Forum Topics

I Crown Ye "TEX"

I'm so very happy to inform everyone that I am going to honor a special member of this forum with the name "Tex."

As many of you may know "Tex" was the name I gave to former member(s) "exHT" who, because of his particular love of America and American culture, vastly appreciated being named after the state that best stereotypes American virtues:


For several years the Tex crown has remained vacant - much to our dismay - but recently we've gained a new member who shares some of the same... unusual...

Questions regarding Shi'ism

i'm sure most sunni muslims are in the dark with regards to many shi'a practices. being ignorant about something often makes one more prejudiced, so now that we have a shi'a member on the forum, maybe it will do us all good to pose any queries we have to him.

other threads in which myself and other members posed questions have been locked, so i want to outline some rules for this thread:

- No Shi'a-bashing.
- No sahaba-bashing!

DM Islam and "The Message"

I have breifly watched DM Islam of late, and noticed that DM ISlam is holding a "Phone-in" vote as to whether the film "The Message" should be shown or not. Many sunni muslims oppose the showing of the film while many adherents of the shia creed vote in favour.

The reasoning as to why some sunni muslims opopose the film is because they say that the film insults some sahaba, especially Amir Muawiyah (RAH). Whereas the shia negate this.

Anyhow, who has seen the film? and who reckons the film should be shown or not shown from this forum? Simple Yes/No................NO Shia/Sunni bashing.


our elders are always giving us pearls of wisdoms

so use this thread to post what ur mama always told u to do.

i'l start

-no friends are better then bad friends

-early to bed. early to rise. makes a man healthy wealthy and wise,

-apple a day keeps the doctor away

-u should look after ur brother :roll:

-no point of ur namaaz when u break someones heart (usually after ive made my baby sis cry)

-do u have to be asked? cant u just do it?

-if u help others Allah will help u

-aim high

add ur own

Nahj-us-Salamah at London

As-salâmu `alaykum

Minhaj-ul-Quran International London Presents:

(sallallahu `alayhi wa sallam)

“(O belover Prophet Muhammad) We have raised high your remembrance for your sake.” (Quran, 94:4)

Gift of the Night: Special viewing of the Blessed Hair of the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam (Peace and Blessings be upon him)

Guest Speakers from all over the world:
* Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani (Lebanon)
* Shaykh Muhammad Sadiq Qureshi (The Minhaj-ul-Qur’an International University)
* Shaykh Abdul-Hakim Murad (Cambridge, UK)
* Shaykh Ahmad Alawi (son of Sayyid Muhammad Alawi al-Maliki – Makka Mukarrama, Saud

'Dangerous' Hijaabs

Five young teams from across Canada walked out of a Quebec soccer tournament Sunday because a young Muslim girl was ejected for wearing a hijab.

"The referee was staring and pointing. 'She can't play,'" said Asmahan, Asi to her friends. "I was like why? Why can't I play?"

Because of a safety rule, league spokesman Lyes Arfa said. He pointed out that the referee is Muslim himself, and that the ban on hijabs is to protect children from being accidentally strangled.

"We have to protect the players on the field, and that's the main point. It's not against the Muslims."

It's just a piece of material, it can't do any harm," added Alicia Stainton
