Black Hawk Down (2001)
A single pious, practicing woman is equal to 70 saints (aulia-e-kraam ).
A single bad (evil) woman is equal to 1000 bad men.
Two rakaats namaaz of an aalimah woman are better than 80 rakaats of ordinary women.
A breastfeeding woman gets one good for each drop of milk that is fed to the child.
When a husband comes home full of worries and the wife extends warm welcome to him and consoles him; she receives the reward of half jihad.
A woman, who is deprived of sleep owing to her child crying at night, receives the sawaab of freeing 20 slaves.
When a husband and a wife look at each other with love and affection, Allah Paak himself looks at both of them with love and affection.
17 August 2010 Last updated at 14:25
Kenyan arrested by Tanzania police over 'albino sale'
By Will Ross East Africa correspondent
Albino children in a school for the blind in Tanzania The Tanzanian government has promised action to protect albinos
Police in Tanzania say they have arrested a Kenyan national who was attempting to sell an albino man.
The arrest was made in a sting operation as police pretended to be businessmen buying albino body parts.
Police say they struck a deal equivalent to more than $250,000 (£159,000) for the 20-year-old man.
Albino body parts are prized in parts of Africa, with witchdoctors claiming they have special powers. The Tanzanian government has promised to take action.
Salaams Everyone,
I recently had a very mubarak dream and I have decided to go on a journey of self reformation.
I would like to apologise to all the sisters on the forum for my anti wife/women attitude. I know I have caused a lot of hurt to many of you. Please find it in your hearts to forgive a misguided brother.
I will still be on the forum but will hopefully only contribute where necessary, eg. when things that are not permissible in Islam are advocated or made permissible. I consider myself a student rather than a teacher.
So I was bored over the weekend, having cleaned my room, helped my mum with the shopping and my sister was out visiting some relatives. And I needed to kill sometime till they got back. So the evening went a lil something like this...