
Sunni,Sufi nd Shiya

Ryt this is were i get confused :
in islam there are three main tribes
Sunni... Sufi And Shiya
so why are there three main DIFFERENT tribez??
i kno wat sufi's are they dance/.go in2 a trance at the name of allah
and i know wat Shiya's are they wack/harm themselves due to one of their ancestors
but i dont get wat sunni's are (even tho i am one myself)
My father always explains to me wat islam is and how it works but i get confused coz there are also otha names like:
nd so on and so forth .. so how does tis work ? i mean if we r muslimzz does it really matta if we belong in a certain group?
Completely lost here ... :?

My Very First Blog :)

His heart pumped excessively , pounding across his ribs , making his body shake uncontrollably.... A slow teardrop streaked across his face, and he licked his lips hungrily to take away the salty taste... He bowed his head in shame as he looked at his book... It was time to face the Music...

Okay.. I don't know why i had to start with that but this is my very first blog and i don't know what to start off with so i compromised it by just randomly writing.. i think i should stop writing now ... Biggrin

Wat is it with freemasonz?

O...k i am well confuzed wen it all comez down 2 this
wat freemasonz actually DO!
i mean is it that they worship the devil or somefing?
nd apprantlyy the reason why ppl are sayin we r gonna die in 2012 is down 2 them ?
how ?
i mean wats rongg with listenin to songz if the person who is singin it is a freemason how doez that change US?????
i am officaly

Dropping further maths

bye bye. I inshaAllah definitely dropping this.

its only an As over the 2 years.
i made Salaatul-Istikhaarah
I talked to my nice maths teacher (got 2)
I talked to another girl who also wants to drop it.

told the other maths teacher (the one who teaches FM) and told him that im dropping. he said "we'll talk", It was red nose day and he had red nail varnish on one hand. I cant take this seriously.

bye bye further maths.

and if that comes to this i'll tell him what i think of studying.

he might be stubborn. but hey! Im Muslim GRINNO

Tuesday it is. the Showdown.

The BIG debate!

Topic of debate: Improving the uptake of breastfeeding would reduce health inequalities by social class in the UK.

At the moment people from higher social classes breastfeed more than people from lower classes. The for argument is that if people from lower classes were to breastfeed their children (instead of formula) this would improve overall health and therefore reduce health inequalities. I have to argue against this (not so bad, just need to find research to back my points).
