
Rape 'impossible' in marriage, says Muslim cleric

Rape 'impossible' in marriage, says Muslim cleric

By Mark Hughes and Jerome Taylor

Thursday, 14 October 2010

A senior Muslim cleric who runs the country's largest network of sharia courts has sparked controversy by claiming that there is no such thing as rape within marriage.

Sheikh Maulana Abu Sayeed, president of the Islamic Sharia Council in Britain, said that men who rape their wives should not be prosecuted because "sex is part of marriage". And he claimed that many married women who alleged rape were lying.
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Game Making

Im going to try and make a matching game for this project im doing.
its a looong project [8 weeks i believe] and at the end we need to present our research and topic.

topic of my group = sins and their punishment

so we were thinking about having a matching game with sins and punishment.

im about to download this

got any advice? warning? anything?

Gender Equality in the Homes?Err...whats that says the man!

What women's movement? Wives and partners STILL do 82 per cent of housework

By Daily Mail Reporter
Last updated at 6:04 PM on 12th October 2010

Women have fought hard for equality but a staggering 82 per cent still do the housework in their home, according to a revealing new study into Britain's cleaning habits.

Just eight per cent of husbands and boyfriends pull their weight when it comes to household chores, figures show.

More than a third of young adults aged under 24 admit they rely on their parents to clean up after them, while two per cent of Brits pay a professional cleaner.
No excuse: 15 per cent of men describe cleaning as 'too much hard work'

No excuse: 15 per cent of men describe cleaning as 'too much hard work'

Losing Faith...

Faith can be such a fragile thing. A belief system that not only influences our daily lives but provides a sense of place among things. So when it comes under attack, we can become shaken to the core.

Such events can be anything from a bereavement or illness which can have two reactions. Either a chances to become alot closer to Allah (swt) or more commonly an instinct based reaction which causes us to push away and even trigger a reassessment of the nature of our world or atlest the world we thought we lived in. At which point even a long standing faith may no longer bring comfort.

What makes you a muslim?

Salam, my name is ruksar and i am new to this website. My question today is related to 'what makes YOU a muslim''?
I am asking this question because i would like people to stop for once and think carefully and deeply about it.
I find myself asking myself this question and ended up exploring things and start thinking from a different point of view to find answers. So please have a go and goodluck
