
Catching Canada.- கவரும் கனடா

"He who does not travel does not know the value of men." -- Moorish proverb

"Love is the only flower that grows and blossoms Without the aid of the seasons." - Kahlil Gibran quotes

"A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step." -- Lao Tzu

"Travel and change of place impart new vigor to the mind." -- Seneca

"A wise traveler never despises his own country." -- Carlo Goldoni


cannot change the circumstances, the seasons , or the wind, but you can

change yourself. That is something you have charge of." Jim Rohn

Muslim Children and Christmas

how do you explain it to them? that its wrong? im trying to tell her the story and explain to her why we dont celebrate it etc.. but xmas is so gliterry and heartwarming through this so very cold spell that attachment just forms and it just wins little heart over.


i just got home from picking my lil sister up. havent even taken my coat off yet.. im a lil bit annoyed that it's IMAAN who gave her the first xmas card. kids these days..back in my days you didnt get cards in YEAR 1. do people have money to spare or sum'in?


duah it is.


what abt the xmas play? lol

and all those so-very-wrong-meaning songs, i dont mind them... trying to get them out of her head by playing nasheeds at home instead LOL.

Long time

Been a long time since I posted on this website.

Couldnt sleep last night with so many thoughts racing through my mind, I wanted to get up at half three in the morning to post on here what I thought might help me sleep. However, I turned my body to face the left of the bed, closed my eyes and must have fallen asleep. I have heard that sleeping facing that way is not recommended. But Im not sure so if someone can correct me, Id be grateful.

Great One liners

1) Give Allah what’s right, not what’s left.

2) Man’s way leads to a hopeless end Allah’s way leads to an endless hope.

3) A lot of kneeling will keep you in good standing.

4) He who kneels before Allah can stand before anyone.

5) In the sentence of life, the devil may be a comma, but never let him be the full stop.

6) Don’t put a question mark where Allah puts a full stop.

7) Are you wrinkled with burden? Come to the mosque for a face lift.
