
Why you spitting rhymes that are misguiding my generation?

my pen writes when im depressed because i never slept,
Regreting every time there was a promise that i never kept.
Wake up on a morning, see the same world, the same hate.
Stay up every night writing so that it gets late,
Thoughts fill my mind build a maze in my own head,
I can't sleep anywhere not even in my own bed
Every way i look i see the end of something i beleive,
But i carry on because i said that i would never leave,
Flows, fill my head so i write it out upon a page,
i dont see many true people around in this day and age,
Rappers come around and show the youth how to end up caged,
But you won't ever see me with them standin on a stage,
Tell me what you beleive to be the hip hop that u know?
Trust true hip hop was never about the hoes or the doe.

Just Something I Wrote.

hey, i'm fifteen and i don't mean to worry you,
i've seen hate cuz of race, n death cus of money to.
i've always been let down, and you don't even have a clue,
so alone I need a friend cus the ones i have i loose.
Sumbody Gimme an angel, remember the one i had was you,
But since you left i ohnestly got nothing left to loose,
I'm ill deep inside and everynight i sit and cry,
You say you love me, But i dont wana hear lies.
I don't wana trust you, but can u blame me?
I was weak and feeble, well this is the same me,
But know i can stand up for ma own and i can save me,
I got enough so am proud of wat Allah gave me.
outside i see Other girls boast of their beauty,
Whats a face, when i walk past nobody sees me.
It's better like that, i'll be a ghost yeah.

Applying the Sunnah in the Modern World


Date: Saturday 27th March
Time: 9.30am-5pm
Venue: Muslim World League, Goodge Street, London W1T 4LU
Taught by: Shaykh Haytham Tamim


“You have indeed in the Messenger of Allah an excellent example for him who hopes in Allah and the Last Day, and who remembers Allah much” (Surah Ahzab: 21)

Words to the Wise


A famous Sufi said....

There are four things, which go to point out the foolishness of a person, namely:

Not to see his own bad defects in the world;

To be in search of the defects of others;

To sow the seed of stinginess in his heart;

And in spite of it, to expect generosity.

It is also said that "The greatest calamity that befalls the heedless is that they are ignorant of their own faults"


Making a mockery of the peace process

Am I the only one who notices this same pattern over and over again?

The Israeli government seems to abuse the want for peace by others.

Just a day after movement in the peace process where Arab ministers and some Palestinian leaders said they would negotiate even though the circumstances were not to their liking, Israel moves the goal posts again by authorising new apartments to be built in settlements in the West Bank.
