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An Open Letter to the British Home Secretary

Established 1981
London School of Islamics
An Educational Trust
63 Margery Park Road London E7 9LD
Tel/Fax: 0208 555 2733 / 07817 112 667

An Open Letter to the British Home Secretary
The home secretary has braved a critical audience to call on Muslim parents to do more in the battle against terrorism. He asked to look for the “tell-tale signs” in their children and intervene if they suspect they are being influenced by extremists. Islam was being perverted by “fanatics” exploiting young people.

Thousands at city's anti-war demo

[size=18]Thousands at city's anti-war demo[/size]

Thousands of anti-war protesters have gathered in Manchester for what organisers said was "one of the biggest mobilisations outside London".

Demonstrators are protesting against Government policies in the Middle East and nuclear weapons, on the eve of the Labour Party conference in the city.

The theme is "Time To Go" - a call to get troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan.

Police estimated 20,000 people were taking part. Stop The War Coalition had said it had expected about 100,000.

Muslim Marriage database

Just to let people know that there is a Muslim Marriage Database that has been set up by a group of sisters and brothers

If you are interested and wish to have your profile circulated on the database, please email us and request a registration form

This database is open to any Muslim looking to get married.

Brothers should email:

Sisters should email:

Ramadan Banners

Anyone want to make any banners for Ramadan?

Show your creative side?

The size would be 728 pixels long, 90 pixels high.

The banners will be used as 'adverts' for ramadan on the site.

So put any saying, hadith, or something related onto a banner, and if I like any I will use them. (if you want fame, put your name or something in a small size on bottom right corner.)

'US 'threatened to bomb' Pakistan'

[quote][size=18]US 'threatened to bomb' Pakistan[/size]

The United States threatened to bomb Pakistan "back to the stone age" unless it joined the fight against al-Qaeda, President Pervez Musharraf says.

General Musharraf said the warning was delivered by former Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage to Pakistan's intelligence director.

"I think it was a very rude remark," Mr Musharraf told CBS television.

Pakistan agreed to side with the US, but Gen Musharraf said it did so based on his country's national interest.

"One has to think and take actions in the interest of the n

I should be studying...


How many people come here when they should be studying? Or at work? Or someplace else?

I never, ever used the computers at Uni when I was doing my degree, but now I find myself logging in during our boring ICT lessons (which is a core subject now in schools) and typing really lightly when the lecturers back is turned.

I'm the queen of procrastination....I switch the computer on to do some research or type up an assignment and I find myself wondering here....

Feel free to join me here when you really should be elsewhere doing something else.....



The other weapon of the USA
and its allies


THE new threat of a "terrorist attack" is intimidating the world. But:
whose interests does "international terrorism" really serve?

While the world was gradually beginning to question the Israeli
offensive in the Lebanon in the face of so much destruction and the
civilian deaths, something has occurred that is beyond any coincidence
and has arrived at an opportune moment to justify the so-called "war on
terrorism" implemented by the United States and its allies.

70 Excuses


It is said that if we see our Muslim brother/sister doing something wrong, we should make 70 excuses for their actions.

Imam Abu Hanifah said that if someone possesses 99 signs of Kufr, and only one sign of being a good person, we have no right to label him/her as a bad person.

Badgamani (suspicion) in Islam is a sin. Also, false accusations (slander) is a huge sin in Islam…some say that it is considered worse than adultery.
