Forum Topics

Space belongs to USA



President Bush has signed a new National Space Policy that rejects future arms-control agreements that might limit U.S. flexibility in space and asserts a right to [b]deny access to space to anyone "hostile to U.S.

University in Egypt embroiled in battle of the veil

University in Egypt embroiled in battle of the veil

Former Islamic law dean says Koran does not say women must cover faces, it's old Bedouin tradition.
By Alain Navarro - HELWAN, Egypt

Egyptian students whose faces are completely hidden behind the veil have been banished from the residence halls at Helwan University under threat of expulsion in what could be called the battle of the veil.

"They say nothing to indecent girls, but we -- the daughters of Islam -- are being hounded," protests 21-year-old student Iman Ahmed. Only her eyes are showing through the slit in her black face veil, called a niqab.

did israel withdraw from gaza completely??

"TheRevivalEditor" wrote:
"TEX" wrote:
"TEX" wrote:
did israel withdraw from gaza `completely`??

answer ma q

this is revival feeedback thread, u wanna discuss israel, go on to relevent thread.



and 100 i shall let u off wid not answering ma questions - it was pretty obvious u was never gonna.


da BNP.

my teacher sed dat da BNP can ONLY kick out any1 that is NOT born here. Most of us in the forum are born here.

But i thought BNP could kick out ALL ethnic minorities. Fool

Fool I is confused. Fool

Sajid Iqbal

Ed has been Ed for 10 years

mashallah that is a long time :o ....

I thought i would create this thread for everyone to show thier appreciation for all the hard work he has done.

I would like to give saj a big fat JazakAllahkhair for all he has done Blum 3

Saj deaseves a big, fat thankyou from everyone on da forum,

and girls try not to get too excited :twisted:

ladz keep it short and sweet

xXxXxXxXx for ED Wink
