Biography of Shaykh `Abdallah Sirajuddin

[i]The Syrian city of Aleppo is famous for its rich history of Islamic scholarship; hence, it is often referred to as ‘the city of scholars’. Aleppo is the cradle of many pious and leading scholars of Islam. Amongst them was the Friend and Gnostic of Allah `azza wa-jall, `Allama `Abdallah Sirajuddin al-Husayni radiallahu `anhu, an extraordinary scholar who dedicated his entire life to the service of Islam.[/i]

For his full biography, click on his name below and repeat this on the website:

[b][url= `Abdallah Sirajuddin[/url][/b]
[i]The light of Aleppo[/i]

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Shaykh Shoayb Ahmad has written a biography of his father [i]radiallahu `anhu[/i], which can be found at

[i]He was Muhammad Najīb Ibn al-Hāj Muhammad Ibn al-Hāj Yūsuf Sirājuddīn, an erudite scholar of hadīth, tafsīr, fiqh, usūl and `ilm al-kalām. The great Imām was born in 1857 (1274H), after his father had received glad tidings in a dream of his son's birth. His father had seen Shaykh Ahmad al-Tirmanīnī who made him wear his turban. Shaykh Muhammad's father related his dream to Shaykh Ahmad who told him that a son would be born to him who will eventually wear the turban. After Shaykh Muhammad Najīb's birth, his father took him to Shaykh Ahmad who made du`a for the child.[/i]

[b][url= Muhammad Najib Sirajuddin al-Husayni[/url][/b]

His book, a unique collection of biographies of almost 150 `Ulema of the past century including Shaykh Muhammad Najib, will be available on very soon insha’allah.
