
30hrs in France

well..that was what was suppose to happen. but it didnt go that way.

anyway. We travel for TWELVE hours. I dont think our family is suppose to travel at normal times. We have NO idea where the time went and how come it took us so long. (average time is 9 hours and thats when we take a 2 hours ferry ride which is furthest north, this time we took the eurotunnel...)

anyway, left at 5pm and got "home" at 5am (saturday morning)

then 11.30 was the town hall reception (we went for a wedding)

Childhood Masjid- Men's side (kinda)

I dont know if you can see clearly. But this is the side where i used to run around because it was soo big there was always space at the back to play tag. Then one day we couldnt go anymore. But we'd grown out of playing tag so it wasnt too much a problem. And anyway, the boys were guetting boring now.

Ayatollah Fadlallah

Sign of God Passes

Spiritual leader to Hizbollah dies condemning Israel

Man who America feared. British Ambassador called him a decent man. CNN reporter said she admired him. Both were censored by their government.

Beirut, Lebanon - 4th of July 2010

Lebanon's top Shia Cleric, Grand Ayatollah Sayyed Mohammed Hussein Fadlallah, 75, died on Sunday July 4, 2010. Fadlallah was loved throughout Middle East for his staunch anti-American stance. He knew how to throw the Ameircans out of Lebanon permanently. They have not been back for 30 years. He was instrumental in the rise of Lebanon's Shias in the past decades and had a strong following among Shia communities both in Lebanon and his native Iraq...
