What Do YOU Pray For?

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"Omrow" wrote:
Thank you Aseya. Now you have understood my previous points.

err no omrow, U dont seem to know wot ur chatting about. :roll:

first u said that a girl suggesting marriage is outta line, now u seem to be agreeing with me. make up your mind!

[size=9]I NEVER WORE IT BECAUSE OF THE TALIBAN, MOTHER. I LIKE THE [b]MODESTY[/b] AND [b]PROTECTION[/b] IT AFFORDS ME FROM THE EYES OF MEN.[/size] [url=http://www.adherents.com/lit/comics/Dust.html]Dust, X-Men[/url]


What !!

It is you who agreed with me !!!


"Omrow" wrote:
What !!

It is you who agreed with me !!!

i cant be bothered to spell things out for u. whilst u told Ramz a girl proposing to a guy is 'dangerous', yuit and i cited the example of Khadijah (r.a)... go check out the last page properly... :roll:

[size=9]I NEVER WORE IT BECAUSE OF THE TALIBAN, MOTHER. I LIKE THE [b]MODESTY[/b] AND [b]PROTECTION[/b] IT AFFORDS ME FROM THE EYES OF MEN.[/size] [url=http://www.adherents.com/lit/comics/Dust.html]Dust, X-Men[/url]

Ok Ok. I will sleep now, since kuri is putting me to bed.

"Omrow" wrote:
Ok Ok. I will sleep now, since kuri is putting me to bed.

as long as u get your sleep Biggrin

In this day and age i just dont think its cool.

He's probably feel intimidated by her if she did...

imagine it:

[b][color=red]Ramz[/color]: HEY FOOL, YOU MARRY ME!!!!
[color=blue]TheGuy[/color]: Cray 2 mmmmmooooooommmmiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee[/b]

lol, you know what im talking about

Back in BLACK

"Seraphim" wrote:
In this day and age i just dont think its cool.

He's probably feel intimidated by her if she did...

imagine it:

[b][color=red]Ramz[/color]: HEY FOOL, YOU MARRY ME!!!!
[color=blue]TheGuy[/color]: Cray 2 mmmmmooooooommmmiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee[/b]

lol, you know what im talking about

not really, no. :roll: there's no need to exaggerate. if anything, people back then (during the jahiliyyah) would've been more egotistical, yet it was an accepted practice. seems to me like we, living in 'this day and age', are the 'backward' ones. :?

[size=9]I NEVER WORE IT BECAUSE OF THE TALIBAN, MOTHER. I LIKE THE [b]MODESTY[/b] AND [b]PROTECTION[/b] IT AFFORDS ME FROM THE EYES OF MEN.[/size] [url=http://www.adherents.com/lit/comics/Dust.html]Dust, X-Men[/url]

"Seraphim" wrote:

[b][color=red]Ramz[/color]: HEY FOOL, YOU MARRY ME!!!!
[color=blue]TheGuy[/color]: Cray 2 mmmmmooooooommmmiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee[/b]

I doubt ANY girl with half a brain cell would put it like that :roll:

I must confess i was Exaggerating a little.

Im sure you girls would find a much more picture-esque way to say it.

Back in BLACK

"Seraphim" wrote:

Im sure you girls would find a much more picture-esque way to say it.

most girls are subtle-most girls arent full on

MOST girls would never in a million years propose

some may drop a hint or get some mate to do it though


I suppose most women do find themselves in a dilama when it comes to thinking of ways of making a proposal for marriage.

They know that it is not a good thing for a woman to be so forward:

"What will he think of me. God! I am acting like a whore..." These type of thoughtS rush through their mind.

They might pray, secretly, for a future with the boy for whom they have fallen. And yet they are unable to approach him directly, or through a close friend, lest their dream be shattered.

They fear that either method may cost them dearly.

Such a predicament can be quite debilitating for a female.

I think, in this position, the best way for a girl is liquidity.



Guys…what is the best way to ask God for something?

When you want something so badly how do you go about asking God for it?

Usually, when I want something…. I pray hajjat Salaah every night after Isha Salaah, give some Sadqa, ask mum to make dua too and make dua a lot…

I have this stressful interview tomorrow…It’s been on my mind for ages. I SO badly want to succeed…its doing my head in.

I know that the best type of dua is when you glorify Allah (swt), calling Him by His beautiful names and expressing your total dependence and helplessness…admitting your limitations etc…and I know that one should make dua whilst in sajda..

How do you lot go about asking Allah (swt) for something….what is the most effective way for you?


i find tahhajud the most effective i feel so at peace. No one is awake to disturb me. Apart from fajr this is the time i feel most closest to Allah (swt), and can offer the most sincere supplications.

"yashmaki" wrote:
i find tahhajud the most effective i feel so at peace. No one is awake to disturb me. Apart from fajr this is the time i feel most closest to Allah (swt), and can offer the most sincere supplications.

mashAllah.....most definetly

"yashmaki" wrote:
i find tahhajud the most effective i feel so at peace. No one is awake to disturb me. Apart from fajr this is the time i feel most closest to Allah (swt), and can offer the most sincere supplications.

Agreed. Its in the most blessed time in the day...its the time when the Mercy of God descends to the lowest heaven and prayers are answered.

But thats my weakness...I'm so not a morning person. I can manage to get myself up..but I'll never be fresh or really awake.

if that's your problem then scholars suggest you should offer it after Isha usually after midnight, then take part in no wordly talks go straight to sleep Smile

"yashmaki" wrote:
if that's your problem then scholars suggest you should offer it after Isha usually after midnight, then take part in no wordly talks go straight to sleep Smile

I read Isha around midnight anyway...

Being a night owl it is...thats when I sit the longest on the prayer mat, cos thats when I'm the most awake.

Sis, would you mind explaining to me how its done?

Could I read Isha around 11 and tahajud around 12? ...I thought one has to sleep after Isha before they can read Tahajud?

tahajud time is from when Isha time begins till fajr time begins. So if having read Isha it's not midnight you can still start reading your tahajud if you wish.

The reccomended time is the last third of the night, but if you want to get into a habit and are finding it difficult to wake up later it's permitted to read it after isha. Less reward but still a good habit.

The minimum for this salat is 4 and 12 is the max rakats according to "the heavenly ornaments" book. You can read it in multiples of 2 rakats or 4 rakats. I usually read it in 2's. According to the same book it will suffice even if you just read 2 rakats and no more.

Hope that helps.

There's a bit of info here:


"yashmaki" wrote:
tahajud time is from when Isha time begins till fajr time begins. So if having read Isha it's not midnight you can still start reading your tahajud if you wish.

The reccomended time is the last third of the night, but if you want to get into a habit and are finding it difficult to wake up later it's permitted to read it after isha. Less reward but still a good habit.

The minimum for this salat is 4 and 12 is the max rakats according to "the heavenly ornaments" book. You can read it in multiples of 2 rakats or 4 rakats. I usually read it in 2's. According to the same book it will suffice even if you just read 2 rakats and no more.

Hope that helps.

There's a bit of info here:


Thanks Sis. Thats very useful Blum 3


"MuslimSister" wrote:
Guys…what is the best way to ask God for something?

This is what you do:

1. Decide what exactly do you need. Just one thing at a time please.

2. Purify yourself. Cleaniness is half of prayer. If you are dirty in mind and body, your prayer is not going anywhere.

3. Go out and stand under the open sky.

4. Look at something completely natural: A tree, a mountain, the moon, the clouds, sky etc. etc.

5. Praise God. Thank Him. Ask for His forgiveness.

6. Send your blessings on Prophet Muhammad.

7. Now, ask God whatever you need of Him.

Note: Numbers 2, 5, and 6 are mandatory.


"MuslimSister" wrote:

Guys…what is the best way to ask God for something?

When you want something so badly how do you go about asking God for it?

Usually, when I want something…. I pray hajjat Salaah every night after Isha Salaah, give some Sadqa, ask mum to make dua too and make dua a lot…

I have this stressful interview tomorrow…It’s been on my mind for ages. I SO badly want to succeed…its doing my head in.

I know that the best type of dua is when you glorify Allah (swt), calling Him by His beautiful names and expressing your total dependence and helplessness…admitting your limitations etc…and I know that one should make dua whilst in sajda..

How do you lot go about asking Allah (swt) for something….what is the most effective way for you?


The best way to ask God for something you want is to stop wanting things for yourself and ask God for something he wants you to have.

"Dear God do whatever you want with me Amen"

...that said I never do that.

Most of the time I don't even pray - I only pray when I need something for myself or for other people, or at church.

Because I... am a massive hypocrite

"MuslimSister" wrote:
I thought one has to sleep after Isha before they can read Tahajud?

thats what i thought.. :?

"Omrow" wrote:
4. Look at something completely natural: A tree, a mountain, the moon, the clouds, sky etc. etc.

theres something very peaceful about that sentence...

"naj" wrote:
"MuslimSister" wrote:
I thought one has to sleep after Isha before they can read Tahajud?

thats what i thought.. :?

as far as i know, u can pray tahajjud any time after 'isha, as yashmaki mentioned.

also, apparently the Witr raka'at of 'Isha are meant to be the last we pray before going to bed, so if ur going to pray tahajjud before sleeping, u should do so before praying the Witr.

[size=9]I NEVER WORE IT BECAUSE OF THE TALIBAN, MOTHER. I LIKE THE [b]MODESTY[/b] AND [b]PROTECTION[/b] IT AFFORDS ME FROM THE EYES OF MEN.[/size] [url=http://www.adherents.com/lit/comics/Dust.html]Dust, X-Men[/url]

oh rite i c.....i thought it was that you have to sleep then wake up for tahajjud.

at times i make a intention of waking up for tahajjud therefore leaving my witr to read after tahajjud...i think so far twice it happened that i didnt wake up for tahajjud therefore missed my witr.

in such circumstances do you do qaza for the whole isha namaz? :oops:

If you have read your isha salah and then sleep with intention of awaking and reading tahajjud and witr, but are unable to awake, then whenever the eye opens you should make qadha of the witr.

It is not necessary to repeat the whole isha salah.

Tahajjud time starts straight after a person has completed the isha salah.

It is most virtuous when done after having slept and then awoken in the last third of the night.

MashaALLAH Tahajjud is indeed a great ibaadah. Those who strive in establishing this salah hold my respect.

May ALLAH grant us ALL tawfeeq to take advantage of this most blessed act.

Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar

"naj" wrote:
oh rite i c.....i thought it was that you have to sleep then wake up for tahajjud.

at times i make a intention of waking up for tahajjud therefore leaving my witr to read after tahajjud...i think so far twice it happened that i didnt wake up for tahajjud therefore missed my witr.

in such circumstances do you do qaza for the whole isha namaz? :oops:

as far as i know, the need to delay one's witr till one has prayed tahajjud only applies if ur planning on staying awake and praying tahajjud BEFORE u go to sleep.

if u plan to wake up for tahajjud, i think u can pray ur Witr with the rest of 'Isha salaah and then go to sleep. remember Witr is 'necessary' whereas Tahajjud is optional, so if there is a chance u will miss praying Witr, its better u pray it before going to sleep.

i dont think there is Qada for Witr, although [b]continually[/b] missing it is considered sinful.

[size=9]I NEVER WORE IT BECAUSE OF THE TALIBAN, MOTHER. I LIKE THE [b]MODESTY[/b] AND [b]PROTECTION[/b] IT AFFORDS ME FROM THE EYES OF MEN.[/size] [url=http://www.adherents.com/lit/comics/Dust.html]Dust, X-Men[/url]

"Med" wrote:
If you have read your isha salah and then sleep with intention of awaking and reading tahajjud and witr, but are unable to awake, then whenever the eye opens you should make qadha of the witr.

really? i wasnt aware there is Qada for Witr raka'at. Sad

[size=9]I NEVER WORE IT BECAUSE OF THE TALIBAN, MOTHER. I LIKE THE [b]MODESTY[/b] AND [b]PROTECTION[/b] IT AFFORDS ME FROM THE EYES OF MEN.[/size] [url=http://www.adherents.com/lit/comics/Dust.html]Dust, X-Men[/url]

"*DUST*" wrote:
"Med" wrote:
If you have read your isha salah and then sleep with intention of awaking and reading tahajjud and witr, but are unable to awake, then whenever the eye opens you should make qadha of the witr.

really? i wasnt aware there is Qada for Witr raka'at. Sad

dis is really important .

med are you sure ?
