

Mother`s letter

My beloved son! If you want me to have kindness towards me,do it now onwards.Otherwise you would be sad for that you have missed the duty of showing your affection towards me and be worried about that.

My dear son you try to show affection and kindness towards me and no use of showing after my death . No life would come after death in this world.

My beloved son! See my face,skin that is wrinkled, and the hair of my head has been become white and that itself shows that I am in the old age.

I am in the bonus period of Allah, I do not know when the Zibrail would take me.

"The Goodly Life" - Sheikh Muhammad Mukhtar Ash-Shinqitee

May Allah give us the strength to carry the Deen in our hearts and the ability to reflect it in our mere, temporary lives InshaAllah.

It's with simple reminders like this, that one is able to be humble with the virtues that are possessed.

Do you ever wish to send happiness to replace the tears.

peace is a question is the answer occupation?
killing little children doesnt give them liberation,
Preaching about unity whilst opressing a nation,
What would your heart say if you had to face them?
Easily drop a bomb from planes in their skys,
Then misinform english youths by feeding them lies,
Switch on sky news whats happening today,
But i don't really wana listen to what they go to say,
Switch on AKA, whats the music scene saying,
Naa i don't wana watch what these rappers are displayin,
Guns knives & violence, I aint really feeling it,
Violent youths are causing wounds is this how theyre healing it?
I dont wana listen to the lies that i've bin told,
I don't understand how the world has got so cold,
Issues are global warming but hearts turn to stone,

Android Qibla Finder apps comparison

How do we know which direction we should face when we pray?

There are ways of calculating this - you need to know your current location, the location of the qiblah and also some way to determine direction.

Most android phones have built in GPS (and most/others can also use other means to determine a good approximate of the location), and a built in compass. This should be enough for some app to combine the data and let you know which direction to face.

I am not the first with that realisation - there are a few apps on the Angroid Marketplace which say they can locate the qiblah/direction to face when praying. I tested the free options.

Salam from Umm Imran

Assalaum alaikum everyone,

Alhamdulillah I just joined the forum. I have been reading the magazine for couple of years but never tried the website. I first came across the magazine at university. Mashallah the revival team is doing a great job. Keep it up Insha-Allah.

It is very important to deal with youth related issues as they are our future. Unfortunately the first generation of Muslims did not engage that much in intellectual arena as they were more busy in their work. But there is no excuse for us not to get involved insha-Allah. Alhamdulillah Muslims are getting more educated and professional. We are also getting more serious about knowing our faith properly. Good luck brothers and sisters! May Allah swt reward you all with the best!

Sony Ericsson Xperia X10

I wasw going to write a blog full of innuendo and stuff, but I cannot remember what most of it was :/

And then I briefly considered taking a picture of the phone to accompany this blog, but again that would be weird since the photo would be taken with my old phone...

Ok... so... the phone.

Its got a nice and large screen (am I compensating for something by buying a phoen with such a huge screen?) and it looks nice enough.

It is an "Android" phone, meaning it has the android Smartphone OS on there - version 1.6 at the moment, which is sort of ancient, but I decided to accept the information that they will update it to the lastest version something in the near future.

Why does it feel like I'm not allowed to do anything?

A few years ago, I started to feel the same way [restricted], where it got to the point where I went to the person I used to talk to for advice and asked "Is it Halaal for me to be happy?"

He didn't give me a straight answer (idiot :P) but he should have emphaticaly answered "yes!"

You see the reason that folk like us have this problem is that the texts (Qur'an and Ahadith collections) talk about progress. How to be better people and more sincere worshipers. What they don't explicitly discuss is, being happy and having fun. They discuss this, but not explicitly.

Marriage + Rhymes of Praise wedding song-Video


Marriage » Should the women be asked for their consent to their marriage?

Aisha (Radiyallaahu `anhu) asked the Prophet of Allah (Sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam),
“O Allah’s Apostle! Should the women be asked for their consent to their marriage?” He said, “Yes.” I said, “A virgin, if asked, feels shy and keeps quiet.” He said, “Her silence means her consent.””
Reported by Muslim

Being Pleased With Your Wife

The Messenger of Allah (Sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam) said,
“A believer must not hate his wife, and if he is displeased with one bad quality in her, then let him be pleased with one that is good in her.”

Marriage » Someone asking for your daughter in marriage
