Forum Topics

Death penalty for Saddam Hussein

[color=green][b]Saddam Hussein has been convicted of crimes against humanity and sentenced to death by hanging.[/b]

The former Iraqi president was convicted by a Baghdad court for his role in the killing of 148 people in the mainly Shia town of Dujail in 1982.

His half brother Barzan al-Tikriti was also sentenced to death, as was Iraq's former chief judge Awad Hamed al-Bandar

Former Vice-President Taha Yassin Ramadan got life in jail and three others received 15 year prison terms.

Another co-defendant, Baath party official Mohammed Azawi Ali, was acquitted.

Iraqi Prime Minister

The Revival Turkey of the Year 2006


Its that award again when you get to choose who you think has been the biggest enemy of Islam and the Mulims this year?
Who's been the biggest Islamophobe?
Who's done the most damage?
Who has done his best to attack Islam and the Muslims?
Who's let the Muslims down- big time?

Vote now.... by naming your Turkey here or by emailing:

The Turkey of the Year 2006 will be named in the December issue of The Revival


What would you Spam the Revival With?

How come the spammers here aren't geered toward products Muslims would be interested in?

Like if I were going to spam a Muslim Youth website I think it would be like "Prayer Rugs" "Free Nasheeds!!!" things of that nature.

Hey Mods after you delete Potedder's post could you take this post and turn it into it's own thread called "What would you Spam the Revival With??"

That way we can all discuss what products we might advertise...

The Veil

This is a post directed mainly to [color=blue]Muslims.[/color]

Whether you believe the veil is a must or Hijab will suffice, the only reason people can interfere with this (such a sensitive Islamic matter) is because the collective Ummah can’t decide which the correct way is.

In turn, room is given for non-Muslims to conjure an argument that it is not necessary. [color=blue]In essence, non-Muslims are teaching us about our religion.[/color]

Reaching a common ground is never easy with today’s Muslims. What we must consider are the sisters who wear the veil. It is their choice.

talking to a boy/girl

Hi i'm abit confused well kinda 50/50 on the subject, its regarding talking to the opposite sex,anyway the situation is that most of my mates they talk to girls vice versa but i dont really participate when i do its only when its relevant or that its necessary other than that i dont really chat/talk to the opposite sex, my question is that is it permisable to talk to the other sex as in the situation were its for educational purposes-like your only intention to speak to them was regarding that and that you do not talk about anything else as for distraction wise-because recently i've been havin
