
Graphics Wizards wanted

Have a look around. See anything you dislike? Think you can do better?

Do you think the website theme can be spruced up - or even replaced with something better?

Prove it!

This website needs some people with a legendary graphics designs skills to fill all sort of needs. There are two types of people required:

Website layout and design

First, there is the bigger picture stuff, like the overall layout and design of the site - for those who think they can help here.

We use Drupal and no, we will not move to some other Software system. You do not need to know drupal - if needs be plain html or even Photoshop mock-ups can be used and made into a Drupal theme.

Explanation of Surah Fatir

Utrujj Foundation presents…

Explanation of Surah Fatir

Date: Every Tuesday from February 16, 2010 until March 16, 2010
Time: 6:30pm until 8:30pm
Location: Muslim World League
Taught by: Shaykh Haytham Tamim

“Oh mankind! Indeed the promise of Allah is true. So let not the life of this world delude you, nor let the chief deluder delude you regarding Allah ” [Surah Fatir 35:5]

Durood Taj (Salawat)


Durood Taj

O Allah, send blessings and Peace upon our Master and Patron Muhammad, The Owner of the Crown and the Ascent and the Buraq and the Standard, The Repeller of Affliction and Disease and Drought and Illness and Pain.

His name is written on high, served and engraved in the Tablet and the Pen, The Leader of All, Arabs and non-Arabs, Whose body is sanctified, fragrant, and pure, Illumined in the House and the Haram,

Parents Care

(i recieved this via email thought id share it)

When I was 4 Yrs Old :
My father is THE BEST

When I was 6 Yrs Old:
My father seems to know everyone

When I was 10 Yrs Old:
My father is excellent but he is short tempered

When I was 12 Yrs Old:
My father was nice when I was little

When I was 14 Yrs Old:
My father started being too sensitive

When I was 16 Yrs Old :
My father can't keep up with modern time

When I was 18 Yrs Old :
My father is getting less tolerant as the days pass by

When I was 20 Yrs Old :

It is too hard to forgive my father,
how could my Mum stand him all these years

When I was 25 Yrs Old :
My father seems to be objecting to everything I do

YOUTH EVENT: Are You Passionate about YOUR Community?

Are you aged 16-24 and want to discuss YOUR views and help make a change in YOUR Local community, HARROW?

Would you like to have a ‘Safe Space’ to discuss issues affecting you?

What about the recent anti-Mosque protests in Harrow? Have you got anything to say?

Join us and take part in a series of workshops on:
Date: Tuesday 16th February 2010
Time: 11am-3pm
Venue: Harrow Council, Civic Centre, Station Road, Harrow, HA1 2XP

For further details, please contact:
Tafazal Mohammad - or call/text: 07861 698 132
Shaban -


Event is in partnership with Harrow Council

In rememberance of Gaza..

As Salaamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullaah,

inshaAllah you are well, in the best of health and emaan.

A poem someone sent me just thought i'd share it here.

Somedays my heart weeps..
Somedays it is so strong, and even in the best of health it tends to grieve..
My soul leaps at any chance to succeed..
Even then I become oppressed with worldly greed..
My mind can be frail but can also be the master of pain..
But no matter what, whenever I fell, it gave me the space to be restrained..
I got hurt, but I trusted Allah in the fear,
I was blind but believed in Allah, in time will make it all clear..
I fell, but trust in Allah till hope comes near..
They came and took my home, hurt my family and left me to cry..
