Submitted by Beast on 15 December, 2005 - 19:01 #211
"RAF786" wrote:
actaully the programme did have top scholors
Submitted by equanimity on 15 December, 2005 - 19:08 #212
cant remember
some top paki sufism imams who were singing and dancing alot and generally all tranced up
anyway i do not wish to further comment on this because i know it will lead to further sectarian debate, i think many of you have to much passion for sufism it blinds you to see how wrong it is
i like the whole idea of sufism as its about making your soul closer to god, however i dont agree with there methods and prefer to stick with orthodox islam
Submitted by Beast on 15 December, 2005 - 19:10 #213
There were no top scholars in that documentry.
Just some sufis talking about what they do.
Submitted by laila on 15 December, 2005 - 19:15 #214
"RAF786" wrote:
cant remember
some top paki sufism imams who were singing and dancing alot and generally all tranced up
anyway i do not wish to further comment on this because i know it will lead to further sectarian debate, i think many of you have to much passion for sufism it blinds you to see how wrong it is
i like the whole idea of sufism as its about making your soul closer to god, however i dont agree with there methods and prefer to stick with orthodox islam
in reply to the orthodox Muslim:
wish I could give you a taste of
the burning fire of Love.
There is a fire
blazing inside of me.
If I cry about it, or if I don't,
the fire is at work,
night and day.
People make clothing to cover their intellect,
but the heart of Lovers
is a shroud,
inflamed in golden hues of his Love.
Submitted by equanimity on 15 December, 2005 - 19:20 #215
what is this poetry book which you keep reciting from
i think the poet has hearth burn or indigestion
e.g. 'fire blazing inside me'
he should go buy some gaviscon or go to the doctors
Submitted by laila on 15 December, 2005 - 19:27 #216
oh dear one must do tobah the poetry is from the great sufi saint Mowlana Jalaluddin Rumi
i feel that my words no longer matter only His
Submitted by equanimity on 15 December, 2005 - 19:40 #217
come on its only poetry its not like he mentioned islam anyway, he talking about his heart burn and i think his crying 'if i cry about it'
I know who rummi is but i feel people elevate him to such a high level its dangerous to sin
Seema i do not get why your words do not matter and only his do?
Submitted by Seraphim on 15 December, 2005 - 19:52 #218
"RAF786" wrote:
come on its only poetry its not like he mentioned islam anyway, he talking about his heart burn and i think his crying 'if i cry about it'
I know who rummi is but i feel people elevate him to such a high level its dangerous to sin
Seema i do not get why your words do not matter and only his do?
its poetry raf... you appreciate it coz it means something to you. Sometimes it even means different things to different people.
Ever hear the phrase 'your words touch me'... in a non gay way. Samething with poetry... if you get it you get it... if not... youve not been in that place yet.
Back in BLACK
Submitted by Beast on 15 December, 2005 - 19:55 #219
"RAF786" wrote:
I know who rummi is but i feel people elevate him to such a high level its dangerous to sin
Some people just find praise of others hard to stomach.
God knows why.
And regarding Sufism…in a nutshell Sufism is just the purification of the heart so that one can get closer to Allah (swt) via practices such as Dhikr, and ridding the heart of all negative characteristics such as pride, envy, hatred etc etc
What’s anti Islamic and “shirk” about that?
I do find it amusing when people rely on TV, or internet and heresy to come to a conclusion regarding a group and their practices.
Submitted by Sirus on 16 December, 2005 - 00:02 #221
true true
and seemo*..............such beautiful words
jus gonna read them one more time.....
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
I know who rummi is but i feel people elevate him to such a high level its dangerous to sin
Care to explain...
i think he means that if u big someone up-its sinning :roll:
quite a few people in this forum and the last one had an issue with bigging people up
I think this is cos of their jealous natures
maybe they feel that they are the ones who should be recieving the praise.
hence the "too much praise is a sin" accusations :roll:
Submitted by Omrow on 16 December, 2005 - 12:08 #223
Sufism is all about wine.
If you have no had a glassful, you have no lived.
And if you don't want to get drunk, stay out of the pub.
Getting intoxicated is the real reason why we are on this Earth.
Binging is the true worship of God.
Submitted by laila on 16 December, 2005 - 12:42 #224
The Lovers
will drink wine night and day.
They will drink until they can
tear away the veils of intellect and
melt away the layers of shame and modesty.
When in Love,
body, mind, heart and soul don't even exist.
Become this,
fall in Love,
and you will not be separated again.
Submitted by Omrow on 16 December, 2005 - 13:02 #225
"seema*" wrote:
The Lovers
will drink wine night and day.
They will drink until they can
tear away the veils of intellect and
melt away the layers of shame and modesty.
When in Love,
body, mind, heart and soul don't even exist.
Become this,
fall in Love,
and you will not be separated again.
That was so beautiful.
Seemo. Though I know you not O Pure Lady, I would love to love you.
You are indeed a true lover. One in a million.
God Bless you and those whom you love.
Submitted by yuit on 16 December, 2005 - 17:06 #226
No one better being cussing Channel 4, it my favourite station apart from Islam Channel. :roll:
I kind of understand where raf is coming from, when i was first in pakistan and saw these kind of practices, i was shocked, couldn't believe my eyes. But let be trueful, that action has nothing to do with sufism just like something like Honour killing is too nothing to do with islam, though at time people do try to make out as it is.
Because if we were looking at action as a way to justifying something, islam and muslims would be in great trouble, because the islam i see practice in front of me everyday isn't the one that made me believe.
I be honest and say that i never really understood sufism and don't think i was capable of it as well, which meant that I didn't feel incline to such a way. But having seen some proper sufi scholars, i had to change my mind. I don't think sufism is the answer for everyone and that fair enough, but it certainly has a part to play in islam.
"A true Muslim is thankful to Allah in prosperity, and resigned to His will in adversity."
Submitted by Angel on 16 December, 2005 - 19:41 #227
"Judda" wrote:
Omrow Bilal Philips is an articulate scholer. I am still w8ing 4 my apology...
Dawud after the truth is the falsehood.
After Gods laws who's laws are we following?
it means using them beads in shirk...
When you have read namaz and you read "subhanallah" and other praises of Allah 33 times, how to u keep count? Is it with your fingers if so i suggest you chop them off cuz you might be worshipin them :roll:
Actually maybe most of the saudia's chop people's hands off not cuz they have stolen but cuz they have commited shirk with their fingers :roll:
Submitted by Omrow on 17 December, 2005 - 20:23 #228
"Angel" wrote:
"Judda" wrote:
it means using them beads in shirk...
When you have read namaz and you read "subhanallah" and other praises of Allah 33 times, how to u keep count? Is it with your fingers if so i suggest you chop them off...
Angel. Valid point, but that suggestion was so brutal.
A sign on those who truly love Allah (swt) is that they often forsake their beds and abandon their sleep (which the body loves) and speak to their Lord in secret.
They ask for what they want, seek His help, express their fears, and beg Him to become Razi (pleased) with them…
Leaving ones bed proves that they love Allah (swt) to their own selves.
Hadrat Fatima (ra) was known to spend her long winter nights prostrating on her Mussala (prayer mat) and when called for Fajr Salaah she would lovingly complain that the nights are too short…
Imam Abu Hanifah was known to have spent 20 years reading his Fajr Salaah with his wudhu of Isha…
Even if one puts a small amount of time aside every night whilst other are asleep is worth more then years of worship…why? cos there can never be any hint of riya (show) in such devotions.
A part of a hadith Qadsi states “Doesn’t every lover seek to be secluded with the Beloved”
Submitted by Medarris on 17 December, 2005 - 22:56 #230
"Angel" wrote:
Actually maybe most of the saudia's chop people's hands off not cuz they have stolen but cuz they have commited shirk with their fingers :roll:
I dont like that this be said abt saudia. That was uncalled for. The Salafiyya are mutashaddid in certain aspect in deeming the beads and nuts and datestones that are commonly used as bid'ah. but that is NOT the case.
Some might think that normally I am always saying this is bid'ah and that is bid'ah so why not the same stance on the usage of stones etc for keeping count? The reason is because actually such things were not done in imitation of the xian rosary but is established from the practice of Sahabah Karaam. Eg Sayyidina Abu Hurayrah would daily read his adkhaar over date stones, so this type of thing is infact not bid'ah of any type but is a sunnah of the Sahabah Karaam and it is our faith that the actions of Sahabah Karaam are alhamdulillah also part of divine law.
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
Submitted by You on 18 December, 2005 - 01:11 #231
So basically, they are calling sunnah shirk?
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Submitted by Omrow on 18 December, 2005 - 01:40 #232
"Admin" wrote:
So basically, they are calling sunnah shirk?
In other words, they are saying that Prophet committed idolatry.
I think that before Wahhabis and Salafis even recite
the Islamic Creed, they ought to learn who Prophet Muhammad was.
Submitted by Medarris on 18 December, 2005 - 13:33 #233
"Omrow" wrote:
"Admin" wrote:
So basically, they are calling sunnah shirk?
In other words, they are saying that Prophet committed idolatry.
I think that before Wahhabis and Salafis even recite
the Islamic Creed, they ought to learn who Prophet Muhammad was.
No they aint saying Holy Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam committed idolatory. This is a blatant lie and slander on the brothers from salaffiyya.
They only call the use of beads etc bid'ah and even then that is NOT all salafis, some make it into big issue and others aren't bothered. They dont call a sunnah of Holy Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam a shirk, they call the usage of beads etc a bid'ah, perhaps they are unaware that certain Sahabah Karaam did use things other than the finger joints to keep count.
It is a rong act for Ahlul Bid'ah to deem every thing that the salafiyya reject as them calling it shirk. Unfortunately, just as the salafiyya are quick to deem things bid'ah and deviation, so similarly are the Ahlul Bid'ah quick to say that the salafiyya have no other thing to do than say this is shirk, this is bid'ah.
Both commit aggression and injustice on the other. Alhamdulillah what is bid'ah must be exposed, what is jaaiz and not should be made clear. There is no point in engaging in the Ahlul Bid'ah/Salafiyya dispute because they cannot accept any other middle group viz the Ahlus Sunnah wal Jama'ah. Lol. They are called undercover sufis by the salafiyya, and undercover vabis lol by the Ahlul Bid'ah.
ALLAH keep us happy.
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
Submitted by Beast on 18 December, 2005 - 13:40 #234
Look which two words have made an unwelcome return.
Submitted by You on 18 December, 2005 - 15:29 #235
erm... musk it was YOU who said that some, but not all call it shirk.
Then it was YOU who said it was a sunnah of the Sahabah.
Omrow was incorrect, as he assumed it was the sunnah of the Prophet (saw).
However, according to YOU, [u]Some[/u] salafies are calling sunnah shirk.
and why do you feel the need to defend a wrong action by the salafies? Defend their good actions, and call what they do wrong as wrong.
SO because they do not know it is sunnah, what right do they have to call it shirk? And now that some people (you) have clarified it is sunnah, why do they not remove their labeling?
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Submitted by Medarris on 18 December, 2005 - 15:33 #236
"Admin" wrote:
erm... musk it was YOU who said that some, but not all call it shirk.
Then it was YOU who said it was a sunnah of the Sahabah.
Omrow was incorrect, as he assumed it was the sunnah of the Prophet (saw).
However, according to YOU, [u]Some[/u] salafies are calling sunnah shirk.
and why do you feel the need to defend a wrong action by the salafies? Defend their good actions, and call what they do wrong as wrong.
SO because they do not know it is sunnah, what right do they have to call it shirk? And now that some people (you) have clarified it is sunnah, why do they not remove their labeling?
Bruv I v just looked at my posts, and cant see where I said salafis call it shirk, I said some call it bid'ah. However I may have sed they call it shirk, if I hv pls tell me where cos I might have missed it.
Yes indeed it is a sunnah of the Sahaabah Karaam.
Yes some call it BID'AH, if they call it shirk then ok aswell.
I dont see the need to defend the salafiyya except when a lie is made on them. So they dont call a sunnah of Nabi Muhammad salallahu alayhi wa sallam a shirk act as omrow said. This is a big lie and swear on the salafiyya and hence justice demands that it be refuted.
As stated before the salafiyya are mutashaddid in their understandings of certain aspect of innovation etc.
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
Submitted by Omrow on 18 December, 2005 - 15:41 #237
This means some Salafis accuse the Prophet of innovating: making things up in God's religion !!
Morons !
They will never understand the status of the blessed Prophet like the rest of muslims.
Submitted by laila on 18 December, 2005 - 16:36 #238
i'm sorry this is the sufi thread not the ahle bidah or shirk one please make one up if those words are so dear to you and you know who you are
Submitted by You on 18 December, 2005 - 17:07 #239
"musk" wrote:
That was uncalled for. The Salafiyya are mutashaddid in certain aspect in deeming the beads and nuts and datestones that are commonly used as bid'ah. but that is NOT the case.
Oops my mistake.
I took the above as saying muahid, not mutashaddid! (and I took the emaning that some call it bid'ah, some shirk... But you meant some call it bid'ah.)
Omrow, actually read what is presented before you.
So some Salafiya are calling what the Sahaba did bid'ah. That is clearly wrong.
(in my last post, I even underlined the word some. I did not say all. I did not say you said all.)
(and it is [u]not ok[/u] if they call it bid'ah [b]or[/b] shirk. By that definition ahlul bid'ah are those who follow the Sahabah... which is a good thing.)
Back to Sufi's, as Seema is rightly demanding.
If you are impatient, How do you build patience?
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Submitted by Dawud on 18 December, 2005 - 17:32 #240
"Admin" wrote:
Back to Sufi's, as Seema is rightly demanding.
If you are impatient, How do you build patience?
I like to make Dua.
try think, "what would the messenger of Allah SAW do in this situation?"
Think of kids, they always crack me up.
Gentleness and kindness were never a part of anything except that it made it beautiful, and harshness was never a part of anything except that it made it ugly.
Through cheating, stealing, and lying, one may get required results but finally one becomes
cant remember
some top paki sufism imams who were singing and dancing alot and generally all tranced up
anyway i do not wish to further comment on this because i know it will lead to further sectarian debate, i think many of you have to much passion for sufism it blinds you to see how wrong it is
i like the whole idea of sufism as its about making your soul closer to god, however i dont agree with there methods and prefer to stick with orthodox islam
There were no top scholars in that documentry.
Just some sufis talking about what they do.
in reply to the orthodox Muslim:
wish I could give you a taste of
the burning fire of Love.
There is a fire
blazing inside of me.
If I cry about it, or if I don't,
the fire is at work,
night and day.
People make clothing to cover their intellect,
but the heart of Lovers
is a shroud,
inflamed in golden hues of his Love.
what is this poetry book which you keep reciting from
i think the poet has hearth burn or indigestion
e.g. 'fire blazing inside me'
he should go buy some gaviscon or go to the doctors
oh dear one must do tobah the poetry is from the great sufi saint Mowlana Jalaluddin Rumi
i feel that my words no longer matter only His
come on its only poetry its not like he mentioned islam anyway, he talking about his heart burn and i think his crying 'if i cry about it'
I know who rummi is but i feel people elevate him to such a high level its dangerous to sin
Seema i do not get why your words do not matter and only his do?
its poetry raf... you appreciate it coz it means something to you. Sometimes it even means different things to different people.
Ever hear the phrase 'your words touch me'... in a non gay way. Samething with poetry... if you get it you get it... if not... youve not been in that place yet.
Back in BLACK
Care to explain...
Some people just find praise of others hard to stomach.
God knows why.
And regarding Sufism…in a nutshell Sufism is just the purification of the heart so that one can get closer to Allah (swt) via practices such as Dhikr, and ridding the heart of all negative characteristics such as pride, envy, hatred etc etc
What’s anti Islamic and “shirk” about that?
I do find it amusing when people rely on TV, or internet and heresy to come to a conclusion regarding a group and their practices.
true true
and seemo*..............such beautiful words
jus gonna read them one more time.....
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
i think he means that if u big someone up-its sinning :roll:
quite a few people in this forum and the last one had an issue with bigging people up
I think this is cos of their jealous natures
maybe they feel that they are the ones who should be recieving the praise.
hence the "too much praise is a sin" accusations :roll:
Sufism is all about wine.
If you have no had a glassful, you have no lived.
And if you don't want to get drunk, stay out of the pub.
Getting intoxicated is the real reason why we are on this Earth.
Binging is the true worship of God.
The Lovers
will drink wine night and day.
They will drink until they can
tear away the veils of intellect and
melt away the layers of shame and modesty.
When in Love,
body, mind, heart and soul don't even exist.
Become this,
fall in Love,
and you will not be separated again.
That was so beautiful.
Seemo. Though I know you not O Pure Lady, I would love to love you.
You are indeed a true lover. One in a million.
God Bless you and those whom you love.
No one better being cussing Channel 4, it my favourite station apart from Islam Channel. :roll:
I kind of understand where raf is coming from, when i was first in pakistan and saw these kind of practices, i was shocked, couldn't believe my eyes. But let be trueful, that action has nothing to do with sufism just like something like Honour killing is too nothing to do with islam, though at time people do try to make out as it is.
Because if we were looking at action as a way to justifying something, islam and muslims would be in great trouble, because the islam i see practice in front of me everyday isn't the one that made me believe.
I be honest and say that i never really understood sufism and don't think i was capable of it as well, which meant that I didn't feel incline to such a way. But having seen some proper sufi scholars, i had to change my mind. I don't think sufism is the answer for everyone and that fair enough, but it certainly has a part to play in islam.
"A true Muslim is thankful to Allah in prosperity, and resigned to His will in adversity."
When you have read namaz and you read "subhanallah" and other praises of Allah 33 times, how to u keep count? Is it with your fingers if so i suggest you chop them off cuz you might be worshipin them :roll:
Actually maybe most of the saudia's chop people's hands off not cuz they have stolen but cuz they have commited shirk with their fingers :roll:
Angel. Valid point, but that suggestion was so brutal.
A sign on those who truly love Allah (swt) is that they often forsake their beds and abandon their sleep (which the body loves) and speak to their Lord in secret.
They ask for what they want, seek His help, express their fears, and beg Him to become Razi (pleased) with them…
Leaving ones bed proves that they love Allah (swt) to their own selves.
Hadrat Fatima (ra) was known to spend her long winter nights prostrating on her Mussala (prayer mat) and when called for Fajr Salaah she would lovingly complain that the nights are too short…
Imam Abu Hanifah was known to have spent 20 years reading his Fajr Salaah with his wudhu of Isha…
Even if one puts a small amount of time aside every night whilst other are asleep is worth more then years of worship…why? cos there can never be any hint of riya (show) in such devotions.
A part of a hadith Qadsi states “Doesn’t every lover seek to be secluded with the Beloved”
I dont like that this be said abt saudia. That was uncalled for. The Salafiyya are mutashaddid in certain aspect in deeming the beads and nuts and datestones that are commonly used as bid'ah. but that is NOT the case.
Some might think that normally I am always saying this is bid'ah and that is bid'ah so why not the same stance on the usage of stones etc for keeping count? The reason is because actually such things were not done in imitation of the xian rosary but is established from the practice of Sahabah Karaam. Eg Sayyidina Abu Hurayrah would daily read his adkhaar over date stones, so this type of thing is infact not bid'ah of any type but is a sunnah of the Sahabah Karaam and it is our faith that the actions of Sahabah Karaam are alhamdulillah also part of divine law.
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
So basically, they are calling sunnah shirk?
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
In other words, they are saying that Prophet committed idolatry.
I think that before Wahhabis and Salafis even recite
the Islamic Creed, they ought to learn who Prophet Muhammad was.
No they aint saying Holy Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam committed idolatory. This is a blatant lie and slander on the brothers from salaffiyya.
They only call the use of beads etc bid'ah and even then that is NOT all salafis, some make it into big issue and others aren't bothered. They dont call a sunnah of Holy Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam a shirk, they call the usage of beads etc a bid'ah, perhaps they are unaware that certain Sahabah Karaam did use things other than the finger joints to keep count.
It is a rong act for Ahlul Bid'ah to deem every thing that the salafiyya reject as them calling it shirk. Unfortunately, just as the salafiyya are quick to deem things bid'ah and deviation, so similarly are the Ahlul Bid'ah quick to say that the salafiyya have no other thing to do than say this is shirk, this is bid'ah.
Both commit aggression and injustice on the other. Alhamdulillah what is bid'ah must be exposed, what is jaaiz and not should be made clear. There is no point in engaging in the Ahlul Bid'ah/Salafiyya dispute because they cannot accept any other middle group viz the Ahlus Sunnah wal Jama'ah. Lol. They are called undercover sufis by the salafiyya, and undercover vabis lol by the Ahlul Bid'ah.
ALLAH keep us happy.
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
Look which two words have made an unwelcome return.
erm... musk it was YOU who said that some, but not all call it shirk.
Then it was YOU who said it was a sunnah of the Sahabah.
Omrow was incorrect, as he assumed it was the sunnah of the Prophet (saw).
However, according to YOU, [u]Some[/u] salafies are calling sunnah shirk.
and why do you feel the need to defend a wrong action by the salafies? Defend their good actions, and call what they do wrong as wrong.
SO because they do not know it is sunnah, what right do they have to call it shirk? And now that some people (you) have clarified it is sunnah, why do they not remove their labeling?
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Bruv I v just looked at my posts, and cant see where I said salafis call it shirk, I said some call it bid'ah. However I may have sed they call it shirk, if I hv pls tell me where cos I might have missed it.
Yes indeed it is a sunnah of the Sahaabah Karaam.
Yes some call it BID'AH, if they call it shirk then ok aswell.
I dont see the need to defend the salafiyya except when a lie is made on them. So they dont call a sunnah of Nabi Muhammad salallahu alayhi wa sallam a shirk act as omrow said. This is a big lie and swear on the salafiyya and hence justice demands that it be refuted.
As stated before the salafiyya are mutashaddid in their understandings of certain aspect of innovation etc.
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
This means some Salafis accuse the Prophet of innovating: making things up in God's religion !!
Morons !
They will never understand the status of the blessed Prophet like the rest of muslims.
i'm sorry this is the sufi thread not the ahle bidah or shirk one please make one up if those words are so dear to you and you know who you are
Oops my mistake.
I took the above as saying muahid, not mutashaddid! (and I took the emaning that some call it bid'ah, some shirk... But you meant some call it bid'ah.)
Omrow, actually read what is presented before you.
So some Salafiya are calling what the Sahaba did bid'ah. That is clearly wrong.
(in my last post, I even underlined the word some. I did not say all. I did not say you said all.)
(and it is [u]not ok[/u] if they call it bid'ah [b]or[/b] shirk. By that definition ahlul bid'ah are those who follow the Sahabah... which is a good thing.)
Back to Sufi's, as Seema is rightly demanding.
If you are impatient, How do you build patience?
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
I like to make Dua.
try think, "what would the messenger of Allah SAW do in this situation?"
Think of kids, they always crack me up.![Lol](
Gentleness and kindness were never a part of anything except that it made it beautiful, and harshness was never a part of anything except that it made it ugly.
Through cheating, stealing, and lying, one may get required results but finally one becomes