Forum Topics

Family Life


Do people ever owe anything to siblings?

If you have older brothers or sisters, do they owe you anything?

Do you owe younger siblings anything?

Do you have any rights over brothers and sisters? Do siblings have any rights over you?

Great Pyramids of erm... Bosnia?!?

Apparently it's a third bigger than the great pyramid at Giza, Egypt.

[quote][size=18]Experts Find Evidence of Bosnia Pyramid[/size]

VISOKO, Bosnia-Herzegovina - Researchers in Bosnia on Wednesday unearthed the first solid evidence that an ancient pyramid lies hidden beneath a massive hill — a series of geometrically cut stone slabs that could form part of the structure's sloping surface.

Archaeologists and other experts began digging into the sides of the mysterious hill near the central Bosnian town of Visoko last week.

The Brokeback Mountain Culture - From Sin, to Culture

LOL, thought it would b a funny name to discuss the topic...

Today, i met ma cuzn, n his mates. His friends, one was a very liberal Muslim, one a non-muslim. We sat at ma cuznbs house n ma czn goes to get sumin from the shop.

So its me n ma cuzns mate. N sumhow, the conversation turns into "wat u think of gay people".

The non-muslim has a gay cousin, n thinks its the 21st century n it should b allowed, u shudnt look down upon it. he asks my view, n i smile n tell him im a muslim, n my religion dictates my life, n I explain in detail, how n why gayness is not allowed. I could hav jus told him my feelings, n how sick it makes me, n how i make fun of gay's etc, altho i kno i shudnt, but i felt like giving a proper answer..



Many Muslims commemorate the month of Rabil ul Awal because this was the month in which the Beloved Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam (Peace and Blessings be upon him) was born.

Dates/time in Islam is incredibility important. Friday is another important day for Muslims…it was on this day Prophet Adam (as) was created and on this day the Day of Judgement will take place.

It was on Friday that the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam (Peace and Blessings be upon him) said “This day, I have completed your religion for you”.

Daroods are presented to the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam (Peace and Blessings be upon him) and on this day and during this day there is an hour in which dua’s are ALWAYS accepted.

Cherie Blair spent over £7k on hair last elections!

[quote][size=18]Labour defends Cherie's hair bill[/size]

he Labour Party has defended reports Cherie Blair left it with a £7,700 bill for a personal hair stylist at the last general election.

Details of the spend were revealed in party accounts handed over to the Electoral Commission, the Times said.

The money was paid for Mrs Blair's personal hairdresser to keep her immaculately groomed during her husband's election campaign in 2005.

A Labour spokeswoman said: "So what?..we won the election."

According to the figures, Mrs Blair's hairstyling cost £275 per day for the month lead

Love Thy MSN

The general stupudity of some people never ceases to amaze me and with technology becoming more available to average joe, they just find more and more ways of doing something stupid.

I have MSN messenger on my computer that i use to check if i have new mail or if a friends online to chat to (one or two of them live pretty far hardly ever get to catch up). But a few days ago someone added my email to their friends list and there4 showed up on my msn messenger aswell. Ofcourse i accepted...

I am Seraph, Hear Me Roar!

Hi all,

what i really dislike in some people is them bragging about themselves e.g. Oh im soo rich... ive got the latest shoes... oh my dads owns a huge mansion... ive got a mercades.... my son has a first class degree in blah blah blah! What is it with people who like to blow their own horn?

And if it was just people who bragged about their everyday stuff like above, id just ignore it as their mindless ranting.

Chatting To Members Of The Opposite Sex And Your Parents


So…could you speak to members of the opposite sex in front of your parents?

If I’m ever speaking to a member of an opposite sex, I often ask myself….could I have also carried out this conversation if my parents were with me?

I’m not speaking about undercover relationships, or flirting etc cos none of us should be doing that anyway….I’m speaking about work matters, matters relating to School/uni, or general friends of the family….

The *ALL NEW* Revival Homepage


The other topic has got pretty big, and is going over too many diferent itterations of the homepage to be useful.

In short, The new homepage has been up for a few weeks now. The relief that I actually finished it is over. I can see way too many faults in it.

However, I want to know what faults others see in it, as because I am so close to its creation, my flaws may be diferent from what others see.

Currently what I think are the problems:

1. Its too amateurish. Great ideas with very poor execution. No finesse.
