Al Asma al-Husna
I was just reading something a few days ago and a part if it was describing a type of person. Half way through, I thought "wait a minute... is that me?"
It was a description of problem people, who seem to be able to cause problems in organisations, decision making and more:
...Think about the man who…
- Speaks for a long, loud, first and often
- Offers his opinion immediately whenever someone makes a proposal, asks a question, or if there’s a lull in discussion
- Speaks with too much authority: “Actually, it’s like this…â€
- Can’t amend a proposal or idea he disagrees with, but trashes it instead
- Makes faces every time someone says something he disagrees with
Historical Launching of Fatwa Against Terrorism
Dated: 02 March 2010
I think about things occurring around me and in the world at large and can’t comprehend the disgusting nature of it.
We are a faulty world.
How can people harm other people, or worse harm children? Have they no fear of Allah? Probably not.
It’s a scary thought. Like being sucked into oblivion or a dark, never ending vortex.
So lost, these people’s attitudes careless with no regard to Allah or the Hereafter. Scratch that. So lost, their attitudes careless with no regard to basic human morals.
You know how theres loads of ways of interpreting anything anyone reads? well that obviously includes the Qur'an, so how do we know we're interpreting it correctly? and how do those people that write commentaries know that and everyone else?
See, the other day in R.E i was talking to some girls and one of them was like
"all religions contradict themselves, they say one thing in one place and then another in another place"
but i was like no not all of them are and its also down to how people interpret the books.
and then she was liek yeah thats true theres like a million ways of interpreting every holy book.
so that got me thinking, have we actually got a way of making sure how we understand the Qur'an is the right way? if so what is it :S
ok, this is something that for some reasom irritates me.
It shouldn't because it is extremely minor, but it does.
So when someone accepts Islam, do they revert or convert?
The arguments are as follows:
Unlike Christians, Muslims do not accept "Original Sin" and that all humans are born in a sinful state. We believe that people are born pure.
Since Islam is accepting God and returning to a purer state, people say that someone has reverted to islam
Well, this one is simple - people have chosen to accept Islam. Unless they were previously Muslims who had converted to something other than islam and then back, they are simply converting to Islam.
Topic: Do all paths lead to the same God?
"Imagine, for example, that three blind men are touching an elephant. The first blind man is holding on to the elephant's leg. He explains, "I think an elephant is like the trunk of a great tree." The second blind man disagrees. "No, I believe an elephant is like a snake," he says while holding the elephant's trunk. The third blind man responds, "No, you both are wrong, an elephant is like a wall." (He is touching the elephant's side.) Each blind man thinks he is right and that the others are wrong even though all three of them are all touching the same elephant. In a similar way, is it not possible that all religions are in contact with the same ultimate reality and merely describe it in different ways?"