

Hummus was going to do a topic on this, but she didn't because I thought there was no need. But now I'm selfish for thinking so, and I'm sure many people may benefit from it. 

My point of this blog is WHY do we get attached?

I don't mean getting attached to people, but in terms of the more materialistic stuff, why is it so hard to let go?


I read this article a while back about how we are blinkered to reality and we need to detach ourselves from the world if we don't want to suffer.

You will always be tested on the thing that you are most attached to, and that attachment will become the biggest source of pain for you UNLESS you learn to control it.


I am Kashmir. By San'aa Sultan.

I AM KASHMIR. Here's some new spoken word poetry by San'aa Sultan for y'all. Have a listen at: Kashmir has been under siege for the past five days with no medicine, food, communication or internet. Our silence will allow this to continue, so please don't stop here. Find out much more about the situation in Kashmir and spread the word. 

short reminder about Salaah - Mufti Menk

a short, just under half an hour video about salaah, something we do 5 times a day. because we do it so often, the how, whys, whats etc...kinda becomes blurry in our minds, this is a beautiful reminder i just listened to mashaaAllah. Most of the stuff in there you probably already know, but bringing it back to the front of our mind is important.  advice and reminder are important in our religion. and faith has levels and increases and decreases; i pray this video will be a booster to your imaan level. Ameen.



"Jihadi" groups and Bid'ah

There have been posts by another user-not-to-be-mentioned-by-name who has attacked fellow muslim groups for mostly not being too worried at jihad and doing a bad job of it.

But the probably is that by all accounts, most jihadi groups engage in bid'ah (while accusing others of it).

Or if you go by Imam shafi'i's view, then bid'ah sayyi'ah.

Bid'ah is according to Shaykh Ibn Taymiyyah something which contradicts Qur'an and Sunnah. (According to Imam Shafi'i's opinion bid'ah sayy'iah is something which contradicts Qur'an and Sunnah. I will refer to both as simply bid'ah in this post).

Now what is this bid'ah that the jihadi groups do? indiscriminate murder for one.

Friday's Fire Alarm.

At my sixth form, there's about 8 blocks/separate buildings. One of them is the RS/dining block, you can call it whatever you like. In one of the rooms upstairs, almost all of the Muslim students in the school come to pray Dhuhr during the lunch break. You even have the little Year 7's who don't usually wear a Hijab, but they take time out, to make wudhu and carry a Hijab in their bag, which i find really cute.

sturdy storage device

assalaamu'alaikum all!

Im looking for recommendations for a sturdy storage space, something more sturdy than a USB. coz i use more than one PC i hardly save anything on computers, everything is done on the USB and theres no backup and this is precious work that i cant aford to lose just by one day plugging my USB in and getting a "windows cannot recognise hardware" message. yes inshaaAllah i will be putting all my precious work onto another usb later today.


theres also uni notes, which are all on pdf and notes attached, i dont need those right now, semester 1 is done, i just need a place to keep them. (again they might probably be moved to that OTHER usb which was bought for the sole purpose of storage lol)
