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i asked you do you mind i didnt know u were gnna be rude very upset rite now

Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...

"F4nzo" wrote:
i asked you do you mind i didnt know u were gnna be rude very upset rite now

u still upset

A rose protects its beauty with thorns..a woman protects hers with a veil

is dat amina

Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...

"F4nzo" wrote:
is dat amina

wat u on about

A rose protects its beauty with thorns..a woman protects hers with a veil

nuffin i thought u where some 1 i knew

Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...

"*Sponi*" wrote:
[b][color=violet]what do you guys think of the name YAHYA...?[/color][/b]


A rose protects its beauty with thorns..a woman protects hers with a veil

yh dats what i was sayin anything named afta da prophets is beutiful

Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...

[b][color=violet]thats a fab name but the only down side is that Inshallah when Yahya goes to school the non-muslim may not pronounce it that way it shouldd be, but then again Yahya Inshallah should be able to tell them how it should be pronounced after all the teachers have got my name wrong so many times i lost countttttttt
and now i am getting so sick of it that i let them call me what ever they like. [/color][/b] everyday as your last day...

I do like the name Rayaan/Raiyaan (extreme satisfaction-name of door in paradise)...Rayhaan...or Dawud for a baby boy.

[color=cyan]mashallah i fink yahya is a gr8 name but as sponi said ppl wont pronounce it correctly so it better not to let them make fun out of it [/color]

the only the only nisha not Nasha

yh my name gets mixed up a lot a get called fonzy fonozo and all sorts sometimes even earfan!

Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...

[b][color=indigo]I hate driving! It gives u a massive banging headache when u have a blumin annoying instrutor!! Shes put me off driving for life!
Silly woman![/color][/b]

i know someone called raihan!

I like the name Yahya but i'd never keep it coz i remember this boy in my primary school called yahyah the bullies used to call him yoyo. Well i admit i was ignorant then and i used to laugh with everyone else very very bad. Anyways i just can't get that association out of my head.

Also Lookman. He was a bit of a slow kid ppl used to say hey "look" "man" over here look.

Do you think there are certain names that even though they have good meanings parents should not keep in the west because they will be mocked. Such as those above. This debate was on asian network few months back. i.e maduri di..u know the name. Well can you imagine at school the mockery the bullying? Some sikh parents kept their child's name williamjit. No kidding serious. This kid was bullied in school as a result and even he questioned his parents. Why did you call me that why not a traditional sikh name?

btw there's only one fonzy and he's forever chrystalised in "happy days" he's too cool you can't be fonzy! Wink

[color=indigo][b]You do have a point sis, my uncle was saying if you name the baby Yahyah, in school the kids may start calling him yoyo, lol.
But from what i've read, the name you have in this life will be the same name you'll have in the Ahirah, so we all want to be going to jannah with nice names dont we! (Inshaa'allah, thats only if we get there!)[/b][/color]

[b][size=24]Congrats to Ed & the new Bouncing Baby Boy [/size][/b]

born today 6 pounds and 6 ouces

Finally... what took you soo long Ed Lol

Back in BLACK

Yes congratulations ed i hope you baby has a very long and healthy life

Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...

Yeah... i think Ed wanted a girl... but when the doctors told him it was a boy... Ed was like... can you check again?

[size=7]lol... joke...[/size]

Again Congrats to Ed...

Back in BLACK

[color=red][size=24][b]Congratulations Ed[/b][/size][/color]
Hope the baby brings you and your wife joy, May your son be one the future leaders of Islam, May Allah SWT bless him with a happy life. Ameen.[/color]

[b][color=DeepPink]O you who believe, If you help (in the cause of) Allah, He will help you, and make your foothold firm[/color][color=DeepSkyBlue] {Surah Muhammad7}[/color][/b]

Mazal Tov!

[size=10]I feel I'm gonna move on back down south
you know where the water tastes like cherry wine[/size]

congratulations ed!
what's he called? i mean the baby.

Character is like a tree and reputation like its shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing.

[size=24][b][color=blue]Congratz Ed!!!![/color][/b][/size]

[size=18][b][color=indigo]Congratulation Ed on the birth of your baby boy![/color][/b][/size]

A rose protects its beauty with thorns..a woman protects hers with a veil

[size=24][b][color=violet]CONGRATULATION ED!![/color][/b][/size] everyday as your last day...

awwwww..........many many congratulations!!! Welcome to parenthood!! (including the sleepless nights!))

live and let live!!!!!!!

Oh Wow!! Massive congratulations Ed!!

Congratsssssss ed Biggrin

To be beautiful is to expect nothing in return.

In Judaism we have a concept of Righteous Gentiles. This means that non-Jews are not obligated to keep Jewish laws or customs but earn a place in Olam Haba, the world to come, through an upstanding life of their own making. (Some rabbis proposed that the minimal requirements for a place in Olam Haba can be inferred from the laws given to Noah summarised in seven principles. Those principles are: 1. Acknowledge a single source of all life (God) 2. Do not blaspheme 3. Support the establishment of courts of justice 4. Oppose and refrain from murder 5. Oppose and refrain from theft 6. Oppose and refrain from sexual perversion 7. Do not eat the flesh of a live animal.) Hence we don't go about encouraging conversion.
Aside from the notion of People of the Book, does Islam have a similar concept of righteous non-Muslims?[/b]


[size=10]I feel I'm gonna move on back down south
you know where the water tastes like cherry wine[/size]

[size=18][color=darkblue]congrats ED[/color][/size]

the only the only nisha not Nasha

"The Great 100" wrote:

Aside from the notion of People of the Book, does Islam have a similar concept of righteous non-Muslims?[/b]


the people of the book are still considered kafir, however in a diff catogery.

Congrats ED! Biggrin

"Seraphim" wrote:

born today 6 pounds and 6 ouces

bit small innit


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