

I know I have spoken about this movie many times before on here.

But this is truly my favourite movie ever. Beats all other movies by miles for me.

I think its a beautiful story and so Im making a blog about it (maybe again, Im not sure)

Watch the trailer and watch the movie!


Every Moment a New Birth

Learn to see each moment as it’s own birth–entirely separate from the moment that proceeded it, and from the moment that will follow. Each moment is a new existence, a new world in which we will be born and will die. Our problem is that we become enslaved to the moments that have passed, enslaved to old worlds that have already passed away. But in reality, more than a thousand times a day, we are born. Yet many of us choose to just let ourselves die again and again, as each new moment fades. We forget that each birth is a new opportunity to start over, to turn around, or to keep going. To rise higher, to heal, to grow. To be different. Better. Each new moment calls for transformation, renewal, return. Tawbah. But we’re too busy dying.

The leap from 3 to 112.

Water. Its so pure and clean and it occupies about 60% of every one of us. I've always been told that i'm supposed to be drinking about 8 glasses of water a day.

As i was looking around, i happened to read a few sentences which said that men should be having about 13 cups of beverages a day, and women should be having a total of 9 cups of beverages a day.

Apparently, this 'idea of having 8 cups a day' isn't supported by hard evidence but it remains 'popular' because its easy to remember.

Now for someone like me, who drinks about 3 cups a fortnight, how will i ever get to 9 x 14 = 126 cups. Okay, i think i should make it much easier for myself... how will i ever get to 8 x 14 = 112 cups of water in two weeks?!

The cat and dog that are supposed to be teaching me how to write a discussion in an essay.

Revising and thinking of exams being around the corner can get extremely gloomy, tiring and boring, so while i was looking through handouts for Psychology, i came across this and it just made me laugh.

How do you write a discussion in an essay?

A discussion is a sort of argument. The key feature of a discussion is that at least two different points of view are represented. In a good discussion, each side makes its points clearly, and offers evidence to support its views. Here is an example:

Cat: Cats are brilliant. They are intelligent pets and very loving to their owners. Everyone should have a cat.

Handbags and storage

Sisters, girlies, ladies!

where do you store your handbags?! i just dont know where to put them.

they're not ALL mine. i only have like 1 big bag for lessons, a smaller bag for well..when the big one isnt needed and a side sporty type of bag for when you just need your bus pass, moneyz and phone. (and sometimes a book can fit as well (Y) ) so im okay, these bags are just around doing their own thing.

but there's FOUR females in our house! (ok, the last one is 5 but shes the one with the MOST stuff)

so there's 3 females in this household with a multitude of bags. theres school bag, madrassah bag, going out bag, etc...

so there's about 9/10 bags in different colours and shapes that need to be stored somewhere.

3 guarantees of paradize

reported Abu Umaamah:

“I guarantee a house in

Jannah (Paradise) for one who gives up arguing, even if he is in the

right; and I guarantee a house in the middle of Jannah for one who

abandons lying even for the sake of fun; and I guarantee a house in the

highest part of Jannah for one who has good manners”

[Prophet Muhammad SAWS - reported by Imam Abu Dawud]
