeah I still need the info on it as I haven't even started my coursework yet. It's due in exactly 2 weeks from today but I wanna start it this Thursday, as all the coursework I've done was rushed and I wanna get a good grade for this one as it's 40% of my marks for the unit.
They basically want us to use at least 4 theories to explain a crime (gun crime, child abuse or tax evasion), I've chosen gun crime as I think it's the easiest. I haven't got a clue how to start but I'll think of something.
My dad stresses independence too, thats the main reason why he's stressed education/careers for all the girls in our family - so that we could stand up on our own feet and look after ourselves...but he often moans about how his eldest (me) is not very "street wise".
But maybe if he left me too it...I may be forced to think for myself and not be so dependent on him.
But then again...if I wasnt calling dad up every time my bank was messing me about or couldnt figure out why my car is making funny noises...I'd prob be on the phone to my uncles or male cousins. :?
I suppose I rely/appreciate male dependence a lot.
I'll try finding some of my old stuff, I cant think of anything from the top of my head :oops:
I'll get back to you by tomorrow or thursday latest.
Okay muslim bro I couldnt find my essays, dunno where I put em :oops:
However I did some research for you, it's basically a copy/paste job but obviously you need to put it in your own words coz you dont wana get caught for plagarism. The info that will be most useful will be the labelling theory as well as the strain theory which is linked to Durkheim's anomie theory. I don't know if they directly relate to gun crime but here goes anyway....
Some Crime theories
1. Strain - economic goal blockage
2. Learning- imitation, reinforcement schedules
3. Control - socialization, low self-control
4. Labeling - shunning, identity immersion
Also think the anomie theory will be useful:
[b]Strain theory[/b]: Merton’s Five “Modes of Adaptation”
[b]Conformity [/b]
Merton recognizes conformity as the most common type of the five modes. During this mode, people strive to obtain success by the most pure conventional means available (Akers, 2000, p. 144).
[b]Innovation [/b]
During innovation, Merton identifies a miniscule, but substantial change in the perspective of the people whose mode is still in conformity and that of whom has shifted to innovation. The people continue to seek success; however by innovation they strive to obtain the success by taking advantage of illegal goals available to them in place of less promising conventional means in order to attain success (Akers, p. 144-5).
Merton suggests that by the time people reach the mode of rebellion, they have completely rejected the story that everybody in society can achieve success and have loomed into a rebellious state. They neither trust the valued cultural ends nor the legitimate societal means used to reach success. Instead, these people replace such ideas with irrational objectives to include the violent overthrow of the system altogether (Akers, 2000, p. 144).
[b]Retreatism [/b]
Identified by Merton as the escapist response of the five modes, retreatism occurs when people become practically dropouts of society. They give up all goals and efforts to achieve success because they view it as an impractical, impossible, almost imaginary, and irrational possibility. Merton attributes this mode as the one to which drug addicts, alcoholics, vagrants, and the severely mental ill function because their reactions to not being able to obtain success by legitimate means represses them from society (Akers, 2000, p. 144).
[b]Ritualism [/b]
During ritualism, the final mode, people realize that they have no real opportunity to advance in society and accept the little relevance that they have. It is in this mode that people concentrate on retaining what little they possibly gained or still have in place of concentrating on a higher yield of success. They return to adhering to conventional norms in hopes of maintaining the few possessions or possible gains that they have attained. For many members of the urban lower socioeconomic populous and disadvantaged minorities this period of short-lived and slightly increased gains takes nearly a lifetime to obtain and to recognize its worth in a modern industrial society (Akers, 2000, p. 144).
More info on strain theory: http://www.criminology.fsu.edu/crimtheory/agnew.htm
[b]Control theory:[/b] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Control_theory
[b]Labelling theory:[/b] http://www.criminology.fsu.edu/crimtheory/becker.htm
This article looks good but its crushed together which is annoying but you can still have a look: http://www.goldenessays.com/free_essays/4/sociology/labelling-theory.shtml
For labelling theory its best if you get books they have better info.
Hope that helps and if not tough
[color=magenta]Assalamu alaykum
alhamdulillah my exams are over, it feels so great, i feel so lazy now, wanted to say JazakAllah khair for those of you who remembered me in ur duas, i really appreciate it[/color]
[b][color=DeepPink]O you who believe, If you help (in the cause of) Allah, He will help you, and make your foothold firm[/color][color=DeepSkyBlue] {Surah Muhammad7}[/color][/b]
Thanks for the info, I'll read it properly later on.
I'm surprised you didn't mention Subcultural theory, don't you think it would go with gun crime?
You stated Control theory, aka Social Control theory, I thought the theory address's why people [i]don't[/i] commit crime. you still think I should use that? Also the link for control theory is from Wikipedia, we were told by our lecturer that it's not an academic website and that we shouldn't use it. Were you able to use it for your coursework?
Btw what grade did you get for Sociology?
I was teaching my class an ICT lesson today on databases.
I explained to them what a database is and asked them what type of people/companies or organisations might use databases….one kid said “the government would use one”….I thought that was really clever of him, so to extend his thinking, I asked him what kind of records might the government database hold.
He was like “information about what time they’re gonna bomb Pakistan and what country they’re gonna bomb next”
In an Islamic studies class a while back I was working with a child going over the meanings of Surah Iklas…I exhausted myself trying to explain to him the last line of the surah.
“And there is no one like Him”.
Constantly he was like “Miss, why doesn’t no one like Him”? “I don’t believe that no one likes Him”….
Cos English wasn’t his first language, that was a language barrier issue.
Another thing I’ve learnt whilst working with kids is that, they don’t know how to keep stuff to themselves….some random kid who isn’t even my class came up to me during my break once and began spilling her mum’s personal life story starting with “Miss, do you know….” Despite my attempts to change the subject many times, she told me what her mum’s gynaecologist has said to her mum….what her dad was on…why they see a counsellor etc etc
I honestly didn’t want to know. She shouldnt have known so much information either.