I really really want to become an atheist because I think religion bounds a person to follow certain things and if you are an atheist you don’t have to follow anything your free to do what you like
I don’t want to get married to anyone because it’s a life contract and you have to make certain compromises to please your Husband – Wife you even have to lie when your wife say honey does my bum look big in this and you have to say NO to keep her happy and if you say YES it does then she gets grumpy and says do you not love me like you use to not only that but when you have kids you have to worry about there lives IE there up bringing Education and so on, When it comes to upbringing it is very difficult to give them a good example of life when they have role models like Jordon / Katie Price I have lost count of the amount of times she has married and divorced don’t ask about how many boy friends she’s had in between that time (excluding weekends)
If you people on here had a son or daughter and he / she said daddy I want to be like Katie Price what would you say?
There are some questions in life that come to mind more then others about religion
Does Allah – God actually exist?
How Did Allah - God come in to entrance?
Who crated Allah - God?
What was Allah - God crated for?
How did Allah – Got create the World
Why does he need us to pray, fast for him he is the almighty?
Why do we have to give Zakat, Sadqa, does that mean he values money?
Why does he want us to perform Hajj / Umrah
Why do Muslims practice female circumcision? (Mostly in parts of Africa and Asia) why did Islam not banned this practice?
When a Muslim child is born male or female why is it must to give the Azaan in its Ear? The child does not understand anything about religion at such a young age
Why did Allah tell Muslim women to wear the Burqa / Niqab (it looks horrible) He did not tell men? Or at least men don’t seem to cover up
Why is it that Muslim men can marry up to eight wives or keep eight wives and women can’t marry eight men (That’s not fair)
Why don’t Muslim fathers want there daughters to educate, Is it because that they will fight for there rights?
(Most Muslim gals I know get married very early 9 is the earliest average is around 16 to 24) Arab, Afghanistani, Bangladeshi, Pakistani, – Mirpuri and all others
Why don’t Muslims live in harmony with each other IE Sunni, Shia, Wahabi etc there is up-roar in almost every Muslim country in the world
There will be more questions to follow
Son kills his own father just so that he can inherit his wealth this happens in Pakistan a lot and still is
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how does that change anything? really, you knowing, how does that help? did you watch the video? did you read the chapter of the book?
your son/father example is lame. the dad didnt create the kid.
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
What harm is there in knowing
How is it a lame example?
The Mum and the Dad both create the child
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The mum and dad dont create the child. they simply provide an avenue for the creation, but the creation itself is all due to Allah(swt).
"Verily, in the remembrance of Allah, do hearts find rest"
sometimes there is harm. sometimes we arent ready to know. sometimes we shouldnt know. sometimes we wouldnt understand. sometimes we dont deserve to know.
have you watched the video? have you read the chapter? arent you interested? ITS CALLED "CHAPTER ON SEEING ALLAH" isnt that what your argument is all about?
have you read the ayah about Musa peace be upon him asking to see Allah? what do you make of it?
God create the child. who invented eggs/sperm? who made it so that the egg and sperm only have edit: HALF (not harm) the chromosones and then they combine to make a new cell with a full set of chromosone? who make it that that cell then starts multiplying over and over again. and then who made it that from this bunch of cells, some of them specialiazed into all the different needed parts of the body?
you think humans can do that? all by themselves?
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
3 type of ignorant person
1. the ignorant who knows he is ignorant.
2. the ignorant who doesnt know he is ignorant.
3. the ignorant who thinks he knows. deadly or what?
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
Sorry thats a big NO
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Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
Now thats what I call a lame argument
Not yet but I will do
I have read it quickly, How do I know if that is true?
Then why is it that it becomes harder for a women to give birth to a child / healthy child after the age of 35 – 40 and with men its 70 + is God not being unfair to the women?
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Because they had to go through a certain action to have the child the child did not just appear on its own without that action
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Child labour would be too much for a woman to bear in old age.
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
have you looked at my earlier post or even tried to answers You's questions?
Lets reunite the ummah under one flag LA ILAHA IL ALLAH MUHAMMADUR RASULULLAH
someone tell me, is the arrogance SI display the arrogance of youth?
im not replying until you read the stuff.
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
+ baby grow in Women's body. is fed through women. the women does a lot more than the man.
or maybe you think the first kid should be born in the mum and the second in the dad and so on?
laters, when you've read the chapter.
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
perhaps, that's why i kinda gave up trying to explain
Lets reunite the ummah under one flag LA ILAHA IL ALLAH MUHAMMADUR RASULULLAH
so, yh SI dude...I dont think you want to be an atheist, I rlly dont. The fact that you are asking these questions kinda shows that. Maybe you think that if someone on here is unable to answer your questions, or in a way that you feel is unsatisfactory it'll ease your conscience if you choose not to accept Islam????
Your questions HAVE been answered, very well actually and more than once, but all the answers in the world won't satisfy you if you are not ready to accept them! Also some of the questions youve asked, does knowing the answer to them, change the order of things/your life/you being able to practise as a muslim????
So take the advice. it wont bite (much) i promise!

"Verily, in the remembrance of Allah, do hearts find rest"
Why don't we question?
Why does Allah need things to serve him he can say BE and it would be
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you choose to believe some and not the rest? not neat, not neat at all.
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
I do want to be an atheist but I am giving Islam a chance
Its hard to be a practising Musilm for Pakistani's in any country
1. Pray 5 times a day for men and women
2. To cover up (for women only)
3. Not to make boy friends/girl friends
4. Get married to whom your parents tell you to in Pakistan IE your Cousin Sister/Brother (NOT IN MY CASE) but I know people in that situation
5. Not to listen to music or watch films (I don't follow that I love to watch Pakistani films, Drama's and I love listening to Pakistani music no matter how much back ground noise it has, Most Pakistani's/Mirpuri's I know watch Indian Bollywood Films like mad ok
watch them if you want but please also watch Pakistani Lollywood films they might not be as good but please give them a chance they are Muslimand so are you
6.Islam does not let you stay single for life (especially women) they say that if you get Married you have completed half of your deen does that mean if you get married twice you have completed whole of your deen?
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Men have to cover up from navel to knee too. And everyone has to be modest. why do you need a girlfriend?
Sayin marriage is 'half your deen' is a more of a phrase which shows the how great marriage is. Cleanliness is also half your deen - i.e being clean is very important in Islam too.
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
BNP keep protesting against Pakistani’s in Pakistani majority areas that way you feel alienated
But what you have described is what the average person does or has Muslim or non-Musilm
How many Pakistani men do you know that do the above I would say none
To play with
Whats great about marriage then? you get the wife shouting - Sheede ne abba keh karne oh pe aedar accho maari gal bujee jao then the husband says - keh gal ee phloon bee apna bootha band ne rakhi sakni har wele maara sir kahee chorni ae kade chup vi karya kar
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Lemme try and explain that further (or maybe just repeat whats already been said :/ :oops: ) -
I support Man Utd but Lampy supports Man city. Them two clubs have 2 different sets of supporters, they have different styles of playing, each teamplayer adds a personal touch to the game BUT they're still playing the same game, the aim is still the same, there is only one way to win and they both have to abide the same rules and get punished for breaking those rules it's just personal differences - cuz no one is the same, nor can you expect everyone to be the same.
And the supporters of those games will still get together despite their differences and watch a game of footy together or play together, or still talk to each other atleast. And despite Lampy using the
smiley for me supporting Utd, I'm pretty sure he doesn't hate me and vice versa.
But then you get those people who take the competition to a whole new level and make things personal. They're bozo's.
Now lets compare that to religion.
Different madhabs etc - Same belief, some differences but some people think they're better than others - these are the equivalent of the football playing/supporting bozo's, these are the people who have religious arrogance - and that is like the worst kind of arrogance.
The ummah is supposed to be united but just cuz it's not doesn't mean it's Islam's fault! That is the fault of the people who can't accept that everyone is different and that there can be slightly different ways of doing something and it still being right.
I have never heard of something being impure/haram if it's from a plate of a Shia, that sounds completely wrong and a disgusting thing to say. But the whole Shia/sunni split is a different topic anyway, create a topic on it if you want.
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
Yes, so, what's your point? Mine was that everyone should be grateful of what they have and try to thank Allah swt whenever/however possible - praying 5times a day and getting the reward of 50prayers is nothing compared to what we have. I'm not sure what kind of men you're surrounded by but most people I know do do that. It's much more fun playing footy with a group of boys, than girls who are too worried of the ball hurting them.
Find a woman worth marrying. And if you dare start chatting about incest and cousin marriages I will not reply to that bit of your comment.
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
I get that but I have heard that the Shia will never go into hevan because they helped the Yazidi to kill Hassan Hussain and that's why they beat them self's in Muharram I could be wrong on this as I am not 100% sure besides I was born into a Sunni family
What do you mean by
All they do is kick a ball
I have seen many fights between rival supporters on the news which often lead in bans from the grounds for an amount of time
Its Mazhabs where did you get madhabs from?
So which sect is the correct one in your eyes that will lead in Heaven?
Will all the sects go to Heaven? or just a few and why because they are Muslim they are just doing it differently
It is Islams fault why did it create so many sects
I have, ask your mum and dad about this and see what they say
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It sounds like you've never played or watched football in your life! What's wrong with you, boy!
different styles as in their tactics, the kind of shots they make, the way they defend etc etc. There is a lot more to football than "kicking a ball". God, you sound like a girl!
What's your point? I said they could take things too far and so they are 'bozo's' (idiots...a very soft word to describe them) Madhab is the arabic word, mazhab is the urdu word.PLEASE, I BEG YOU, go learn your basics before you say stuff like this. There is only one Islam and you seem to be ignoring what I said...YET AGAIN
The Prophet (Saw) said
We have Shia family friends, they come to our house and we give them food and drink and we do not discriminate them like that. It seems like your parents have been telling you something which has no basis in Islam (and you probably have mixed a lot of culture n religion a lot more which is why you're confused!)
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
Because He (swt) didn't have to answer to you. He didn't "take 6 days" in the sense of toil and labour - He said "Be" and it was, but what he created was put into 6 periods (not days - a day is the time it takes the earth to rotate on its axis and before its creation, there would be no day.)
God creates things how He (swt) wishes using processed which He wishes.
The processes and the times are all under His control.
God does not need to worship Him. He just wants it. You are free to not worship Him and reject Him in this life. (ofcourse there be consequences in this life and later on too)
The problem with your approach is that while you try to be smart about one way things could have happened, you are unwilling to think of plausible alternatives - its almost as if you are too lazy to give it real thought. That is not good for you as then you are not doing what you say you want to do, which is to think and to ponder.
There is an old book by Imam Ghazali called incoherence of the philosophers - it discusses 10 questions athiests used to present in his time and it includes his refutations. Those questions posted then with some massaging can be modernised and have modern equivalent answers. I will admit that I was not clever enough to persevere with the book, but if you really have questions on this and are not willing to give our answers and replies any serious thought, read that.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
There should have never been a split in Musilms
Can't argue that
But they have to kick the ball in the goal post to get the goal
Things do end up going far a lot of the time
The people of Pakistan and Mirpur or lets just say South Asia use the word Mazhab and not Madhab there is Daal (not the one you eat with your roti
) and Zaal, with the word Mazhab the Zaal should be used
Why did they if they were one Ummah?
Thats because there ancestors were Sikh how could they know about Islam that much when you ask them or any Pakistani parent its like
1. Hamein Nahin Pata (Urdu)
2. Sanu Nae Pata Haiga(Punjabi)
3. Assan Ki Koni Pata (Mirpuri / Potwari)
My English is not very good
is it now? you sure? are you REALLY sure? this is a perfect example of your arrogance. or maybe ignorance? but if you're really here to learn you dont question things like this. Sort yourself out "boy".
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
YES, I NEVER DENIED THAT. Why are you repeating what I'm saying? And this website is not solely for people from the South Asian sub-continent, therefore we try to use the proper terms and/or english.
That's a generalisation, people are getting more and more informed now.
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi