Forum Topics


What was your favorite Cartoon show as a kid and why?

For me it's either Talespin, Duck Tales, or Darkwing Duck.


Talespin was about all the characters from the junglebook in a 1930s cape town, Balloo plays an amazing pilot who has to run from the famed air pirate DON KARNAGE, and is often the pawn of the business tycoon Shere Khan.

Duck Tales is about Uncle Scrooge - a scottish penny pinching duck that travels the world with his nephews looking for more gold and treasure - simply phenominal, it's like indiana jones.

And Darkwing Duck was about a duck that doubles as

Hamas to end truce with Israel

[quote][size=18]Hamas to end truce with Israel[/size]

The political leader of the Palestinian militant group Hamas has said it will not renew its informal ceasefire with Israel that expires at the end of year.

Khaled Meshaal told a rally in the Syrian capital Damascus his group was preparing for a new round of conflict.

The truce begun in February was based on Israel ending its attacks on Palestinians and releasing prisoners.

[b]Hamas had already said it would pull out of the truce when Israel killed a military leader in November.[/b]

Addressing the crowd at the Yarmouk refugee

How Britain helped Israel get the (A) bomb

[quote][size=18]How Britain helped Israel get the bomb[/size]

[b]Newsnight reporter Michael Crick tells the story of how Britain helped Israel build the bomb - without telling the Americans.[/b]

Documents uncovered by Newsnight in the British National Archives show how, in 1958, Britain agreed to sell Israel 20 tonnes of heavy water, a vital ingredient for the production of plutonium at Israel's top secret Dimona nuclear reactor in the Negev desert.

Robert McNamara, President John F Kennedy's defence secretary, has told Newsnight he is "astonished" at the revelation that Britain kept


Omrow has always been on the forum. We don't precisely know where Omrow comes from, what Omrow intends to do with himself for the next 40 years or precisely what events transpired to create an "Omrow"

I'm somewhat convinced Omrow isn't even a real name - based solely on the fact that it appears to be so rare that the only person with the name "Omrow" in all of Yahoo... is Omrow.

No two words can describe Omrow better than "Salaam, Omrow" - the formulaic beginning and end of all of his short double spaced posts.

We are all pretty sure that we like Omrow's presence even though we are never sure if he is being incredibly sarcastic - or is some sort of genius that we just don't quite understand.

Girls MUST Learn How To Cook

Says my gran each time I go and visit her-and whenever she finds out that I still only know how to make tea and boil rice she gets angry with me Cray 2

Anyways-this topic makes me laugh

I have a cousin around my age who is ALWAYS getting told off by her mum cos she don't know how to cook-apparently no guy will want to marry her :roll:

thats bull-she's pretty, religious and clever

her and her mum have massive kick off regarding cooking

cooking is not rocket science-if u can read and follow directions all u need to do is purchase a good cook book and ur sorted

ALSO boys s

Are You A User?


You know you get some people who on most days don’t want to know you but when they need you for help….or need you do something for them they suddenly remember you….And then after you’ve helped them out they do a disappearing act again.

Some people do this unintentionally whilst some don’t even realise that they do this…

It’s SO annoying and wrong.

Most of us are the same when it comes to our relationship with Allah (swt).

Anyone familiar with Liverpool?


I'm going to Liverpool for the first time tomorrow (won tickets to Anfield:) but I also wanted to see the 'Muslim' areas of the city, if indeed there were any.

Is anyone familiar with the city and can recommend areas to go to? Also does Liverpool have a main central mosque? Would love to visit it if there was.

Jz for help


Who wrote the Bible? by Reverend Brian Lewis (Church of Engl

Assalámu `alaykum wa rahmatulláhi wa barakátuhu .

I pray that you are under the shade of Allah's mercy,
in the circle of his generosity and in the remembrance
of his habib (saw)insha'Allah,

We would like to invite you to the following:


Islamic Circles Presents:


by Reverend Brian Lewis (Church of England)*

Date: Sunday 11th December 2005
Time: 11.00 am - 1.00 pm
Venue: Froud Centre, 1 Toronto Avenue, off Romford Road, Manor Park,
London, E12 5JF

We have all heard about in


[quote="yashmaki"]come off it judda wahabi...forgive me for laughing judda looool. Wahabis are known to be hardcore orthodox muslims. They are referrred to as salafis aswell. Ppl often call your regular muslim who prays daily, fasts in ramadan, does his pilgrimage etc wahabis.

In my mind they're on par with the salafi movement. Now Judda are you this sort of wahabi or have you got some other definition in mind?
