Forum Topics

PREPARING FOR RAMADAN By Shaykh Dr. Riyad Nadwi (Oxford)*

The Canary Wharf Muslim Association (WharfMA) Presents:

PREPARING FOR RAMADAN By Shaykh Dr. Riyad Nadwi (Oxford)*

Date: Wednesday 20th September 2006
Time: 6.15pm - 7.15pm
Venue: The Idea Store Canary Wharf, Churchill Place,
Canary Wharf, London E14 5RB

No one can go anywhere without preparation, and no
one invites a guest without preparing to welcome
him/her. Similarly, to welcome Ramadan, the month
of fasting, one has to prepare. With Ramadan
less than few weeks away, just how does one prepare ?



It seems the bloodshed is continuing. It has been a year or so since this incident was first highlighted.

But it is not getting any real coverage.

Arab Sudanese are at war with non-arab sudanese. Well not at war really since the government is arab sudabnese, and the non-arabs have very little apart from some millitia's.

Many many people have already died. Many many more will die before anything is done.

This is another black mark on the Muslim World. Where is the Arableague? OiC?

The 'evil West' seems to have realised the seriousness of the issue and is pressing it at the UN.

Even George Clooney has got into the act!

U know ur lazy when..

1-u get ur 7year old sister to make u tea

2-dad/mum tells u to do sumin-which u tell ur baby sis to do instead

3-When you pretend you don't hear someone so u dont have to do what they are asking u to do

4-u dont hoover ur car but instead hide the mess by placing car rugs over the floor

5-you pretend that you didn't hear the phone ring/door bell so that you wouldn't have to get it.

add ur own Dirol

Muslim anger grows at Pope speech

[b]Muslim anger grows at Pope speech [/b]

A statement from the Vatican has failed to quell criticism of Pope Benedict XVI from Muslim leaders, after he made a speech about the concept of holy war.

Speaking in Germany, the Pope quoted a 14th Century Christian emperor who said Muhammad had brought the world only "evil and inhuman" things.

read in full here

pls share your views

Birmingham - Men and Women of Substance Sat 16th Sept 6pm



Under the presidentship of principal of Darul Uloom
Hazrat Maulana Dr. Abdur Rahim

* Sheikh Zaheer
* Maulana Shahrul Hussain
* Maulana Abdul Subhan
* Maulana Abdur Rahim Uddin

Saturday 16th September 2006, 6pm onwards

Jami Mosque and Islamic Centre
527 Coventry Road, Small Heath, Birmingham, B10 OLL
0121 772 6408


kids arent actually TAUGHT grammar in schools-they learn grammar by being corrected on their mistakes

(i learnt that thru studying PGCE textbooks-i read anything 8))

some kids have atrocious grammar

e.g "i onned the light", "I rided the bike", "i ated crisps"

word pronounciation is terrible too

e.g "fillum for film" or "crips for crisps"

add ur own

help me out!

i'm reli confused at the moment in which two of the A levels sociology or psychology to pick

iv'e had a feel of teh two bt i still canot make my mind up

just wondering what u guys thought is better of the two which one of teh subjects is more intresting and worth while studying?

ur responses will be much appercaited

if u could simply just write down teh subject u think is worth while stuyding? Smile
