Dua’s are not only the spontaneous outpourings of man's heart before his Lord, but are also an expression of his sense of nearness to Him. If one were to know how much a man supplicates, and what he supplicates about, and how he supplicates, one would be able to see how much spirituality is there in his soul.
In many circumstances we find people, totally helpless or without any means to defend themselves against wrongdoing and oppression say "all we have is the power of supplication"
To say that "it is all we have” is rather ironic, given that there is no power or might except with Allah (swt).
Sincere supplication is very powerful, and Allah (swt) answers the prayers of those who call on him earnestly.
Dua is such a powerful Ibaadat that it can create and alter Qismat (destiny).Allah (swt) is so unbelievably generous and if His servant raises his hands towards Him, He feels reluctant not to accept it.
If Allah (swt) servant keeps his mouth shut and does not ask anything from Him, nothing will be given to him. Therefore we should ask Allah (swt) for what we need so that He will give it to us. It is said that "Whoever knocks on a door persistently will be allowed in" Hence, if we keep on knocking the door of Divine Mercy, sooner or later it will be opened for us.
Dua’s….we all make them, some more then others. Some make Dua every day, after every Salaah and some pray every night before bed.
What do you ask for from your lord?-Health? Wealth? Happiness? Iman? Taqwa? Peace? Looks? Popularity?
Share your Dua’s….
I think most people ask for the same things but there are exceptions when people ask for things specific to their lives.
To be honest I learnt most of my duas from my Ustaad Respected. The sentences that He uses regularly on Jumuah have become a routine of my dua aswell.
Recently however I have made some duas in words which I did not think I would be able to say; ALLAH is Most Gracious that HE ta'ala put those words into my heart.
One question: What language do you make dua in?
Personally I can speak English and Urdu quite fluently but English is more easy for more but in dua I ALWAYS make it in urdu? Dunno y that is but when i make a dua in English feels strange and I cant be fluent in dua in english. Normally im more fluent in english but in dua time my tongue flows with urdu and english kinda comes out sounding strange and with no emotion?
Any1 got an explanation or is this just one of my peculiarities?
Become obedient to the Chief, Muhammad salallahu alayhi wa sallam, so ALL chiefs become obedient to you.
person does dua in the languge that they are most comfortable in
i make mine in english-
I get so annoyed whenever we go to a gathering and the dua in the end is ALWAYS in urdu
we need more engish speakers who are good at doing dua in english
accepted point.
BUT . . .
dont u think english is a bet of a dead language as far as emotion is concerned? Personally english sounds monotonous when making dua, although i am entirely comfortable with english i find that religious speeches, dua and poetry work MUCH better in urdu?
I dunno if its my imagination and i accept that not all understand urdu but on a personal level english does not convey any humility in it, as far as my personal experience is concerned the language is unrefined.
Become obedient to the Chief, Muhammad salallahu alayhi wa sallam, so ALL chiefs become obedient to you.
It depends on which language you know better.
I find I can be much more eloquent with English, and can understand an English speech way better than an Urdu one.
Urdu seems too simplistic to me. It's soft and beautiful and all that, but if you don't understand any of the big words then you're lost.
I can pick up one or two soundbites at Juma, but that's it.
One should make their dua in whatever language is closer to their heart.
In whatever language they find it easier to express themselves in…in whatever language they feel more connected to Allah (swt).
I always make my dua in English…If one is making a dua straight from the heart then it can’t ever lack emotion.
I also prefer listening to Urdu speeches…. even though I can barely speak the language..... mainly because the speakers that I enjoy listening to can express themselves better in Urdu.
But I do wish that there were more dua’s made in English. Sometimes I’m just saying “Ameen” cos the people around me are saying it.
the other day i hesitantly prayed to Allah to not be brought to account i felt cheeky but then i thought so i can pray for anything even the most audacious
I'm sure a person can pray for whatever they want-
its up to Allah if he chooses to answer the pray or not
as long as u dont pray for bad things for others
I pray for family (in order of how much I love them)
pray for self...exams etc
pray for health and that God makes me a better Muslim
then I fall asleep
Arabic duas
''Ya ALLAHu, Ya Rahmanu, Ya Raheemu, Ya Hayyu Ya Qayyum apne fazl, karam, lutf awr ihsaan se namaz e jumuah/fajr/isha etc apni bargah mein maqbul awr manzoor farma. Ya ALLAH sadqa Nabi Kareem salallahu alyhi wa sallam, Kabatullah ke tufayl awr Quran e paak ke waseela jaleela se hum ssab ki bakhshish farma.
Ya ALLAH subha ho ti hai to gunnahon mein doobe hote hain, shaam ho ti hai to gunnahon mein doobe hote hain. Ya ALLAH doob ne wala khud nahi bach sakta, Ya ALLAH tu hamein kinare laga de, hamara sahara ban ja.''
OH ALLAH, Oh Rahman, Oh Raheem, Oh Hayy, Oh Qayyum with your grace, nobility, graciousness and favour accept and agree to my Salat-ul Jumuah/fajr/isha in your court. OH ALLAH for the sake of the Noble Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam, by the virtue of the Kabatullah and through the powerful medium of the Pure Quran forgive us all.
OH ALLAH in the morning we are drowning in sin, evening comes and we are drowning in sin. Oh ALLAH the one who is drowning cannot save himself, Oh ALLAH bring us to the watersedge, become our support.
''Ya ALLAH jahan kaheen bhi musulman pareshaan hain unki pareshaani ko door farma. Jo be awlad hain unhe nek salih farmabardaar awlad ata farma, jo awlad ke hawale se pareshaan hain unki awlad ko walidayn ke farmabardaar bana. Jo rishton ke chakkar mein phasse huwe hain, Ya ALLAH unhe nek salih azwaaj ata farma. Ya ALLAH jahan kaheen bhi musulman beemar hain unhe shifa e kamilah aajilah mustammirah ata farma. Jo be roz hain unhe halal tayyib rozi ata farma.''
Oh ALLAH wherever muslims are worried, take their worries away. Those who are childless grant the pious upright obedient children, those who are worried in connection with their children make there kids obedient to their parents. Those who are trapped in finding marriage partners oh ALLAH grnat them pious upright spouses. OH ALLAH wherever muslims are ill grant them complete perfect cure. Those who are unemployed grant then permissible pure income.
''Ya ALLAH mere walidayn/asatizah ke darajaat mein bulandi ata farma. Unhe sahih raste par chalne ki tawfeeq ata farma, sahih raste par chalane ki tawfeeq ata farma. Unki imaan islaam awr ihsaan mein izaafa farmay, unke gunnahon ko nekiyon mein tabdeel farma.''
OH ALLAH increase my parents/teachers ranks immensely. Grant them the ability to follow the correct path, grant them ability to make others tread the straight path. Grant them increase in imaan, islaam and ihsaan and convert their sins into good deeds.
''Ya ALLAH hamein to maangna bhi nahi ata. Ya ALLAH hum woh cheeze mangte hain jo Nabi salallahu alayhi wa sallam ne aap se mang hi awr apke nek bandon ne. awr hum panah awr naja'at mangte hain un cheezon mein se jinse Nabi salallahu alayhi wa sallam ne panah awr naja'at mang hi awr apke nek bandon ne.''
OH ALLAH we do not even knw how to ask of you. Oh ALLAH grant us those things which Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam requested from you and your pious servants. And we seek refuge and freedom from those things which Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam asked from you, and your pious servants.
''Jo maanga ata farma, jo na mang sak darya e rahmat se wo bhi ata farma''
Grant us what we have requested, that which we have not asked grant us that also from your river of mercy.
Just a sample of duas that i learnt from my Ustaad Respected!!!
Become obedient to the Chief, Muhammad salallahu alayhi wa sallam, so ALL chiefs become obedient to you.
for me du'a isnt only for asking something of Allah, its also a way to thank Him for all the blessings He, in His infinite mercy, has bestowed upon my family. when i was a kid i got into this habit of thanking Allah (s.w.t) at the beginning of my du'a, as i felt really guilty that i was so ungrateful and yet asking something of Him.
my du'as are always in English, except the regular ones (which u read when u sleep, eat, etc.) which i'm used to doing in Arabic. i ask Allah to keep my parents in good health, to have mercy on my family by guiding us all onto the straight path, for members of my family who have passed away, and for the Ummah - our patience through these difficult times and prosperity in the future inshaAllah.
I also start my dua thanking Allah (swt) for all the blessings that he bestowed upon us.
I ask for LOTS of things. I’m always making dua…
I ask for strength, Sabr…to be able to submit myself to the will of Allah (swt) without any complaints.
I ask that He (swt) becomes Razi with me…..I ask that He (swt) makes me just the way He (swt) wants me to be.
I ask that He (swt) purifies my heart and makes me into a better person…..that He (swt) keeps me in the company of those people who are busy in His (swt) Dhikr morning and evening.
That He (swt) makes it easy for me work/serve Islam and that He (swt) removes all obstacles that I may encounter along the way (internal/external).
I ask that He (swt) looks after me, guide me, and protects me, increase my Iman and Taqwa……. keeps me sincere, selfless and steadfast in all my actions.
Towfeeq (ability) to practise qiyamul lail (night worship) and to wish for others what we wish for ourselves….
Practise what I preach and do aml (act) on the ilm (knowledge) that I learn.
I also pray for family/friends…sometimes I pray for my enemies.
And I pray for some other stuff…
ur dua sounds very "standard" its sumin I hear in nearly all gathering I go to
they all say the same thing
I dont beleive that dua's should follow a set pattern tho
they should flow from the heart and not follow any set order
if he says it from his heart, then i'm sure it means a lot to him. i can c where ur coming from tho lilsis - if we have a 'standard' du'a we risk making our du'as kinda robotic, saying them more as a habit and with no feeling.
my bro lead taraweeh last year for his uni islamic society. for the 27th night he spent a coupla hours writing out his own du'a in arabic, and memorised it. it went on for about half an hour and everyone was so moved by it, even some of the men were crying!! that has got to be the best du'a i ever heard...
my only issue with Arabic dua's is that I think its importnat for a person to know what they're saying
u feel it more
true my duas do sound standard but the style in certain parts is unique to my Respected Ustaad.
secondly it should be noted that the most accepted duas and most beloved duas in the sight of ALLAH are the ones which NABI salallahu alayhi wa sallam recited and also the ones that are mentioned in quran hence standard duas such as the ones in Surah Baqarah and Surah Aali Imran are more powerful than any ones we make up.
Become obedient to the Chief, Muhammad salallahu alayhi wa sallam, so ALL chiefs become obedient to you.
most of the ppl there understood Arabic, otherwise i guess they wouldnt have been so moved.
Human Beings possess limited and partial knowledge and understanding.
We are told that….“It may be that you dislike a thing while it is good for you, and it may be that you love a thing while it is evil for you”
Allah (swt) knows, while we do not know. So when we make Du'a to Allah (swt), we must be patient, have faith in His unquestionable decision and trust His absolute wisdom.
We should never have the impression that Allah (swt) has opened the door of making Dua but has closed the door of answering it.
Allah (swt) delay is not Allah (swt) refusal to answer our prayers. Allah (swt) timing is perfect and patience and trust is needed.
Its not easy however, to submit ourselves totally to the will of Allah (swt).
I pray for the love of Allah (swt) and the Holy Prophet (saw).
I pray:
for a smile to be on the Holy Prophet
beautiful face mubarak inshallah (so 2 knw i have pleased him)
for the muslim ummah, for the safe guardin of their iman and to recieve the blessing of the pious ppl
never ever to disobey my parents and to always please them
to get knowledge in islam and practice what i knw and preach it
to be succesful in my worldy knowledge...
I pray for more stuff i am greedy that way (but since there is no limit in Allah givin us, why not) but cant think of much at the mo.
this is a great topic Subhan'Allah
i pray for that Allah Almighty always guides us on the right path
i pray that i always make my parents happy/never hurt or disobey them
i pray for protection from shaytaan/nafs
i pray that on the day of judgement we are all amongst those lucky ppl that are admitted into jannath through prophet Muhammads(peace be upon Him and His family) intercession
i pray to die with the kalima on my lips/with a strong Iman
i pray that true ishq-e-rasool (sallallaho alayhi wa alihi wasalam) is put into our hearts
i pray that the fear+love of Allah Almighty is put into our hearts
i pray for forgiveness for my sins+to learn from my sins/mistakes
i pray to always remember that the doors of thauba (forgiveness) are open+to always ask for forgiveness when i sin
i thank Almighty Allah for blessing me with so much+to always stay humble
i pray for all our Muslim brothers+sisters who are suffering all around the world
i pray that our good deeds will save us against the punishment of the grave
these are some of my prayers
:oops: i keep my dua's short and only mention half of all that!
thanks tho, im gona incorporate all those in Ishaa 2nyt!
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
Think of this way there is no limit in Allah (swt) bestowing his blessings on us so why should we ask less frm the place where the blessings are endless...also namaz is a way of connection ourselves to Allah (swt) and askin him for anythin that is legit.
so tru. next tym i wont rush my duaa so quickly!
lol, about askin 4 legit a wee kid, i used 2 ask for a playstation.........but i never got one. a few years down the line and i have a ps2 and psp.....believe in the power of the Duaa![Wink](
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
as kids i think we all asked for silly things (which of course didnt seem silly at the time)...sometimes some things that we want so badly arent good for us which is why we dont get them, which is again a blessing from allah (swt)
I ask God to protect me from His enemies. Wahhabis being the most obvious. They are Satan worshippers. Killers of Jewish children.
I never prey for my enemies. I ask God to punish them with what they deserve. God is the best judge of all.
I pray for all good people everywhere, be they Jews, Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, or whoever. No discrimination. Good people of all races are my brothers and sisters.
I, also, pray for some other... "stuff".
Is Omrow muslim?
It may be that you mock at a group that is better than you and closer to ALLAH and more beloved to His Rasul salallahu alayhi wa sallam.
I find it amusing that wahhabis are supposedly satan worshippers.
I disagree with them on many issues but their strict adherence to tawheed and aversion to shirk is to their credit.
Become obedient to the Chief, Muhammad salallahu alayhi wa sallam, so ALL chiefs become obedient to you.
i personally think it dont matter what language you say your duas in as long as it is from the heart i say mine in urdu/english but my ustaad used to say to me begin ur dua by praisnig Allah and then the prophet Muhammad pbuh and his family. i then pray that my salah is accepted andthat Allah gives sabr to my parents and strengthens our imaans, helps all the muslims around the world who are suffering and that allah protects us from people who disrespect the prophet Muhammad pbuh and the followers of dajjal.
May Allah accept our Duas and protect us from the hell fire.
And what might that be?
Do Tell![Wink](
Same as the pious lady.
Their understanding of Oneness of God and Polytheism is exactly same as that of the Devil.
He too believed in One God. And, he was also against committing an act of "idolatry", which in his view all the angels did commit.
Satan is a moron and Wahhabi are idiots.
lol, im not gona argue with that!
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.