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Benazir Bhutto Assassinated: Pakistan into the abyss?

Pakistani former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto has been killed in a presumed suicide attack, a spokesman for the Pakistan People's Party (PPP) says.

Other reports said Ms Bhutto had only been injured and taken to hospital.

Ms Bhutto had just addressed a rally of PPP supporters in the town of Rawalpindi when the rally was hit by a blast.

At least 15 other people are reported killed in the attack.

Ms Bhutto has twice been the country's prime minister and was campaigning ahead of elections due in January.

Terrorist V Terrorism

Terrorist V Terrorism
According to British writer and lecturer, Karen Armstrong, the west is deeply Islamophobic and the Islamophobia is the result of a long process of prejudice, dating back to the Crusades. The recent events have strengthened the prejudiced belief that “Islam is the religion of the sword”. Islamophobia can manifest itself directly in verbal or physical attacks on Muslims but also indirectly in negative images of Muslims presented by the media. Islamophobia was worsened by anti-Islamic policies, publications and activities in Europe and the US.

Maradona and the Mullahs

Maradona and the Mullahs

DIEGO Maradona is stepping up his campaign against the world's superpower with the news he wants to meet with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

Maradona, an outspoken critic of George Bush, gave a signed shirt to an Iranian diplomat after a match in Buenos Aires on Saturday. The 47-year-old is an admirer of Cuban leader Fidel Castro and left-wing Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez "I've already met Fidel and Chavez, now I need to meet your president Ahmadinejad.

'Atheistic fundamentalism' fears

[quote][size=18]'Atheistic fundamentalism' fears[/size]

The Archbishop of Wales, Dr Barry Morgan, has described a rise in "fundamentalism" as one of the great problems facing the world.

He focused on what he described as "atheistic fundamentalism".

He said it led to situations such as councils calling Christmas "Winterval", schools refusing to put on nativity plays and crosses removed from chapels.

In his Christmas message, he said: "Any kind of fundamentalism, be it Biblical, atheistic or Islamic, is dangerous."

The archbishop said "atheistic fundamentalism" was a new phenomeno

Humour 'comes from testosterone'

Very interesting article:

[size=18]Humour 'comes from testosterone'[/size]

Men are naturally more comedic than women because of the male hormone testosterone, an expert claims.

Men make more gags than women and their jokes tend to be more aggressive, Professor Sam Shuster, of Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital, says.

The unicycling doctor observed how the genders reacted to his "amusing" hobby.

Women tended to make encouraging, praising comments, while men jeered. The most aggressive were young men, he told the British Medical Journal.

Previous findings have suggested women and men differ in how they use and appreciate humour.
