
One day, they will kick you out

When I was younger (and this may still be the case in many places), there was a fear within the immigrant community - one day we will be kicked out, told to go back home.

This started decades ago from when the labourers came over to earn money with a view of returning "back home". This meant that they saved up money and sent it back, maybe even built mansions there, to eventually return to. They lived more affordable lives here - if they were going to get kicked out or leave voluntarily, there was no point building a future here.

Beautiful Lyrics

Beautiful Nasheed read by Brother Ahmed Mansuri.


Allah Allahu

Ya Khaliqal-Akwaan - O creator of the Worlds
Ya Munzilal-Qur2an - O revealer of the Quran
Ya Khaliqal-Akwaan - O creator of the Worlds
Ya Munzilal-Qur2an - O revealer of the Quran
Zidni Minal-Iman - Increase me in faith
Allahu ya allah - Allah, Oh Allah

Allah Allahu

Ighfirli Ya Rabbi - Forgive for me, my Lord..
3iSyani Wa Dhanbi - disobedience and my sins
Ighfirli Ya Rabbi - Forgive for me, my Lord..
3iSyani Wa Dhanbi - disobedience and my sins
Addam3u Fi 3ayni - Tears are in my eyes
Far7amni Ya Allah - So have mercy on me, Oh Allah

One Day...

One day …

Youngsters will learn words they will not understand.

Children from India will ask:
What is hunger?
Children from Alabama will ask:
What is racial segregation?
Children from Hiroshima will ask:
What is the atomic bomb?
Children at school will ask:
What is war?

You will answer them.
You will tell them:

Those words are not used any more.
Like stagecoaches, galleys or slavery.

Words no longer meaningful.

That is why they have been
removed from the dictionaries.

(Martin Luther King)

Ireland To Gaza - John Hurson (Part 3)

After a good nights sleep, I awoke to hear loud booms out at sea. Looking out from my window, I could see Israeli gunships patrolling the waters a few miles out. This is a constant reminder that their presence is close, and to stop fishermen from going out far enough to fish. Not a pretty sight to see on a daily basis.

At mid day, everyone met up at the compound, and we officially handed over all our vehicles and aid to various charities and NGO’s working in Gaza. Anyone with specific deliveries, got to hand over their aid personally. There were emotional scenes as people packed up their belongings and said good bye to their vehicles that had become their home for the past month.

What have you learnt?

1. You can't spend too much time with your children.

I have a friend who is now an MP who is a father of five and he said to me when I became a father that the speed with which your children's lives flash in front of you is terrifying. You should spend as much time with them as possible. It's enormous fun and so stimulating.

This morning I went in to my children's school for a carol service. It was the most important thing I could make time for.

2. Always make time every day to read a book that has nothing to do with your work.
