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The History of Islam in Africa Sat 5th- Sun 6th May 2007

Looking at the life and times of Shk Uthman Dan Fodio.

A two day course delivered by Dr Abdullah Hakim Quick:

A thought provoking two day lecture that traces the existence of monotheism in Africa from it's earliest times. Dr Quick follows the spread of Islam from the coming of last Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) to the present day focussing on the life and times of the great scholar and reviver Shk Uthman Dan Fodio. This course is critical for young scholars of the African renaissance and those interested in truly understanding the Islamic phenomena on this phenomenal continent.

Sat 5th – Sun 6th May 2007 10 am to 5 pm (LONDON)

Queries Regarding Prophet Noah (Alaih Assalaam)

assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatu,

As a convert to Islam, much of my understanding of the earlier Prophets are informed through Christian and Jewish teachings (although I was a staunch atheist, I was reasonably familiar with many of the famous stories).

This has been very useful to me since becoming Muslim, firstly because I didn't have loads of 'new' history to learn, and also because we believe that the Qu'ran was sent to confirm and correct the previous Books of God (swt).

I have recently come into a spot of bother regarding the story of the Prophet Noah [Nuh] (as) , as

Why hijab is hated

I believe that Islamic values on respect for women are far higher than western values.

West has abandoned all sense of shame. They exploit the bodies of their mothers daughters and sisters. They have long ago stopped wearing modest clothes.

[edit] and others are actually quite scared of Muslim women wearing Hijab. It reminds them how disgraceful their own women really are. This makes them angry at dignified appearance of Muslim females.

That is the real reason.

5 Differences between the Mujahideen and the 15 British Sail

5 Differences between the Mujahideen and the 15 British Sailors
By Showkat Ali

1. The British sailors surrendered because they said they were outnumbered and out gunned and they had no choice and did the right thing.

The Mujahideen are fighting foreign occupation despite being outnumbered and outgunned they continue to fight and very rarely surrender.

2. The British sailors will sell their stories to the newspapers for 6 figure sums and get rich in the process.

Little Mosque on the Prairie

The series focuses on the Muslim population of the fictional rural prairie town of Mercy, the show derives much of its humour from the interactions of the Muslims with the non-Muslim townspeople of Mercy and by the contrast of conservative Islamic views with more liberal interpretations.

You catch some of the episodes on [url=]youtube [/url]...

ive watched some of it .... and its as funny as hell...

Although i do have to warn you:
1) Dont expect strict following of Islam...

Hubble Bubble Shisha Trouble

Heres the article i was reading a while back... thought it relavant to the smoking ban thingy... anyway enjoy:

Cairo's popular waterpipes (Shisha) no safer than cigarettes

Thu Mar 15, 9:56 AM ET

A single session smoking Egypt's popular shisha waterpipes yields a nicotine intake equivalent to more than one pack of cigarettes, the World Health Organization said on Wednesday.

Many Egyptians smoke shisha in the belief that forcing the smoke through the pipes' water container filters out some of the toxins in the nicotine. Not so, according to Hussein Gezairy, Regional Director for the World Health Organization.

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