Forum Topics

10 misconception about women

As smart and capable as men can be, it's a wonder that most have yet to figure out women. To help, we approached a variety of women with some of the more common male perceptions of them and found out what they are really thinking. Though a highly subjective survey, here are some of the more interesting truths revealed from woman to man:




What do you think about David Blain who's spent nearly a week in a human aquarium?

David Blaine has almost completed his latest stunt - to spend a week underwater - which he'll round off with an attempt to hold his breath for nine minutes.

The illusionist is being kept alive with a mask and an air line, while food is being provided through a tube.

he has done many other stunts , so he is a great illusionist, magiican or just a nut case?




For the first time ever professionaly mastered CD's (Made in the UK) capturing the award winning voice of Afzal Noshahi are due to be released, book early to avoid dissappointment as only a limited number of copies are available


Sample TRACK


Too many desi's place so much emphasis on education and money. If your not educated or work in Asda they look at you as if your a piece of shit.
My dad was telling me that if you don't have a decent job then your nothing. He said that even in Mosques people don't listen to your opinions if you only work in Asda. I had trouble even considering presenting my ex to my parents because he had nothing going for him in "desi" standards. If a boy hasnt got money or a job no girl from this country will marry him.
Status and worth is only measured by success.


Hey everyone, I haven’t been on lately got I got loads of studying to do for my exams. So I probably wont be online that much.
I’m really scared for my exams. I’m so worried.
Pray for me please…
Bye for now

Chity Chity Bang Death

In Islam we are taught that all life is precious and death is simply the next step. Life and death is determined by God, destiny and your choices.

Life is something that God has bestowed upon mankind and only he can take it away. Dire consequences await those who break this law. Suicide is strictly forebidden and earns you a one way ticket to hell where you shall burn... and some other bad stuff.

So what exactly happens if you attempt suicide? But fail for whatever reason, is the punishment the same? but what about attempted murder? You tried... or thought about...

Imam training


interesting article in the times.

So how should scholars-to-be actually be trained?
What are Imams of 'back home' missing?
Do future Imams need to go on special courses or training?


Preacher training
Moderate imams are essential for moderate Islam[/b]

Our report that Muslims training to be imams at a college with links to Iran are using texts describing unbelievers as “filth” is deeply disturbing. Imams play a vital role in the spiritual education of young British Muslims.

women actresses- a good thing?


'I want to open people's minds'
Sara Kohal

Sara's aunt is an actress in Iran and inspired her
Sara Kohal is no ordinary aspiring actress. The 20-year-old wears the hijab, the traditional head-covering worn by many Muslim women.

She freely admits she is a wannabe, scrambling to get a foothold in a notoriously difficult profession.

But as a practising Muslim, she faces all sorts of obstacles when she portrays a character.

Morocco women preachers appointed


Morocco has appointed 50 women as state preachers for the first time as part of the government's drive to promote a more tolerant version of Islam.

The Islamic guides, called Mourchidats, will be able to give basic religious instruction in mosques.

But they will not be able to lead Friday prayers, which will remain a male preserve.

Since suicide bombers struck Casablanca in 2003, there has been a crackdown on suspected Islamic militants.

The country has also been attempting to modernise its human rights, especially for women, while not alienating conservative Muslims.

full article here:
