Musings of a Museless Muse.
Hiii there.
Disclaimer: I can't be bothered to make all my pronoun i's capital so if you can't handle that, don't read on (:
So... i haven't written a proper blog in a while now but i have now and then thought how cool it would be to have a proper set of blogs that people followed and enjoyed reading, like on blogspot or whatever, but unfortunately, i haven't got enough interesting things to say.
I doubt many people will read this, but i'll just put it out there, just my general thoughts while i'm pretty much here with just my own mind for company.
As an all-out daydreamer, there's nothing i like more than time to just think so it's not a problem. Any quiet opportunity to just pretend to be reading something or be staring out of a window and think about stuff.