
In Memorial of You..

This poem is written in the memorial of my father, who embraced my love of writing and encouraged me to go further, who passed away recently from lung cancer - 2nd May 2011.

Taught me
To smile, to laugh, to rejoice
Taught me
The meaning of life, the way of life, to be the best in life
I loved
Who loved me back
I stumbled I fell
Insistently picked up, I was
Questions asked
Questions answered
No frown marred that beautiful face of yours
The day came, where they whispered
How you would perish
We fought
We cried, bitter tears
Hope was renewed
Time and time again
You grieved, we grieved
Different reasons
The pain you were in, did we mourn
The pain we were in, did you mourn
Role reversal and we scolded
Ashamed, not I


I haven't been on here for a little while, but i've been very busy trying to sort myself out.
Now, after lots of job-hunting, iv been offered 3 jobs all at once!!
2 in turkey, starting middle of next month, 1 is in Ankara (the capital) but it's only for 6 weeks, the other is in Konya which is the hometown of Rumi & is all spiritual apparently, & is for over 2 months so I would prefer that I think.

Talk On Emotions; Care To Help?


In my house we got a talk going on every week and my turns on sunday coming.
im planning to do a talk on emotions and how to deal with certain emotions and what islam says about it such as the duas and actions islam tells us to perform or recite during anger happiness sadness etc.
anyone got any ideas and care to help?...

Freedom is cheap

Currently the middle east is going through a set of disturbances, something which is undoing a part of what was done there a century ago when the countries were carved up and eventually lead to a multitude of despicable regimes.

What they are fighting for is also a multitude of things, but a major theme is one of dignity and freedom. and jobs and prosperity, but the latter can be eased by the former.

So far Tunisia and Egypt caved and the regimes fell - the end result may be for the good, or it may be the same or worse, as instability always has a price.

Yemen is brinking on the edge of total chaos where the ruling President has promised to stand down but not many believe him. Some prominent figures, including in the army have asked him to go, others have asked him to stay.

Ben Nevis Trek 2011- Great Cause.....Great Challenge

Muslim Aid have organised an adventurous trek to the top of the highest mountain in Britain and we’re challenging YOU to climb it in our Ben Nevis Trek 2011.

Your challenge is to raise £300 and join a group of enthusiastic and compassionate people dedicated to combating drought in Africa. Muslim Aid’s water projects in Africa have been bringing a lifeline to communities for over 25 years and now you can be a part of this amazing cause.

Trek details

Departure:Friday 20th May 2011

Trek day: Saturday 21st May 2011

Return: Sunday 22nd May 2011

Your target: £300

Location:Glen Nevis, Scotland

Golden Ticket:The top fundraiser will get to travel to one of our Africa field offices to visit one of our projects.

Ben Nevis Trek 2011- Great Cause.....Great Challenge

Muslim Aid have organised an adventurous trek to the top of the highest mountain in Britain and we’re challenging YOU to climb it in our Ben Nevis Trek 2011.

Your challenge is to raise £300 and join a group of enthusiastic and compassionate people dedicated to combating drought in Africa. Muslim Aid’s water projects in Africa have been bringing a lifeline to communities for over 25 years and now you can be a part of this amazing cause.

Trek details

Departure:Friday 20th May 2011

Trek day: Saturday 21st May 2011

Return: Sunday 22nd May 2011

Your target: £300

Location:Glen Nevis, Scotland

Golden Ticket:The top fundraiser will get to travel to one of our Africa field offices to visit one of our projects.
