Forum Topics

Mustafa Akyol: ‘The right to blasphemy’

Charlie Hebdo, a satirical French magazine, recently became much more famous than it ever was. Early this month it came out with a provocative issue whose cover presented a cartoon of the Prophet Muhammad and the headline “100 lashes if you don’t die laughing.” Shortly afterwards the offices of the magazine were firebombed and its website got hacked, reportedly by a group of Turkish Muslims.

Please help! Awrah of a young woman

Sidi Ustadh Mohammed Daniel,

I sometimes read and post on a popular forum on the internet and yesterday I was shocked to find that a person had posted a link to a sport video that should not only showed a man in shorts above the knee, but also young women dressed in short skirts and t-shirts. I wrote a polite note telling the brother that he should not post such links that show the ‘awrah’. My post was deleted and these were some of the comments that were posted which I found fairly sad because they are responsible people in their communities and one is even a translator of Islamic texts.

To see Shaikh Mohammed's intelligent response to the question click

Hajj And Eid-Al-Adhaa – Two Gifts Of Dhul-Hijjah

Islamic calendar comprises of 12 different months, each of them having its own significance; “Dhul-hijjah” being the last of them and perhaps the most important of them as well, because it offers Muslims all around the world the honor of “Hajj”, followed by “Eid-al-Adhaa”.

The two of these are considered to be the most revered of religious occasions (celebrations, in fact) for Muslims. This post serves to furnish you with some basic information about both “Hajj” as well as “Eid-al-Adhaa”.For more details please visit the site below:

Baby force-feeding death: Mother Gloria Dwomoh jailed

A mother who force-fed her baby girl who later died has been jailed.

Gloria Dwomoh, a 31-year-old nurse from Walthamstow, London, was sent to prison for three years after being convicted of allowing or causing the death.

The 10-month-old, named in court as Diamond, was forced to take solid foods from the age of six months. She died in March 2010.

The Old Bailey heard Diamond died from pneumonia caused by food in her lungs that had blocked her airways

Met Police authorised to use plastic bullets at student protests, university

Metropolitan Police Officers at tomorrow's student protests in London will have the right to fire plastic bullets at protesters, it has emerged this week.

The demonstration, endorsed by the National Union of Students (NUS), is the second major protest against the rise in university tuition fees in as many years.

In 2012/13, the University of Southampton will be charging prospective students £9,000 per year, the maximum allowed, for tuition.


As-Salamu alaykum,

FREE COURSE for brothers and sisters!

>>Reviving our Spirituality: A Study of Selected Hadith of the Beloved and Blessed Messenger

by Shaykh Kamaluddin Ahmed

10 AM - 6 PM, Sunday, 13th November
Esha Atul Islam, Mosque & Community Centre, 17 Ford Square, London E1 2HS

Open for Brothers and Sisters


New text on Spirituality through Hadith from Turath Publishing by Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanwi (ra) will be available on-site

(This course will NOT be broadcast online)

Shaykh Kamaluddin Ahmed (db)

Shaykh KAMALUDDIN + Alimah SOBIA AHMED in CAMBRIDGE & LDN Fri 11 - Sun 13 Nov

As-salamu alaykum

Alhamdulillah Shaykh Kamaluddin Ahmed and his respected wife Alimah Sobia Ahmed will be visiting Cambridge insha Allah on [B]Friday 11 & Saturday 12 and London on the evening of Saturday 12 and Sunday 13 Nov.

Schedule: CAMBRIDGE Friday 11th to Saturday 12th November

Fri 11 Nov 2011

>> 1-2pm Jumu'ah Khutbah by Shaykh Kamaluddin

St Columba's Hall, Downing Place [See Map Attached]

Open to Brothers & Sisters

>> 3-4:20pm (Maghrib) Halaqah: Blessings of the Remembrance of Allah by Shaykh Kamaluddin

Sidgwick Site Prayer Room, Sidgwick Avenue [See Map attached]

Open to Brothers & Sisters

>> Maghrib-6:30pm Halaqah: Knowledge & Spirituality in University Life by Alimah Sobia Ahmed


Saalams Biggrin

Don't want this to sound boring and worthless but what is the best way you would revise... :oops:

It's like, one time I'll be all worked up about work and get on with it, whereas the next day I won't be asked and I just can't be bothered... but I get it! Argghh..

I haven't got short-attention span, I feel prepared and not overly-confident.. but in a steady position

Pleaseee share your 'tips' on what you would do, or how I can change myself to get in the 'mode'..

Jazakhallah khair Biggrin

80,000 Muslims pray [eid prayer] on the street in Moscow

MOSCOW (AP) — Tens of thousands of Muslim men knelt shoulder-to-shoulder in prayer on the freezing streets of Moscow on Sunday to celebrate the religious holiday of Eid al-Adha.


Police said 170,000 people celebrated the holiday in Moscow, including 80,000 who gathered on the street outside what was once the main mosque. The 100-year-old pastel green Cathedral Mosque was torn down in September and a new mosque being built next to it is still under construction.

Read more @ The Associated Press.

Another story.
