Forum Topics

Have Salafis Taken over the Muslim World & Muslim Commun

Have Salafis Taken over the Muslim World and Muslim Communities.

Question from answerd by mufti ibn adam.. thought id put it up as i felt the same way.

I live in England and I feel very depressed. Everywhere I go, I seem to only meet salafis and salafi inclined people. I have been searching for a wife for the past two years, but I find a similar result there.

This has left me feeling very isolated and confused.

My life as a Muslim teenager

Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatu,

I'm new here. Insha'Allah I'll post an introduction-post.

I feel often very bored. It's like Islam makes your life (especially when you're in puberty) very boring. Sometimes I'm thinking about dating with girls and having fun etc.

Please help me. How should I be a practising Muslim? How should I solve this problem?

Thanks in advance.

Wa Salaam Alaikum,

Mohammed Azam

any regrets?

if you could could turn back time, is there anything you would have done differently?

I've just read this topic on another site!!! And thought I'd bring it up here.

My thoughts??
Well I wouldn't turn back the time, coz life is now better than ever. allhamdulillah! I had a tough childhood, but now allah has given me all that I ever dreamed off.

Although college days were great!! And those of you who are still there......make the most of these days!

Joint statement about the veil from Muslim groups, scholars

Joint statement about the veil from Muslim groups, scholars and leaders
All praise is due to Allah and may His peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family and all his Companions.

In light of the ongoing debate over the veil and the comments made by Jack Straw and others, we the undersigned would like to present the following important advice to the Muslim community here in the UK, irrespective of school of thought, sect or organisation.

The Muslim community should remain united regardless of its differences and opinions about the veil.

two or more wives?


Please back me up!!! my husband says it is ok in Islam to have a second wife!! Yes I know it is, but is it that simple? Can the man just go and get married? Without permission? Is it that simple? If so, then that is so unfair on the woman! I thought we had rights!

We've always had debates on this topic!! I've told him that it's impossible to treat two or more wives equally! And if that is the case, then it wouldn't be allowed! AND HE AGREES WITH THIS TOO!

What do you guys think?

Press Release

Established 1981
London School of Islamics
An Educational Trust
63 Margery Park Road London E7 9LD
Tel/Fax: 0208 555 2733 / 07817 112 667

Press Release
A bilingual Muslim teaching assistant suspended for refusing to remove her veil in class should be sacked, a local government minister said. She said her pupil were happy with her and never complained about the veil. She said she would remove the veil, but not in front of male colleagues.

wots in a name?

Not sure if this has been discussed b4! if it has.then sorry for bringing it up AGAIN!!

are there certain names that we should NOT name a child? There is one name that I want to ask about. Malaika.Meaning angel. My little girl is called Malaika. But lately I've had someone say that we should not have named her this. what do you guys think?
