
I've had such a pleasant day!

I'm just letting my feelings out (would normally do it on tribby but I'm feeling unselfish :P)If I were you, I'd stop reading...NOW.

So I gotta get out the house at half 8 even on my day day off. Except I'm running a little late and I have to walk quite fast too.

I get to the charity shop and I'm told I will get to be on the till for the first time - Yeahhhhhhh! That's better than having to touch all those dirty, smelly clothes!

But no, I got stuck with the stinky unhygienic guy who was scratching his head like mad and standing there cleaning his ears with his hands - I am not exaggerating when I say I was about to be sick and gagged.


i HATE terrorsits
Woahhh Nywaiiz bak 2 da point:
Wat is it with Terrorstz?
I mean since 9/11 nothingzz been the same
Nd isnt it haraan 2 kill urself ?
so why do ppl think that if u kill urselff then u will go heaven?
nd the ppl who did 9/11 basically RUINED all muslimz livez
co be honest wen u see a white person looking at u
u can tell they r wonderin whether ur a Killer Muslim inih?
Jus weird nd selfish ppl that are agnorant nd dumb nd attention seekeres are suicidal bomberzz
Hav u seen the videoz sent 2 da goverment by "OSAMA BIN LADEN" ?

Pakistan - Land of the Pure

Embarrassingly, I don't know the history of Pakistan that great detail but what I do know is Mohammad Ali Jinnah fought hard for the separation of India and Pakistan, to create a land for Muslims, to create a pure land. But, I'm sure if he could see what was happening in his country today he would be horrified. It is no longer the land of the pure.

I hate listening to the Asian news. All you hear about is how people are stealing, keeping others hostage, torturing them, murdering, EATING THEM. A lot of the times its their own family who are the victims. It's shocking and sickening. Ignorance is bliss.

My Blood is the same as yours

Freedom is paid for with the blood of the oppressed,
Which pumps through their veins with every beat of their chests,
When a parent dies only children are left,
& when a child dies it’s so hard to accept,
The blood stained hands of the oppressor will never be forgiven,
As the legacy of his reign is forever living,
In the hearts & the souls of the mothers who were giving,
All they had to their child but now they’re not living,
Or they have a daughter with a bullet lodged in her brain,
& a son who was blinded by the weapons that were used to invade,
Our reality and theirs was never meant to be the same,
The term “3rd world” isn’t just politically correct it’s a part of the game,
To elevate the western world to a planet that is better than theirs,

I Cannot Be Ignorant When - Arab Revoloutions

I want my children to be raised not in a cage, nor on the street,
& when they’re fighting for their rights, they will be stable on their feet,
In the spirit of the Arabs who will not settle for defeat,
as the legacy of those who died before victory was achieved.

I feel the pain when my brothers are killed by the tyrants,
Cus if they are not free then I am not either,
And I still feel the pain when my sisters are silenced,
Cus out on the street, they are subject to violence,
I feel the pain when a father’s blood stains the face of his child.
& runs through the street, so they see red for many miles,
Others lie in the street with their fists in the sky,
The souls may leave but the spirit will never die,
When a man no longer fears death, he will fight,

They're bombing for peace. -Libya

Hear they go again; they are bombing for peace,
In Libya they were fighting to bring the regime to its knees,
They wanted Gaddafi weak so they could force him to leave,
So please remember their cries before you choose what you believe,
Is it a coincidence they invaded Iraq today in 2003,
Or that they claimed they would help its people be free,
Remember goverments don’t fight for the sake of humanity,
C’mon believing that would truly be a form of insanity,
Did thy not sell weapons to Gaddafi to enforce his regime?
Or is just me who see’s that they are switching teams,
They said Iraq was invaded to rid the people of Sadam,
& now they bomb Libya to free the people of a man,
8 years on and look at the state of Iraq,
Do the people on Libya need to be victim to that?

Death of the Easter Bunny

Fear is such a powerful thing that it can cement every detail of any event into a childs brain.

But first a little back story. I was born in a home where my mum was Christen and my dad was a Muslim. So unlike everyone else i didnt have a normal up bringing, I had an AWESOME ONE!! I got the best of both worlds, Christmas, Easter & Eid!! Which to a child meant more and more and more presents, chocolates and cake (i trust you remember how that turned out).
