
I'm different to you & you is different to me.

So, You have a name, an age, a nationality, a religion maybe, a family, a community, a medical health record, a fitness status, a criminal record (or not), a race, a skin tone, a life, a pet elephant, a mansion & a flash car or a cardboard box, a bank full of money or the change in your pocket. We all have different things, be that culture, religion, nationalities, bank status's, wealth, families, there's something that causes me to be different from you.

Chocolate Butter Cream: You know you want it because you're weak!!

Used on cake or as filling.

You will need

6oz of butter
1cup or 6oz of icing sugar
Some good chocolate or coca powder

-Cream the butter and sugar together until light and fluffy (I dont mean until feefi shows up).
-Add the chocolate powder and mix until nice and snooth.

Add on cake etc and enjoy.

Anniversary of the Mavi Marmara/ Because before I was anybody or anything else I was a Human Being.

I posted this blog a year ago today, & wow was there some controversy regarding it, but today, I want to say that the dream really hasn't changed very much. I feel slightly closer and that today on the anniversary of the attack of the Mavi Marmara in international waters by the Israeli Offence Force I say that we should honour the 9 human lives which we lost and we should stand in solidarity with our brothers and sisters in Gaza, today and every other day. They need us to protect & demand their basic human rights & as Muslims that's more than something we feel we should do, its an obligation. The more people who recognise the suffering & help the Palestinians the more hope of a brighter future for the children of Palestine.

O Nick Clegg where art thou?

Were you not the leader of the party that was most sane on the issue of Palestine? Were you not for an arms embargo on Gaza?

Has that changed since your alliance with the Conservatives? You seem to have sold your soul.

Where is the Prime Minister to state the terrible nature of this assault?

And how about condemning this act insted of Mr Hague being forced to deplore the loss of life? Mahdi Hassan explained it well:

Israel vents fury at Gaza aid ship

When entering Israel's borders it should read, "enter at your own risk". Whether by sea, land or air, todays actions by Israel clearly highlight the urgent need of action by the world and US on how Israel continues to defy internationa law.

Once again with more than ten people dead and dozens injured we witnessed that Israel is willing to use great force whatever the circumstances. This attack on a flotilla aid convoy was not just a provacation but a clear sign of violation of International law.
