
Tony Blair Reads Quran- Everyday

He was notoriously reluctant to discuss religion while Prime Minister, with his chief spin doctor Alastair Campbell famously commenting: ‘We don’t do God.’
But since leaving Downing Street in 2007, Tony Blair has become increasingly open about the importance of religion.
Mr Blair, who converted to Catholicism months after leaving Number 10, has now spoken of how he reads the Koran every day.
Reading the Islamic religion’s holy book - considered by Muslims to be the exact words of God - ensured he remained ‘faith-literate’, the former Labour leader said.
In an interview with the Observer magazine, published yesterday he said: ‘To be faith-literate is crucial in a globalised world, I believe.

Moved to new servers.

tl;dr - moved to new servers, should be faster, less troublesome inshallah.

OK, after a few weeks of choppy performance on the previous hosts, I have moved the site over to a new host.

This should mean both a faster site and less issued.

However I had not moved earlier as the old providers provided more hands on support for managing the server and I had gottne used to being lazy. Not only that, moving servers can always uncover issued and problems.

The new virtual server is a lot faster than the old one, but I will now need to brush up my skills on how to manage it - and today went a long way with that as since a few things did go wrong, I had to figure out how to fix things myself.

Government to attack "unbritish" Muslim behaviour

The last government had a "prevent" strategy to fight (mostly Muslim) extremism (which had some good goals but was also used to spy on the Muslim community and had a pretty negative image within the Muslim community).

Now this government wants to replace it with another one, but this instead of targeting violence or the promotion of violence, instead wants to focus on fighting what the government considers unbritish behaviour.

The future of Britain

What is the future of Islam in Britain? With the rise in confrontational groups such as BNP, EDL and NF, how will our Muslim youth fight for their rights for the TRUE reflection of peace and calm in our deen?

I feel that although Britain is a lot more of a tolerant place to live in, at the moment, compared to places like France, Denmark, Holland etc, it is questionable what the future of Muslims in this county holds. It is up to us to make this a better place for those Muslims yet to come....

Away from home

Being away from home...

Made me realise what my loved ones mean to me,
You look here,there and everywhere to try and substitue company.
A tear of lonliness rolls down my cheek in despair,
As I walk towards my destination through the unfamiliar air.
My destination in this life is really not too far,
As I approach them slowly-they know who you are.
My destination in the hereafter is currently way beyond my reach,
Lets show everyonewhat Islam can really teach.
