
Violent Protests in Libya and Bahrain

There are two contrasting approaches to the protesters in Libya and Bahrain, especially after the toppling of the then president Hosni Mubarak in Egypt.

Many people have been killed in Libya. Pro-government news papers having warned protesters that protesting would be "suicide". There was no pretence that any protests would be harshly dealt with and there had been close to a hundred people killed on Friday in the second city of Benghazi.

Geert Wilders: Europe's most dangerous man????

He was once refused entry to Britain. He has called for the Qur'an to be banned and has proposed a tax on wearing headscarves. And he is also the first politician ever to stand trial on charges of 'incitement to hatred'. Geert Wilders, instantly recognisable for his quiff of platinum blond hair, is one of Holland's most controversial and well-known politicians and, some argue, Europe's most dangerous man.

Bafta-winning filmmakers Mags Gavan and Joost van der Valk follow Wilders on his campaign trail during the recent Dutch elections, meet members of the international anti-Islamic network who support him, and find out about a conspiracy theory promoting the belief that Europe is being taken over by Islam.

Looking for a hadith!!! HELP!

Salaam all! im looking for the hadith about if you do a good deed and someone copies you you get the same reward as them with their reward being decreased. And the same for bad deeds.

And if you find any comments/explanation/interpretation of the hadith, please please please please let me know!!!

JazakAllahou khayran to all that can help!!!

Intercession on Judgement Day

Just the other day I was thinking about this and earlier today I was listening to a talk about how the Holy Prophet (SAW) will intercede for us on the Judgement. It was in urdu so I can't translate it with the exact same words and passion which touched me so here are a few ahadith about it:

The Holy Prophet(saw)the Intercessor of the Sinners said, “Allah gave me the option of
choosing between the power of intercession or having half of my Ummah admitted to
Paradise without any reckoning. I chose the power of intercession because that is more
important and will be more useful. Do you assume that my intercession is for the pious
Muslims? No, on the contrary, it is for those sinners who are steeped in sins and have
committed grave crimes."


Since I was little I have always believed on jinn. The topic also interested a lot of my friends and family. Even my cousins, every time we met we updated each other about the stories we have heard. The other day I was reading an Islamic book named King of Jinn’s and other miracles of Ghaus-e-Azam by Shaik-e- Tariqat, this book really caught my attention. So I thought I should share a few paragraphs with you. It really gets you thinking.
