
The Unknown Society

There are many things that are unseen in this world, if I asked you what they were, you could quite easily name a few – the air, gravity, our voices, but what about something unseen that exists only if you know where to look for it or perhaps, unseen because they’re unknown.

I think that one of the main rules in life is to question everything. What I mean is, if you’re at school, university, work (for those of you who do work) or even hanging out with your friends and you don’t understand something, ask - even if it means that everyone will laugh at you. Because at the end of it, the day you ask, is the day you’ll know.

Hopefully once you’re in the habit of not accepting everything blindly, interesting answers will emerge, bringing you out of the darkness and into the light.

Lets get Political

After the bombshell that I voted for a member of the Conservative party, lets just see if I can summarise a few things.

Let me be upfront about something though - the issues I highlight below are issues I probably ignored when casting my vote. I could not overlook that the current incumbent voted for the Iraq war.

Past Record

While David Cameron keeps bleeting on about 13 years of Labour waste, he is simply wrong and relying on people to not remember things from what 1997 was like.

I voted tory

and so far I live to tell the tale.

I voted for the guy because well, he lives around the corner at the end of my street.

No idea what he stands for and he has no hope in hell if even winning, but my mum knows he mum etc etc and so I cast my vote.

(There was also the small matter of the current Labour MP for the area having voted for the Iraq war. I could not vote for him in good conscience.)

Besides, he has no chance in hell of winning, so its not really that it matters either.

Who have you voted for and why?

The intent to offend

Recently something happened where many expected a ballistic reaction from Muslims in general - The Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam (Peace and Blessings be upon him) was depicted in a two part south park episode.

The media was salivating at the expected reaction, the network broadcasting it was cowering in fear - it censored the second of the two episodes to sucha degree that even speeches that did not mention Islam or the prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam (Peace and Blessings be upon him) werew bleeped out.

CNN and other media were positive of a reaction - why wouldn't there be one? Remember the dutch cartoon saga and the many protests?

CNN even rolled out the chief Islamophobe Ayaan Ali Hirsi to condemn Islam as an extremist religion and the state was set.

Sky Dive!

If you’re looking to do something daring, exciting, challenging and out of this world this summer... then look no further!
Take part in The Revival Sky Dive on 1st August 2010


All you have to do is raise £400 - and you get a free Sky Dive! You can raise money through sponsorship or donations from family and friends, stalls, sponsored walk/run, etc. The money will cover your jump and the rest will go to The Revival.


It's a chance of a lifetime! Plus it’s for a great cause; the young Muslims of the future! Your fundraising Sky Dive will support The Revival to become bigger and better Inshallah.

