I really really want to become an atheist because I think religion bounds a person to follow certain things and if you are an atheist you don’t have to follow anything your free to do what you like
I don’t want to get married to anyone because it’s a life contract and you have to make certain compromises to please your Husband – Wife you even have to lie when your wife say honey does my bum look big in this and you have to say NO to keep her happy and if you say YES it does then she gets grumpy and says do you not love me like you use to not only that but when you have kids you have to worry about there lives IE there up bringing Education and so on, When it comes to upbringing it is very difficult to give them a good example of life when they have role models like Jordon / Katie Price I have lost count of the amount of times she has married and divorced don’t ask about how many boy friends she’s had in between that time (excluding weekends)
If you people on here had a son or daughter and he / she said daddy I want to be like Katie Price what would you say?
There are some questions in life that come to mind more then others about religion
Does Allah – God actually exist?
How Did Allah - God come in to entrance?
Who crated Allah - God?
What was Allah - God crated for?
How did Allah – Got create the World
Why does he need us to pray, fast for him he is the almighty?
Why do we have to give Zakat, Sadqa, does that mean he values money?
Why does he want us to perform Hajj / Umrah
Why do Muslims practice female circumcision? (Mostly in parts of Africa and Asia) why did Islam not banned this practice?
When a Muslim child is born male or female why is it must to give the Azaan in its Ear? The child does not understand anything about religion at such a young age
Why did Allah tell Muslim women to wear the Burqa / Niqab (it looks horrible) He did not tell men? Or at least men don’t seem to cover up
Why is it that Muslim men can marry up to eight wives or keep eight wives and women can’t marry eight men (That’s not fair)
Why don’t Muslim fathers want there daughters to educate, Is it because that they will fight for there rights?
(Most Muslim gals I know get married very early 9 is the earliest average is around 16 to 24) Arab, Afghanistani, Bangladeshi, Pakistani, – Mirpuri and all others
Why don’t Muslims live in harmony with each other IE Sunni, Shia, Wahabi etc there is up-roar in almost every Muslim country in the world
There will be more questions to follow
yo uwouldnt understand. its about interpreting reference materials differently, but all right in their own right. leading to celebrating differently. NOT division. IT's just DIFFERENCE OF OPINION (Which shows that ISlam isnt all about "do this do that do this do that if you dont you go to hell" Its about interpretation of rightly-guided, clean intended scholars"
no one except you sees that as a problem.
now, answer my Q's?
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
That's right you had to come from somewhere cause you're human so where did the first of mankind come from then?
i will answer the rest of your questions later after we have gone through the existence of Allah
Lets reunite the ummah under one flag LA ILAHA IL ALLAH MUHAMMADUR RASULULLAH
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So Africa creted man ???
Lets reunite the ummah under one flag LA ILAHA IL ALLAH MUHAMMADUR RASULULLAH
Muslims believe that Allah does not resemble any of His creation. And we do not question too much incase we hurt ourselves and confuse ourselves.
He is the Lord. the one who enables me to see, smell, touch, breath, 24/7.
do you really believe you're heart works on its own? that little electric charge that makes your atrium contract and take the blood into the ventricules and round your body? you think it came out of nowhere?
havent you studied the stopwatch theory in RE? and the fingerprint theory?
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
are you going to read a translation of the Quran?
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
Thats what leads to arguments and why do they interpret reference materials differently they are suppose to be one Ummah
What? its says if your child does not pray by 6 or 8 hit it and make it pray what do you all this?
Hope I have answered your Q's
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By what it says in the qur'an - it tells you to ponder over the world around you. Read it and a translation and see that it says that.
How was the universe created? Where does come from? that and many more.
I would love to hear what your answers to these questions are.
Saying "man made" is not really an answer... how did men make trees or animals, or men? How did they create life or planets or the whole universe? Where did the universe come from? There are the questions that you need to ponder over. Everything else is secondary.
Surah Ar Rahman would be an interesting surah for you to read and ponder over.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
LOL to that
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and before then?
for every answer that comes to your mind ask "what was before then?" and see what that leads to.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Big Bang
How did God make these things?
My English is not very good
BIg Bang????
If i told you i got some bricks, some cement and other materials and just chucked them over my shoulder. i look around and there is a 4 bedroom house just standing there, would you say that plausable?
As far as we have been told by Allah, he said 'BE' and it 'IS'. Allah is neither limited by time nor sapce or anything. This may be hard for you to comprehend but Allah is not bound by the laws, HE created the laws for us.
We need to stick to the matter of the existence of Allah before we move on to the other subjects.
Lets reunite the ummah under one flag LA ILAHA IL ALLAH MUHAMMADUR RASULULLAH
Oh don't worry, You can be both a Muslim and an artist at the same time
#Before you look at the thorns of the rose , look at it's beauty. Before you complain about the heat of the sun , enjoy it's light. Before you complain about the blackness of the night, think of it's peace and quiet... #
(Y) as long as you dont draw humans/animals. Good point Rawr!
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
LOL, Funni
Read with a pure heart and see what you make of these verses of our Holy Book, the Quran.
the last part of the ayah
[qs: 112:4]
I advice you read "the chapter on seeing Allah" it is chapter 9 of a book called "The fundamentals of Tawheed (Islamic Monotheism) By Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips.
you can find it http://www.scribd.com/doc/6106188/The-Fundamentals-of-Tawheed-by-Dr-Abu-Ameenah-Bilal-Philips starting from page 156.
or here(link is external) again page 156.
you can download the whole book here (link is external)
I cannot advice reading the whole book as i havent. but i've read chapter 9 and i thought it'll help answer some of your questions.
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
Hello StopIncest (do I really have to call you that?)! OK I just want to say that we welcome all your questions and please don't get the impression that we're about to gang up on you. To be honest you've asked some really broad questions, would it be better if we had a separate blog/forum topic for each type? It seems we're dealing with the DEEP philisophical issues here.
Yes we are supposed to be one Ummah, but that doesn't mean we cannot have differences of opinion. I support Man City; Power of Silence supports Man U (:-/), but that doesn't mean that we aren't both Muslims. There are basics that every Muslim has to accept (there is onle One God that deserves to be worshipped). There are certain rules of interpretation that have to be followed, but Islam allows us to apply a certain elemant of common sense and judgment to the way we apply it to our day to day lives. That's why you have some legitimate differences of opinions (the Madhabs; don't worry about that for now). Other people, extremists/ MI5 agents do not represent real Islam.
Sorry, mate, nowhere in the Quran or Sunnah (way of the Prophet (pbuh)) does it that. Praying is a compulsory part of faith. But we should take things step by step, once we see the benefit of praying, which is the ease, comfort, guidance and solace that follows eventually we won't see it as a burden but as an honour: the King of Kings is inviting us to communicate with him at least 5 times a day! Grab that with both hands I would!
No, Islam does not say beat children (who are not called "it"). It's not acceptable in Islam to leave a mark on a child, even in very necessary situations. The Prophet (pbuh) would NEVER hit a child. Why? Because he understood the message of Islam and we should all try and follow his example. it says in the Quran: "There is no compulsion in religion/Deen." (Sura 2:256 (I think)). Meaning that we should not force anyone to be Muslim, because faith and compulsion are incompatible. Also Allah says in the Quran: "Had you [Muhammad] been harsh, rude and cruel towards them, then they would have certainly abandoned you." (Sura 3:159).
I think if we only show them the benefit you can get (worldly and spiritual) from praying then they'd eventually willingly come and pray. I know I did.
I think what Lilly meant was that we have certain guidelines, which are there for our own benefit and the greater good. But if all we think Islam is are a list of "thou shalts" and "thou shalt nots" then we've completey missed out on the spiritual benefits that Islam offers.
The thing is everyone has a code that they follow. I'm assuming that you're against killing, assaulting, stealing and rape, yes? That in itself is a code of rules. Everyone has a God; for some it's football, money, fashion, power or prestige or anything else. But everyone has a God, which basically means anything you dedicate yourself to or put faith in hoping for happiness.
Nice to meet you StopIncest (really? I have to call you that?) could you remind me of your age/age group?
“Before death takes away what you are given, give away whatever there is to give.”
Mawlana Jalal ud Din Rumi
call him SI. that sounds cool
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
Chucking them over will not make anything
The point here is how was Allah - God created
The house was man made man put the stuff together and built the house to proof its existence we can see it take pictures of it can we do that with Allah?
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Many aspects of Islam, is belief in the Unseen, you have to trust Allah with this one!
Allah was just always there, He is eternal
Also, human knowledge is limited, you shouldn't question too much in depth on this....
Yes because thats what most Muslims do
I know I have asked broad questions but there is no need for a separate blog because they are all linked to each other
If you have differences then how can you claim to bo ONE Ummah?
Football and religion are 2 different things
I think the Shia don't believe in hazrat Abu-Bakar
Shia's beat there selfs in Muharram but Sunni's dont
I have been told that if a Shia eats from a plate / cup then it becomes na-paak more over it is said that if a dog licks the plate and you read Bismilah a few times it becomes paak but not with the Shia
Are you off your mind Praying Namaaz IS a 100% compulsory part of faith who says its not?
It say's in the Quran start to pray asap or at least by puberty
They do hit in Mosques to proof this there was a prog. On channel l 4 UK and they showed Imams hitting kids they hid a spy cam in Mosques
Yes, but why does one have to be religious to follow that code these are just basic morals
My English is not very good
Sorry , I don't buy that
My English is not very good
How did God make these things?[/quote]
Wrong question. How were these created if there is no God?
That is IMO a better question.
What was before then?
You say the universe came from the big bang ... where did the big bang happen? where did that come from?
Do you think time always existed?
Was there ever a time when time itself didn't exist?
I believe that time is a creation of God and it only affects creation.
There are questions that you need to answer for yourself... question both sides of if God exists and if God does not exist, compare and contrast the two and decide for yourself - no one else can do that for you.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
We wil move onto how Allah came into existance later on cause it will only make sense to someone who believes in Allah
now about seeing Allah. tell me this, there is most likely a computer or laptop in front of you right?
did you see somebody make all the items in front of you? most likey not, yet we know for sure that somebody had to have built that computer, laptop etc. we do not question that, it is common sense for someone who is wise enough to understand.
It's the same principle with everything we see around us, somebody had to have created this universe right, thses things dont create themselves. just like we don't need visual evidencee that someone built that computer, we don't need to see Allah to know that HE creted the universe.
from common sense we know that a human can't have created this world? cause we are not capable of such things, cause we are limited. everything in this whole universe is limited right? whether by it's colour, size, shape etc. it is limited
So the creator of everything must be unlimited, HE will not be limited by time as HE Himself created time. so that explains how HE was not created but always existed. Allah has only given mankind so much of the capability to understand His existence, so anything which He has not given us the capability to understand we will never be able to comprehend.
Ok wrote too much already.
Lets reunite the ummah under one flag LA ILAHA IL ALLAH MUHAMMADUR RASULULLAH
did you read the ayah? read that chapter? its really short. read it before replying anymore.
mashaaAllah, Allah is making me come across things all the time.
check this out
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
I don't know but I will look into it having said that people use to worship the sun a long time ago why? Did they not know that the sun is not God but a creation of God?
I am not sure but I don't think it was measured like it is today
Why only one way? why does it not effect God him self?
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how can something you create affects you?
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
mashaaAllah, Allah is making me come across things all the time.
check this out
I read one of the Ayah's it said God created the earth and heaven in six days, why did it take him six days why not 1 second he is the almighty
My English is not very good
MashAllah great video. im not too sure about that ayat that you read where Allah says HE creted the earth in six days. i though HE said BE and it was.
No matter we don't question why Allah does what HE does, only Allah alone knows the reason.
It's like asking the question as to why he created anything in the first place. All we know is that all of Allah' creation are there to serve Him yet HE is need of nothing.
some muslims like to try and figure out or give reason to why Allah does things but in truth we don't know cause Allah has not told us.
Lets reunite the ummah under one flag LA ILAHA IL ALLAH MUHAMMADUR RASULULLAH