
If MPACUK wants to hold the Muslim community account...

who is it that holds MPACUK to account?

Let's create an imaginary scenario... there is a massive leak of documents detailing how Saudi Arabia, Oman, Egypt etc are more or less begging the US (or even Israel, they don't care who does it as long as it is done) to attack Iran and stop "their evil" from spreading.

What do MPAC focus on? "Israel Recruits Thousands of Liars" and "Store To Zionists: Keep Your Blood Money".

When pointing this out on tribune, someone asked of MPAC "Why do they keep repeating stuff that we've already heard?"

Iranian Scientist(s) murdered by terrorists

While everyone is focussing on wikileaks, some acts of terrorism may be going less noticed.

Today an Iranian scientist was murdered by some terrorists who planted a bomb on his car while he was driving it (the terrorists were on motorcycles).

Another scientist was injured in a separate incident and this is the third targetted attack in this year, prompting questionjs as to who is killing these scientists.

Girls vs Mixed college??

Hello! [can anyone help??]
I'm going to go to college/sixth form next year and I'm applying to two girls colleges and the rest are mixed but does anyone know what Islam says on the education of girls like is it better to go to the girls campus' [I go to a girl school btw] even though the buildings arent as nice and the course choices arent as varied and they dont do a subject you want as opposed to the mixed ones where they do the actual courses??v.confused....!

Open Muslim Marriage Event Ilford London 8th January 2011

Open Muslim Marriage Event Ilford London 8th January 2011

This event is open to all Muslims (72 Males - 72 Females, limited availability).

Our aim is to organise events where Muslim brothers and sisters can meet each other, solely for the purpose of seeking an ideal Muslm marriage partner.

Male Ticket - £59.00
Female Ticket - £59.00
Chaperone Ticket - £35.00

Islam Against The World (Created By Me) Let me know what you think made couple of years ago =)

What has this world come to?
UK residents a national breakthrough,
But its still a messed up society where its Islam against da world,
little boys getting killed and dey rape da girls.
We dont understand what its like to be muslim,
by not following our religion we're attacking da islamic system.
and how can we call ourselves muslim when we do da same as all da uvers?
we drink blaze mix and we still call ourselves brothers.
Well close your eyes and picture judgement day
well what do you think your mind body and soul would say?
and im not saying dat im so perfect but everyone knows dat keeping knowledge is all worth it.
and at da end we aint all perfect people,
but move a step forward by treating people equal,
and treat islam for what it is and not just a word
